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Visualiminal – Natural Genius

[3 DVDs – MP4 (HD)]



Please don’t share outside elib.techZengun Scheele Talks about Visualiminals VISUALIMINAL TECHNOLOGYCutting-edge subliminal technology for the 21st centuryNATURAL GENIUS – BENEFITS    * Instantly increase in IQ through scientifically proven positive mindset priming    * Increase memory skills and strategies through implicit learning    * Programs mindset for optimal learning at accelerated levels    * Relaxes user into alpha frequency for optimal learning    * The time period of main programs (20 mins) designed for optimal learning / study session    * Easily plays in background while working or playing (studying/learning/revising for maximum results)    * Ideal for creative brainstorming and problem solving    * Great tool for creative meetings to group for innovative mindsets    * Soothing soundtrack is great for study and relaxationFor 80-100% recall while studying or reviewing material:   1. Play Natural Genius Signatures in the background and use it as a timer.   2. Take a 5 minute break each main program cycle (20 min).   3. After your break begin the program again, and look over/lightly review material that you covered in the last session for the first 5 min. Then start the rest of the study material.   4. Repeat this three times then take a 20 min break.Want use Visualiminals on your computer and work on your computer at the same time?Simply play Natural Genius Signatures as a smaller window on the screen… In fact you can download a FREE VLC Media Player that lets you play the Visualiminals as a small screen in your computer & has a great function called ‘Always On top’ so that you can have it playing in the corner of your computer screen whether you are relaxing or working on the computer.NATURAL GENIUS – FEATURES1. Signatures (Duration: 20 mins)This program contains all the Power Affirmations at an audio and visual level and uses state of the art technology to put the user into a pleasant alpha state to enhance activation of the subliminal affirmations. Perfect for more intense experience when used with headphones.2. Booster Signatures (Duration: 3 mins)              An accelerated 3-minute version of the main signatures program. It contains all the Power Affirmations at an audio and visual level to let your subconscious mind download the Power Affirmations in a short session.Gives immediate short-term benefit, eg before a business or sales meeting – or can be used as a ‘top up’ once the full program has been experienced.3. Perpetual Signatures (Duration: Continuous)             This relaxing program featuring awe inspiring vistas can be left playing in the background continuously with or with out audio to let your peripheral vision and your unconscious mind soak in the Power Affirmations while you carry out your daily tasks.Subliminal messagesWe are at the mercy of subliminal advertising. Not because of ‘hidden messages’, but because the constant bombardment seeps in to influence our subconscious.Now visualiminals allow you to use this same technique to take control of your subconscious – the most powerful and advanced biological computer in the known universe.Visualiminals are revolutionary programs which allow you to align the infinite power of your subconscious with achieving your greatest desires.The visualiminal PowerSignatures program uses state-of-the-art research and technology to relax your brain into the joyous alpha brainwaves which are the optimal state for receiving subliminal affirmations.These proven positive messages have been skilfully designed to directly stimulate your subconscious to perceive, conceive and achieve a life of abundance and wealth.It’s so easy. Just enjoy the full entrainment ‘Prosperity Signatures’ program with its aesthetically animated visuals carefully interwoven with audio and visual affirmations while your subconscious receives the full benefit of the entrainment. You can play it as the ‘Background’ program as often as you like while you get on with your life. The more you use it, the greater the success.With the visualiminal Prosperity Signatures program, you too can have the life of prosperity, abundance and wealth you desireWhat is visualiminal technology?Visualiminal technology works on multiple levels since it combines the results of three distinctive areas of research: preconscious processing, mirror neurons, and brainwave entrancement.A subtle combination of specially designed graphics and sounds use the mind’s natural frequency to take your brainwaves into the comfortable relaxed state which is optimal for deep learning. In scientific terms, this state of pleasantly relaxed alertness is known as the alpha brainwave rhythm (approx. 7-13 Hz). NB This also acts as the equivalent of a ‘brain tune-up’ resulting in intelligence amplification, which is experienced as faster cognitive functioning.The graphics are aesthetically-animated positive visual messages which mesh subtly with audioliminal messages. All the messages have been designed to be understood by the other-than-conscious mind (ie superconscious, subconscious or preconscious). Although you may consciously hear or understand only individual words, the whole message is piped into the most effective area of your mind. Bypassing the conscious gatekeeper (the critical filter), the messages are hardwired as  ‘conscious competence’ (a.k.a mastery) and will immediately work to highlight the perceptions, skills and abilities necessary to achieve your desired goals. Read more the research on the subliminalsThe visualiminal and audioliminal messages themselves are created within a Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) framework to immediately engage the immense resources of the other-than-conscious mind. The results surface and manifest as new opportunities, skills and abilities, as the limiting beliefs about what can be achieved fall away


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