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Vince Delmonte & Drew Canole – Get Juiced

Get Juiced
[7 MP4s, 1MP3, 6PDFs]


Sales Page is here: Accelerate your gains by resetting your digestion with “super nutrient uploads”? Yes, and more!Here’s How ALL NATURAL Guys Are Looking & Feeling juiced up!By Building Ripped Muscle & Shredding Fat Immediately, Without Wasting ANYMORE Money on Pricey Pills, Powders or Potions!Best Of All, These Delicious 5 Minute Juicing Recipes Deliver A Nutrient-Dense Energy Boost, Laser-Like Focus, Enhanced Sex-Drive & Unstoppable Motivation to Rule Your Body and Life!Did you know that unless you’re consuming at least 10-15 cups of fruits and vegetables every single day, you’re missing out on the most ESSENTIAL micronutrients you need to fully absorb all the food you’re eating and spending your hard earned money on? In reality, you’re mostly just “crapping cash” and peeing out expensive urine.  It’s true. Research any scientific journal and you’ll learn that if you do not absorb what you’re eating, you lose, which means you’ll remain small and weak.Did you know that you can reset your digestion and maximize absorption with SUPER NUTRIENT UPLOADS, in just five minutes a day? This means you build a bigger body making you look great in any clothing. Now, we understand you might be supplementing with an expensive greens powder or multivitamin, but we’re here to tell you, after working with more than 1 million people combined, introducing super nutrient uploads to your day is the easiest, cheapest and fastestmethod for building a strong and healthy body women are attracted to and men admire.   Did you know that most people have radically altered and damaged their metabolism from a lifetime of processed, boxed and packaged fake “food products” that are LOADED with hidden chemicals and obesity additives? So when they decide to start eating healthy whole foods, all the necessary and beneficial ingredients are wasted because they’re not digested OR absorbed (even if it’s expensive organic food)? THE #1 PROBLEM ROBBING YOUR GAINS?Resetting the digestive systemThe reason you’re not seeing dramatic muscle gains and faster fat loss, even if you bust your ass in the gym day after day and eat right, is because you need to reset your digestion system.Imagine paying for premium gas in your sports car week after week and never changing the oil. Your 300 horsepower Lamborghini just turned into a 100 horsepower Honda Civic!Get it?Let me be crystal clear: It doesn’t matter how clean you eat or how smart you train, you’ll NEVER see results without adequate absorption of the nutrients you take in.SO HOW CAN YOU PERFORM AN INTERNAL metaBOLIC OIL CHANGE ON YOUR BODY?BY AVOIDING THESE FIVE PROBLEMS…Here Are The 4 Hidden Internal Obstacles Robbing You Of A Lean, Confident & Muscular Body That Men Envy & Women Admire…Obstacle 1: You’ve been focused on macros and missing out on micros and it’s stopping your gainsWe bodybuilders are all over our macronutrients. Those of us who are really serious can tell you how many grams of protein, fat and carbs we’ve eaten on any given day. We know when we should eat the most protein, when we need the carbs, which fats are best for us and how to tweak our diets based on whether we’re cutting, bulking or maintaining.This is all important stuff to know and the macronutrients are the foundations of our diets, but they are not the end of the story. We focus so much on the best protein sources and can spend hours researching the different types, but when it comes to vegetables and fruits, we simply eat what we like and skip what we don’t. Even the vegetables and fruits we do like don’t show up on our plates nearly as much as they should.Because very few bodybuilders eat 10-15 servings of fruits and vegetables daily, we spend a fortune on nutritional supplements to get the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other micronutrients we need. Unfortunately, the micronutrients in supplements are less bio-available than those you get from whole, fresh fruits and vegetables, so you end up with far less of them in your bloodstream than you think. You’re also spending a lot of money for that less-than-ideal supplement.The problem is that without sufficient amounts of these micronutrients, you’re not going to get the massive gains you want and you are not going to see optimal fat loss either.The best source of every micronutrient (with the exception of B-12, which is only found in animal products and fortified grains) is a plant food. But, you have to get plenty of those plant foods into your body every day and that’s something most of us fail to do.Another aspect to this obstacle is that when we do eat fresh fruits and vegetables, we do it based on what we like or what’s on sale at the store. Very often, that means that our intake is limited to three, four or five favorites (or things we tolerate) so we get a decent supply of a few vitamins and minerals and miss out completely on the rest. How many of you know which vegetable is best for getting which nutrient? Eating fresh fruits and vegetables is like writing yourself a prescription, if you know what you’re doing.Once you know what each vitamin or mineral can do for you and which fresh plant foods have the best supply, you can address any concern, need or issue your body has, from the common cold to testosterone production and muscle recovery.


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