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Vin DiCarlo – Pandora Box phD program Month 6 Jessica Your Private Dancer TDR

Jessica Your Private Dancer TDR Month 6
[4 MP4 + 1 PDF]



[quote] Video 1 Shy girls open up, Jessica discusses how to start dressing to attract more female attention, she talks about blind dates and what topics RED FLAGS for women! Video 2Free dates to take women on, how to carry yourself… (even if you’re not a tall guy) conversation starters, and her SECRET desire! Video 3Jessica talks about exotic vacations, how to start conversations with TDR’s (or more generally, realists) and romantic fantaises! Video 4Jessica talks about reading body language, how to get phone numbers, and how BEST to make a good impression, sexually.[/quote] Rambling of each week Week #21What’s Coming Next Week…What’s Coming Next Week…Next week is your second interview with JESSICA, our TDR Your Private Dancer. You’ll Discover:    * CARRY YOURSELF LIKE THIS: Hold your body.. and your mind… this way, to turn a woman like Jessica on! (You’ll seem like a hero from one of her favorite movies!)    * TRY THIS “F WORD”… And say it loud and proud, when you’re with a woman. It’s 5 letters, and proven to attract her in seconds! (In fact, this is what those “Wall Street Millionaires” have… but you don’t need the money!)    * HOW TO BE HER “FAVORITE GUY” Every woman has a favorite boyfriend. Here’s what she looks for… and… How YOU can be that man, in her life! (It’s as easy as breathing, when you know what to do…)    * HER BRAND NEW “TOY”… Give her this kind of new, exciting fun and she’ll stick with you forever – no matter what! (And the sex will be amazing, as well)    * FREE DATES THAT KICK ASS: Three free dates that women will love – Jessica even adds a few “spicy” details… (And they work in the country, in the city, where ever!)    * KICK-START A CONVERSATION: Here’s the quickest, easiest way to get a woman like Jessica to blossom into a friendly conversation… (And topics to AVOID, if you want to date her!)    * WHAT IF YOU’RE NOT 6-FEET TALL? Bad news: You’ve got to “get over” your height… however… Here’s how you can make her ignore your stats, and focus on your personality! (Simply change this one thing about you..)    * WILL SHE HOOK UP? Probably more so than other women. Trouble is, she’s tough to “tie down.” The quickest way to a loving relationship, revealed! (Without tricks, lies or any “funny stuff…”)    * HER SECRET DESIRE: What she wants more than anything else, revealed.. (HINT: It has to do with sex, but you won’t find it in a porno…)    * KILL YOUR CHANCES, QUICKLY! Make these mistakes, and your first date will be your last! Pass the test, and shes loyal forever! (She makes quick decisions, so here’s how to make a great first impression…)… And much, much more.So be sure to tune in next week, for part two of our TDR interview with Jessica! Week 22What’s Coming Next Week…Next week is your third interview with JESSICA, our TDR Your Private Dancer. You’ll Discover:    * EXOTIC VACATIONS TOGETHER May not be the best way to win her affection… Why this type of boasting turns her off… and… How you can “heat her up” more at your local bowling lanes!    * MEN ARE FROM MARS… How to handle a strong, independant woman. Make her “submit” to you, using these techniques!    * DON’T HIT THE GYM: The single, easiest way to turn a woman like Jessica off is to be “tough.” So drop the weights, and let your guard down. Then talk to her like this… (This doesn’t mean you need to be a wimp. Here’s the secret key…)    * SAY THIS, TO HER: If you see a beautiful woman like Jessica, simply say this to catch her attention! Try talking about “your surroundings” and you’re dead in the water! (You’ll discover why… and… What to do, instead!)    * HER ROMANTIC FANTASIES Revealed, and exactly how you can sweep her off her feet! Try meeting her in line at Starbucks… or… In this outdoor “playground!” (Just remember to bring sunscreen…)    * MAKE “NERVOUS” WORK: Don’t get rid of your nerves, make them work, for you. Here’s how to attract a woman, even while your palms are sweating… (And a cool “line” you can use, as well!)    * DITCH APPROACH “ANXIETY” FOR GOOD! Follow these “body signals” and you are 10 times less likely to get rejected! A short list, inside… (You feel these, each and every day!)… And much, much more.So be sure to tune in next week, for part three of our TDR interview with Jessica! Week 23What’s Coming Next Week…Next week is your fourth interview with JESSICA, our TDR Your Private Dancer. You’ll Discover:    * BAR GAME, REVEALED! What to do when you’re in the bar… and how to “change” your approach to match her energy! (Easy way to get her number…)    * FOLLOW THIS EXAMPLE: Jessica breaks down a sucessful approach, word-for-word. You can steal it, and use it, too! (Hope you’re into a type of music…)    * BE MAGNETIC TO WOMEN: Do this, instead of worrying about her mood, and you’ll draw women to you like a magnet! (It’s simple, and makes you feel good, too!)    * READ HER BODY LANGUAGE! How to know – for certain – if she’s “into you” – or not! (Simply look… and feel… for her to do THIS!)    * HOW TO GET HER NUMBER When you met her at a bar. Simply say this, and invite her on a date! (She’ll be excited, and glad to come with you…)    * HEAT UP THE KITCHEN! First date cooking trick that gets her sexually turned on! (Here’s how to get her “ready to go”, and get dinner, as well!)    * SEX NIGHTMARES! When NOT to be a “caveman”, if you want to make love to a woman… and… The quickest way to put a padlock on her panites! (Avoid this mistake at all costs!)    * SEX NIGHTMARES! PART TWO! This tip from Cosmopolitan magazine will boost your sex life… or… Leave you and her dry and disappointed! (Here’s a tip: Pretend she’s the first girl you slept with…)    * MAKE HER SEE YOU AS MORE THAN FRIENDS! Jessica lays out exactly how one of her “friends” became something more in her eyes… And it wasn’t just touching or sex-talk, either! (In fact, he was one of her co-workers!)    * JUST WANT SEX? Here’s how to get it from a woman like Jessica… And why “friends with benefits” will never last! (Try sugesting an “open relationship,” instead…)    * TEXTING TIPS: What to text to turn her on… and… The biggest mistake most men make in texting. WIth fixes! (Here’s how to make her call YOU…)… And much, much more.So be sure to tune in next week, for part four of our TDR interview with Jessica! Week 24What’s Coming Next Week…Next week is your first interview with MEGGIE, our TJR or The Seductress. You’ll Discover:    * THE ROCK-CLIMBING SECRET: Why you should take up dangerous sports… if… You want to date THIS type of woman! (Nope, it’s not the danger… She likes what goes on in your MIND! Secret revealed, plus, dozens more just like it…)    * WHAT ROCK STARS KNOW about meeting and attracting women. Use this secret – known by rock stars, famous actors and professional massage therapists – to make ANY woman attracted to you! (Before you even open your mouth…)    * ONE THING YOU SHOULD NEVER COVER UP: Hide THIS when you’re talking to a woman… and… You’ll get an instant “next” from the hottest, smartest women! (When you could just be honest, then win her heart…)    * DATING BLACKMAIL! A natural “protective” maneuver makes women put up their guards… then… Cut you out of her life, completely! (It’s an urge you get early on – here’s how to fight it off…)    * EASY WAYS TO WIN HER HEART: Charm her heart, and her mind – then body – will follow. Here are a handful of three-second things you can do to become her knight in shining armor! (The only useful thing you learned from mom…)    * THE HOST WITH THE MOST! How standing in the corner at a party can make women even more attracted to you… Especially when you’re busy texting your boss! (Just make sure you don’t have THIS on your face…)    * SWEET TALKING TRICKS: Single sentences you can use to charm any woman into your bed. Works like magic, old as time and proven over and over again! (No guessing… No mess… Just proven success…)    * HOW TO MAKE HER BLUSH: An easy way to make her blush, smile and giggle – revealed! Works best when you cut her off… (And even BETTER when you tell her to “stop talking” mid-sentence!)    * DATING CURRENCY: How you “pay” for her sex, revealed. Use these easy, simple tips to “put pennies” in your bank account… (And follow the more advanced strategies to make you “sex wealthy” – in HER eyes!)    * WHY YOU SHOULD LIE ON THIS “RESUME”: The best answer to “what do you do for a living?”… and… The little “white lie” you can tell to make her more attracted! (You’ll just gloss over *some* of the details…)… And much, much more.So be sure to tune in next week, for part one of our TJR interview with Meggie![/quote]


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