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Vin DiCarlo – Pandora Box phD program Month 5 Natalie The Modern Woman NJR Month

Natalie The Modern Woman NJR Month 5
[4 MP4 + PDF]



[quote] Video 1 In this video, Natalie talks about travelling, meeting people from different cultures, and how to motivate women to approach you! Video 2In this video, Brian and Natalie discuss one night stands, points out the challenges of being a “nice guy” and also shares tips on dating acresses! Video 3Conversations, giving compliments and phone / text game… Some great tips! Video 4How to tell a woman “how you feel” and have it work in your favor… Secrets of one night stands, protecting yourself from heartbreak and much, much more![/quote] Rambling of each week Week #17What’s Coming Next Week…Next week is your second interview with Natalie, our NJR and the Modern Woman. You’ll Discover:    * GET HER TO ?OPEN UP? – The secret reason some women put up a ?wall? revealed… and… How to ‘break it down’ with your words! (HINT: Ask her where her parents are from…)    * DISCO-ERA DATING ADVICE – What Aretha Franklin can teach you about women… and… The single, easiest way to ?impress? a woman! (Try holding the door… then… Doing this, during conversation…)    * WHERE TO MEET WOMEN: Her favorite place to meet men, revealed! (Make sure you bring sneakers, a T-shirt and a frisbee…)    * TURN ONE NIGHT STANDS INTO… Friends with benefits… Relationships… Commitment… or… Fun, long term flings! Here’s how… (Her current boyfriend took 10 MONTHS to do what you can do in 10 DAYS!)    * NICE GUYS GET NO LOVE – Women can’t truly ?love? a nice guy. Here’s why… and… How to turn your ?nice guy? charm into a ?love-worthy? personality! (Blame her ex-boyfriends…)    * ?DO YOU LIKE ME?? The ?right? answer revealed… plus… The quickest, easiest way to turn this question into a deeper romance! (WARNING: The question is actually a ?trick? – here’s what to say…)    * WHAT TO TALK ABOUT with an iNvestor, revealed. Stick to this ?topic? and she’ll get more and more attracted to you ? with NO ?work? on your part! (You learned this in grade-school… and probably forgot it, since then!)    * HOW TO DATE AN ACTRESS: It’s tougher than you think! In fact, your JOB is very important! Luckily, you can add a hobby to your life… and… attract actresses like bees to honey! (Plus, you’ll have tons of fun…)    * YOUR FRIENDS ? OR ENEMIES? Natalie dumped a guy after 8 years because his friends did this…. Don’t let your ?boys? take away YOUR girl! (All it takes is one night per week…)… And much, much more.So be sure to tune in next week, for part two of our NJR – Natalie! Week 13What’s Coming Next Week…Next week is your third interview with Sara, our NDR and our Connoisseur. You’ll Discover:    * HOW TO APPROACH ON A TRAIN OR BUS – Simply walk up to her, and ask her this… Couldn’t be easier… (PLUS: She’d look rude if she turns you down!)    * THE “FRAT GUY” OPENER – Used by hundreds of drunk college kids every night, saying this can actually get her WAY into you… if… you pull it off! (HINT: It’s all in your energy)    * NEVER GO SILENT AGAIN! Just talk about this. It’s like a game of “I-Spy”… for adults! (This is the easiest way to keep a conversation from ever dying out!)    * HOW IMPROV CAN HELP YOUR PICKUP – Most men fall into the “pre-planned” problem… And they can’t be witty, on the spot. Here’s how to free up your inner comic, and use it to get her attracted to you…    * HOW DO YOU FOLLOW A COMPLIMENT? OK – she’s beautiful… now what? Here’s how to turn that perfect compliment into a conversation… (Use this EVERY time you talk to a woman…)    * THE CASE AGAINST BUSINESS CARDS – Doing this will ruin your chances of a first date. Period. It’s rude, it’s disrespectful… and… it’s what most men do with their business cards! (Ditch them, tonight!)    * GET SOME TAIL, TONIGHT! Most guys make a SIMPLE mistake that costs them one-night stand after one-night stand… Fix this one thing, and increase your chances 300%, tonight! (It only takes ten to thirty minutes…)    * CALL OR TEXT? Depends on the woman. Here’s how to tell… and… how to give a damn good phone call… (Worth it’s weight in gold!)    * DOES SHE WANT YOU TO CALL? Or did she give you her phone number just to make you happy? Here’s an easy way to tell… (WARNING: Don’t jump to conclusions!)… And much, much more.So be sure to tune in next week, for part three of our NDR interview with Sara! Week 18What’s Coming Next Week…Next week is your second interview with Natalie, our NJR and the Modern Woman. You’ll Discover:    * HOW TO ?LOCK HER DOWN? – Do this and she ?can’t? leave you ? no matter how hard she tries… This is ?compliance? taken to an extreme! (Be careful! This can backfire if you move too soon…)    * UNLEASH YOUR SEXUAL POWER! Try this one tip to ?unlock? your sexual aggressiveness, and sweep a woman right off of her feet! (Natalie learned this technique on a cruise ship in the Far East…)    * TELL HER HOW YOU FEEL – And make her love you for it! The safest way to tell a woman how you feel, revealed! (You can even use this tip to ?come clean? about having women on the side…)    * THE ?POKER PLAYER’S SECRET? to seducing women, revealed! Here’s how to keep an ?ace up your sleeve? with women… and make her love you for it! (Married men and men with girlfriends will LOVE this tip…)    * A ?ONE NIGHT STAND? SECRET NO woman will admit to… but… is the secret, psychological reason she ?hooks up!? (Here’s how to keep her around ? well after the first kiss…)    * SHIELD YOURSELF FROM HEARTBREAK! ?Protect? yourself from a broken heart, by sharing these few, little secrets with an iNvestor… (Here’s how to ?grow? your relationship ? from the ground up!)    * DID YOU PISS HER OFF? ?Pouty? iNvestor / Justifier women are ? unfortunately ? very common. Here’s how to keep your relationship off of rocky ground… (PLUS: A ?secret? talking tip, most men screw up ? big time!)    * KEEP HER ?BEGGING!? The single, easiest way to keep a woman coming after you ? for MONTHS! Even YEARS! (Just make sure you avoid this attraction-killing mistake…)    * HOW’S YOUR style? She notices ? big time. In fact, she doesn’t look at the price tag… the fit… the label… She looks for this way you WEAR your clothes. And it’s a ?deal breaker? for women like Natalie! (HINT: Your shirt is ? usually ? the biggest offender…)… And much, much more.So be sure to tune in next week, for part three of our NJR – Natalie! Week 19What’s Coming Next Week…Next week is your fourth interview with Natalie, our NJR and our Modern Woman. You’ll Discover:    * HOW TO ?LOCK HER DOWN? – Do this and she ?can’t? leave you ? no matter how hard she tries… This is ?compliance? taken to an extreme! (Be careful! This can backfire if you move too soon…)    * UNLEASH YOUR SEXUAL POWER! Try this one tip to ?unlock? your sexual aggressiveness, and sweep a woman right off of her feet! (Natalie learned this technique on a cruise ship in the Far East…)    * TELL HER HOW YOU FEEL – And make her love you for it! The safest way to tell a woman how you feel, revealed! (You can even use this tip to ?come clean? about having women on the side…)    * THE ?POKER PLAYER’S SECRET? to seducing women, revealed! Here’s how to keep an ?ace up your sleeve? with women… and make her love you for it! (Married men and men with girlfriends will LOVE this tip…)    * A ?ONE NIGHT STAND? SECRET NO woman will admit to… but… is the secret, psychological reason she ?hooks up!? (Here’s how to keep her around ? well after the first kiss…)    * SHIELD YOURSELF FROM HEARTBREAK! ?Protect? yourself from a broken heart, by sharing these few, little secrets with an iNvestor… (Here’s how to ?grow? your relationship ? from the ground up!)    * DID YOU PISS HER OFF? ?Pouty? iNvestor / Justifier women are ? unfortunately ? very common. Here’s how to keep your relationship off of rocky ground… (PLUS: A ?secret? talking tip, most men screw up ? big time!)    * KEEP HER ?BEGGING!? The single, easiest way to keep a woman coming after you ? for MONTHS! Even YEARS! (Just make sure you avoid this attraction-killing mistake…)    * HOW’S YOUR style? She notices ? big time. In fact, she doesn’t look at the price tag… the fit… the label… She looks for this way you WEAR your clothes. And it’s a ?deal breaker? for women like Natalie! (HINT: Your shirt is ? usually ? the biggest offender…)… And much, much more.So be sure to tune in next week, for part four of our NJR interview with Natalie! Week 20What’s Coming Next Week…What’s Coming Next Week…Next week is your first interview with JESSICA, our TDR Your Private Dancer. You’ll Discover:    * WHEN SHY GIRLS OPEN UP: How to break shy girls out of their shells… and… unleash the passionate, sexy side she keeps tucked away, revealed! (Jessica walks you through how she went from ugly duckling to “in demand”… and teaches you about the men who got her there…)    * EVEN HOT GIRLS GET TEASED! Why Jessica’s self-image was “broken” for years… and how her quick fix for self-confidence can help YOU in your search for confidence, as well! (Simply fix these quick “tweaks” in your mind…)    * JESSICA: PICKUP ARTIST! Turns out, Jessica is a female “pick up artist”… In some ways. In others, she’s a woman who wanted to go from “friends” to “lovers” with GUYS in her life! (Here’s how her story can give YOU more choice and sex with the women in your life…)    * DO CLOTHES MAKE THE MAN? What happened to make Jessica start dressing sexier… and… The single, quickest way to a “sexier” dressed you! (HINT: It starts on the inside, and works it’s way out…)    * BLIND DATES WITH DUMB GUYS: Jessica’s blind date horror stories teach YOU what to avoid on a first date with ANY woman! Especially pay attention to her nightmare… (She even includes a few GOOD tips, you can use with women…)    * THE EUROPEAN SEDUCTION: One man made Jessica’s knees weak just seconds into meeting her. Here’s what he did… what made him special… and the single, easiest way to use it in your life! (You have to break your “personal space” bubble… Here’s how    * IMPRESS HER TO DEATH: One too many “witty” remarks and a Denier will “kill” any shot at a relationship… Here’s what to look out for, and the quickest, easiest way to avoid this major mistake! (Makes talking to women easy as talking to friends…)    * JESSICA’S “RED FLAG” TOPICS: Talk about these topics if you want your date to end – quickly! Because even whispering this “P word” turns her off like a light switch.. (WARNING: It’s tougher to avoid than you think…)    * A CINDERELLA STORY – Any Realist doesn’t “fall” for romantic ideals… but she does have a little “princess” in her. Here’s how to “logically” talk a Realist into a fantasy relationship she’ll love… (And a few tips on keeping her there…)    * HOW JESSICA IS LIKE ANGELINA JOLIE: No, it’s not the looks. Although they’re both beauties, here’s why it takes a “Brad Pitt” to seduce both… And how YOU can harness his “secret power!” (Ain’t good looks – it’s being good at THIS crucial skill…)… And much, much more.So be sure to tune in next week, for part one of our TDR interview with Jessica![/quote]


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