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Vin DiCarlo – Mastermind Vault – Part 4 (of 4)

Vin DiCarlo – Mastermind Vault Part 4
[10 MP3]


Description exclusive!This is a personal purchase of mine, please keep it to tCG!Vin DiCarlo – Mastermind Vault – Part 4 of 4This is from the mastermind website you get access to when you subscribe to the monthly CDs.  As of this upload all Vin Dicarlo’s masterminds are now on tCG!The descriptions are ripped from the website followed by the MP3 name.”The Hidden Truths Behind The Mastermind Program’s Development and Why Five Text Messages Are All You’ll Ever Need To Get Her Into Bed”Texting a girl sounds fun and innocent enough.What if I told you that you could discover how to create texts that are irresistible to girls and they can’t help but reply?Magic little words that will ensure she responds eagerly and hungrily.This call deals with text message game and how to refine it to include intrigue into the messages. Girls will never flake on text messages again, and you can keep chatting even while you’re on dates with other women!This call also delves deeper into the Mastermind thought process, enlightening certain beliefs this program has cultivated.Learn the exact motivation behind this program, and why it has been more effective than you realize right now, but how it will augment your game well into the future.There’s even a behind the scenes look into Mastermind before it was redesigned into what it is now.This part was supposed to be edited out of the calls, but I begged Bob to leave it in to show you exactly what you’re lucky enough to be part of.Why waste time sending hundreds of mass texts when a handful lead to sex nearly 100% of the time?The impact of the Mastermind program is still growing inside you, and with this call, you’ll not only discover the fool-proof way to make girls intrigued with just a few text messages, you’ll also get an insight into Mastermind that never was before or ever will be released publicly.Mastermind 7.mp3″The Exact Reason James Bond and Don Juan Were Successful Seducers, the Natural Way To Unlock That Potential In You”The difference between guys who naturally attracts tons of women and people like myself, who got into the community to improve ourselves, is the mindset behind seduction.Don Juan and James Bond, natural seducers with fancy suites and intense stares, both had the exact same mindset as the one in this call.This mindset screams dominance, exudes confidence, and literally is linked biologically to women wetting themselves; hope you don’t mind the smell.In this call Alfredo goes over the dominant mindset, including the epiphany he had that allowed him to drop his outcome dependence and improve his success with women tenfold!Get both men and women listening to you more intently, and more eager to help you with this simple change in your thinking that comes naturally at a biological level.Once you’ve got this down, this call also teaches you how to handle all of your new-found women, including how to turn down dates politely and still maintain your value, or just buy a personal electric fence and a whip. To each their own.Finally, Alfredo tells the exact reason that “I have a boyfriend” is just a defense mechanism, and how to apply your new mindset to win every woman over.Bond said it best, “You’re not my type.” “Intelligent?” “Single.”Could one simple shift in your thinking really have this drastic results? This call confirms it, and even tells you why. Remember to bring a rain-coat. Alf 4c.mp3″The Most Effective Seduction On The Planet: Three Eye-Opening Ways To Seduce Your Next Door Neighbor or Co-worker in Under an Hour”Many guys I’ve met who wanted to succeed with women had a specific woman in mind. This could be their next door neighbor, the girl at the local store, an ex-girlfriend, or even the girl back in high school or college they always WANTED to ask out, but never had the tools to do it. This was me when I started to discover about social dynamics.The girl of my dreams sat behind me in class every day and down the cubicle row at work every evening. She was kind, intelligent, and had a body Angeline Jolie would be jealous of. She also had a boyfriend.The journey began; to discover all of the different tools and tactics that would make her yearn for me instead of him, and I came upon some tall offers. I was decked out in army boots with a Bowie knife of seduction and howitzer cannon of theory.Stories of guys meeting women and sleeping with them within two-hours, or even two or three girls a night! I was blown away, but still unable to fathom the reality.It’s only natural to be skeptical of these claims, after all, only a select few will be able to boast about them, and they understand the statements in this call.On this call, a new student tells the story of the two girls he slept with (one in two hours and one a neighbor he always had his eyes on) that were hooked using the very methods he discusses and analyses here, from charged language to how to increase your sexual touch.Three effortless eye-opening statements turned him from your everyday guy to a seduction machine in less than twenty-four hours.How much can you improve from just one phone call? Listen in and find out.Heartwork and Sonic 6.mp3″Four Rules To Mob Mentality: How To Set Up Groups of Friends Designed To Get Women Into Bed With You, Two At A Time”I’ve read hundreds of articles on getting the one woman you want. I’ve listened to thousands of hours worth of audio on keeping her attracted and interested. In all of this material, the only descriptions of how to work a whole group were simply “Do the same thing to everyone that you do to her.”Frankly, I’m not all that interested in fingering the bulky jock friend she’s with but hey, that’s just me.I don’t know about you, but that doesn’t help me out at all. That’s why we’ve picked this call to be on the list.Heartwork and Sonic talk about group dynamics, ranging from how to become the ringleader, to how to merge groups of people together for more than just simple play dates.Create new groups of friends with the sole purpose of setting up same night lays and threesomes, multiple times in the same club or bar!They talk about keeping the entire group interested throughout your stories and other techniques, and even how to isolate without leaving the group looking around baffled at the magic disappearing act, in more detail.This call also features some of the most interesting and innovative date ideas ever, even covering an example of how a girl was seducing during the day… while playing laser tag, and working!Finally, go on a date that’s fun, easy on your wallet, and guarantees you end up back at your place violently wrestling under the covers.It’s common knowledge that the leaders of the group get first pick of the women. Listen to this call and never again wonder how to take hold of that position.Heartwork and Sonic 7.mp3″How To Keep A Girlfriend For Thirty Years After You Seduced Her In Thirty Minutes Without Hiring A Hypnotist” My friend Joe is an average guy. (Go figure.) We were talking the other day and he told me that he got into picking up women mostly to find a quality girlfriend. A girl that was intelligent, funny, witty, and could stop traffic with a single glance. A regular Jessica Alba.But once you get this woman, how do you keep her?Most guys have a fear of losing their perfect women once they have her, why shouldn’t you be able to have your cake and eat it out too?This call talks about relationships and maintaining the attraction your woman feels for you indefinitely. Think of how amazing it would be to wake up next to a woman ten years down the road and still have her as attracted to you as the day she met you.This call has this as well as a section for the men specifically in finding Ms. Right through Ms. Right Now.Orleans tells the story of how he went from meeting a chick to banging her behind the bar in less than twenty minutes! And breaks down exactly why it worked.Factor in a couple of sexy rewards for a woman helping you achieve your ultimate vision in life, and you have a call designed to get you on the path to your perfect relationship right away. Chocolates and candies and panties, oh my!All you have to do is listen to the call and take notes.Orleans 5.mp3″Discover The One Way To Give A Woman A Guaranteed Orgasm In Under Ten Minutes, Without Intercourse” Give any woman you choose an orgasm merely by touching her body.Never mind waiting until you have sex to make the woman of your dreams tremble and shake in orgasmic pleasure, brush your fingers through her hair, or lightly touch her shoulder and let her shudder her approval.Vin brings in a special guest speaker that does not want his name released publicly to tell you how to create massive radiating waves of pleasure and enjoyment in any woman you choose.No hypnotic mumbo-jumbo, no time-consuming patterning and anchoring, just the one way to guarantee an orgasm, and to make it happen quickly.The body has giant neural networks of nerve endings, and in seven separate spots in the body, these bundles are more closely wound than others.Discover why even touching one of these with the right pressure and intent will send a woman into gasping enjoyment.Also on this call, a critically acclaimed seduction author stops by to shed some light on the stylish mystery that is the pickup community.Train yourself to approach any woman, anywhere, with a simple tapping exercise, and while you’re at it, give the woman next to you the big O.The only place he’s agreeing to do an interview is with Mastermind. The only way to get a hold of this call, containing the secret spots the clit is jealous of, is right here.Heartwork and Sonic 10.mp3″The Single Most Overlooked Garment You Own: How One Piece Of Clothing Sends Women Into Sexual Feeding Frenzies” Clothes don’t make the man, but what if what you wore could make women forcefully attracted to you before you even opened you mouth?.What if I told you it would cost you nothing; you’ve already got this item of clothing in your closet?This call outlines the most essential fashion for pickup, determined from years of experimenting with items of clothing and no, we won’t be telling you feathered boas are cool.The same closet that you’ve cleaned out twice in an effort to spend thousands of dollars on current fashions and Affliction shirts to look like a rock star contained the single most effective panty wetting piece of fabric ever sewn or designed.I didn’t believe it at first, then I took the advice on this call to heart and got phone numbers practically thrown at me, most didn’t even have names attached to them!As if that weren’t ridiculous enough, I had three women in one night come up to me and grab my crotch while staring dead into my eyes. All because I made one slight wardrobe change!Even Janet Jackson didn’t get this much action after her Superbowl stunt.Want to change your socks and have everything you do to a woman seem like a potent aphrodisiac? Pay attention to this call.Heartwork and Sonic 9.mp3″Why This Technique Has Been Safe-Guarded For Years, Deemed Too Effective To Be Released Publicly For Risk Of Lawsuit”Groups with both guys and girls in them are the most common groups I run into on a daily basis, but do you know how to make sure they all like you immediately?Could you go into a group you’ve never met and automatically assume group-leader status?You could if you follow the mixed group tips on this call.Have people you just met introduce you to their friends like you’re an old friend, without lies, tricks, or deceit, and have the girl’s fawn over you for it.Discover how to properly frame a girl sexually so she will be your plaything in the bedroom, but not feel dirty or used the next day.Have women begging to do kinky things in the bedroom, and then show her off in an evening gown to your friends, knowing there’s a special surprise for dessert.This call even deals with one of the most controversial subjects to date: virtual compliance.Take a woman out for a date, get physical with her, and leave her begging for more… without even leaving the table at the bar, and in under a half an hour.You can go through entire weeks of dating in mere hours of chatting in a conversational tone, and she will feel the exact same bonds as if she’s known you for years!This technique has been safe guarded for years, but is now released to a select few through this call. Don’t miss your chance to be one of the few who has this powerful tactic.Mastermind 8.mp3″How To Unlock The Influence Inside Your Most Powerful “Tool” and Be The Dominant Man That She Fantasizes About” Every company seems to talk about dominance, protector frames, leading and escalating; yet none give you concrete examples to follow.I know I was stuck reading through tons of literature, trying to flesh out theory into a model I could follow, but feeling like something was off.The easiest way to discover something, by far, is to get inside the mind of someone who already gets it.This call features three guys who “get it”, discussing the different aspects of what makes them successful with women to the point they turn down booty calls and sex dates.On this call, topics discussed range from The Ultimate Reason for Opening a Woman Successfully and getting rid of the “Stack Attack” Mentality: why you should focus on natural game; to how to develop a Penetrating Presence and feel concrete being her Protector (which turns her on on an instinctual level.)Also, Brian, Vin, and Jonathan illuminate the psychological aspects of being a successful alpha male and seducer.They chat about threesomes, forcing women to become attracted to you, and balancing beer bottles on your cock. People offended by frat boy humor need not apply.This call is too real for censorship.They chat about Delayed Gratification and its link to being Immersed in the Moment, and really shine when they discuss how to STOP being Addicted to Attention.There are millions of pages written about how to feel dominant in an interaction with flow charts and examples, and if you discover best through theory it’ll help.But if you’re one of the many people who understand the value of leading by example, this call is for you. Check it out.Alf 6.mp3Final Mastermind Vault MP3Brian Vin John Final.mp3Enjoy!PU and up: Available now!


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