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Vin DiCarlo – Dominant Sexual Power Week 1: Video Coaching + DSP Mastery Coaching Module 1

DSP Week 1
[1 DVD – M4V, 1 CD – 11 MP3s]


Description EXCLUSIVE:Group Buy thread: wrote:To everyone else that is wondering what this is- this is a weekly coaching session by Vin DiCarlo, to help intergrate the teachings in his newest “Dominant Sexual Power” program (available here: ), so that we dont, in his words “Place this material on the shelf or hard drive and forget about it”    DSP Week 1: Sexual Confidence and the “Inner Game” of DSP        In this week’s video, you’ll learn: The ONLY 3 ways guys destroy sexual tensionThe difference between Autonomic Blockages and Extranomic Blockages, and how they affect your interactions with women How to increase your own tolerance of sexual tension and consequently improve your sexual confidenceDSP Mastery Coaching AudioThe DSP Mastery Coaching was a six part coaching series that we did for some of our very best clients, as a portion of our $700 “S-Cubed Accelerated Coaching Program”. The coaching was designed to get them implementing the four pillars of S-Cubed into their life as quickly as possible. DSP and S-Cubed share the same 4 main pillars: Vison, Compliance, Shaping, and Sexual Tension.DSP Mastery Coaching Module 1 (Hosted by Trainer Brian Pettit)One of the keys to being dominant in a relationship is to “Flip the script”. In this audio, Brian talks exactly about what “The script” is, the 5 parts of the script, and also how to begin “Flipping” it.What’s Coming Next Week:I will reveal the actual specific tools I use to remove Autonomic and Extranomic Blockages in order to increase your tolerance of sexual tension, and improve your sexual confidence. This will give you the foundational inner game required for the advanced tools and techniques contained within the DSP program. SURPRISE BONUS: Next week you are ALSO also going to receive the “Vin’s Jewels”, originally designed as a 2 Disc Audio set which teaches advanced Sexual Tension, Physical Escalation, Setting up Sexually Charged Dates and Getting Her Alone.Elite/VIP: 2 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeksUsers: Upgrade to PU


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