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Vicky Smith – The Golden Backdoor

Vicky Smith – The Golden Backdoor
[1 eBook – PDF]



Sharing outside this tracker will get you banned!This was part of ‘The Billionaire Way’ GB: schedule: VIP+: 2 weeks, PU: 4 weeks, Users-: neverIf you don’t have access but think you should, contact me.Salesletter: “By Mistake, I Made £1248 in 1 Week from the Internet…With NO WebsiteNO Computer and NO Product”“How Much Will You Make Copying Me Now I’ve Turned that ‘Mistake’ into a Finely-Tuned Money-Making System?”Hello,     I guarantee NO-ONE else is using this incredible system. What you hold in your hands turns ‘making money online’ upside-down… and easy as toast! Here’s why…     Hi, my name’s Vicky Smith and I’ve accidentally discovered nothing short of a ‘life-saver’ if you crave that extra bit of breathing space an extra grand or two here and there gives you. I’m so excited about this way I’ve found of ‘hotwiring’ the internet for fast and furious profits… and it’s SO simple I can’t believe no-one’s thought of it! Please stay tuned for a few minutes and I’ll explain everything simply and clearly right here in this letter…     If I’m honest with myself, I’ve never exactly been the sharpest tool in the shed. When I was a kid I had to have remedial home schooling to have any chance of a single certificate when I left. I truly wish I could have been one of those ‘smart-alecs’ who seem to ‘get it’ and sail through life never seeming to have a single worry… Especially about money…!… But for once in my life, my simple-mindedness paid off… in a BIG way…     Even a ‘bright-spark’ internet-whiz would NEVER have discovered this, so I still have to keep pinching myself to believe the fact I’ve beaten all those ‘dot-com geeks’ hands down! I mean, I’m just an everyday secretary who was struggling through life from one payday to the next.     And I really mean “struggling”. I don’t have a degree or anything, so like many people I guess I stumbled out of school and straight out into the big wide world… but instead of freedom, all I found was the darkness of the daily grind. I just seem to shuffle paper around from one place to the next! Totally meaningless…     My husband was essentially laid off not so long ago and forced to halve his salary. Boy, I thought I knew what a struggle was before… but after that! Well, I learned how to stretch a five-pound note so far it brought tears to Her Majesty’s eyes!     And I’ll never forget the humiliation of having to grovel ‘cap-in-hand’ to my parents to ask for the money to pay the mortgage that month. I’ve always been a disappointment to them as it is, but this was the last straw for them I think!     “Having another ‘blonde moment’ are we?” was their reaction. I STILL took the money- that’s how desperate I was.     My husband Dave, (bless him) was desperate to get us back on our feet, so he started trying out all the ‘business opportunities’ you get through the mail. Well, I told him it would be a waste of time and money again and again, but he went ahead all the same. I cut him some slack in the condition he was in and let him go ahead and order a few things…     Every now and then a mysterious parcel would arrive for him and he’d scrurry off to the shed (aka his ‘den’)  to open it. He was like some mad professor in his laboratory! I thought he’d completely lost the plot while muggins here had to keep on working to keep our heads above water!     Whenever I asked to take a look at what he’d bought, he would refuse point-blank! What was that all about?? I think he might have been a little embarrassed to be ordering that stuff; I mean, there’s a bit of a stigma about ‘get-rich-quick’ things isn’t there?     He wasn’t making any money from all this and we certainly couldn’t afford to keep throwing money down the drain like this, so one day when he was out I sneaked in his shed to take a look at where our precious money was going. I was going to prove to him outright that he was wasting his time and OUR money!     I grabbed one at random. It was a DVD on “Making Money from the Internet”. I watched it. I took notes and followed the instructions just like it said (or so I thought). Our computer was broken so I went to an internet cafe for an hour and borrowed one. It all seemed simple enough and it took me less than an hour!     Well, when my husband Dave got home, I gave him the news; I told him I was trying out one of the opportunities he’d bought on making money from the internet. He actually seemed pleased I was taking an interest (because I don’t think he’d actually done anything with all that stuff yet!)…     He said excitedly… “That’s great Vic… So did you get a website…? …Which product? …  Did you rent an email list…? …Buy a banner ad…? Or use a ‘Pay-Per-Click’ ad on Google… Or….”     I interrupted… “Pay-Per- WHAT?! Email? Banner thingamyjigs?? What on Earth are you rambling on about?? I have no clue about websites or any of that stuff… I don’t even know what half of  that means!”     He looked VERY confused. Then, he gave me that look- the look which kind of says “You’re being a dummy again”… and said…     “Vicky… you watched that DVD though, right? And that DVD tells you those things are what you have to do to make money online… you cannot argue with it… it’s really how it’s done by all the experts; they build a website and send traffic to it by emails, or pay-per-click advertising or search engine optimisation!”     Now he’d really lost me, but I did now realise I’d had another ‘blonde moment’, not understood the DVD properly and gone and done the wrong thing by mistake. I mean thinking about it, I could see where I’d gone wrong- I’d just taken everything too literally. I was like a monkey with a machine-gun!     So I confessed to him what I had done…     Well, he couldn’t believe I’d been so stupid. But, I’m used to being told that so it was water off a duck’s back, more importantly, my plan to discredit all this get-rich-quick nonsense had completely back-fired. I went off with my tail between my legs and let him get back to his temper-tantrums…Then one day, I got an email saying there was some money I was owed with instructions on how to claim it. It was over two grand! At first I thought it must be one of those internet scams you hear so much about, so I proceeded with caution… but sure enough, the money was real… and ALL MINE!     But where had it come from…? It was all because of the ‘mistake’ I made. I did the exact OPPOSITE of what that ‘get-rich-quick’ DVD told me to and made a HUGE chunk of change!!     I called Dave straight away to tell him the good news. He said…”That’s incredible! Could you do it again… and again?”     I replied… “Why not? I’d need a thousand lifetimes to dig up all the gold in this mine!”     Look, I’m not really an entrepreneur like you (or my husband), but sometimes it takes an outside perspective on things- a fresh set of eyes- to see a golden opportunity. Even if it was by accident!     So how did I accidentally ‘hotwire’ the internet like this and make a ‘golden goose’?     Well, imagine this huge fortress with steep, heavily defended walls and a great big, drawbridge to get through. Inside that fortress is the HUGE pile of wealth there is to be made on the internet. Now imagine trying to scale those walls with no equipment and never having done anything like it before. THAT is what most people (like my husband) are trying to do!!      So what did I do? Well, now imagine me face to face with that challenge. By mistake, I got ‘lost’ and wandered around the back of that fortress and found a ‘hidden’ door which lead straight in! A solid gold door which opened up a gateway to riches…     With hindsight it just seems like everyone’s getting bogged down with all the technical jargon and being intimidated by the internet… and rightly so, because doing things the way all the ‘experts’ say is a real headache!     This is a real ‘David and Goliath’ story if ever you heard one… I’m going head to head with all the internet giants, doing even less work than they are and making as much money- probably more!How much money will YOU make by copying my mistake?     My husband and I have since realised there’s absolutely no way in the world we could ever ‘use-up’ this “Golden Backdoor” to internet wealth we’ve discovered all by ourselves, so we’ve decided to share it with a few deserving people. I remember all too well what it’s like to struggle financially and feel very privileged by my good fortune, so I’d like to help out other people too.     I know sharing this with a few people won’t hurt my business in the slightest; I really haven’t even scratched the surface and you’ll realise this the second you try out this system for yourself!     So we’ve back-tracked what I did and packaged my lucrative mistake into a step-by-step manual you can follow in the comfort of your own home. It won’t take more than an hour to set up one of these automatic income streams and once set up you don’t even have to leave home!     Absolutely no face-to-face selling is involved and it’s nothing to do with network marketing or eBay, internet gambling or any other gimmicks. I certainly wouldn’t get involved with any of that stuff. You don’t even have to worry about products, credit card processing, shipping or customer issues. Finally, the perfect business is here on a plate!     This amazing manual will change your life. It’s called “The Golden Backdoor” and I promise you, you’ll never have read anything as easy to follow and as easy to put into practice as this. It’s making money from the internet like you’ve never seen it before!     “The Golden Backdoor” assumes you have absolutely no previous knowledge about making money from the internet. As I now know, you don’t need it! If I can do it, ANYONE can! This comprehensive manual is just £77 (including postage and packaging).I understand you probably have more questions- the answers to which I would need more space than I have here, so I’ve put together a no-risk guarantee so you can check this out for yourself at no risk. If you still have any questions after that I’ll gladly give you all the help you need…Check it Out for Yourself at OUR Risk for 30 Days!!Take a look for yourself! Reserve your copy of “The Golden Backdoor” and see that finally, you’ve discovered an opportunity which REALLY does work, that ANYONE can follow and put into practice QUICKLY in just an hour of your spare time from home. If you decide it’s not for you, simply return the product for ANY reason, in ANY condition within 30 days after receipt and you will be refunded the full purchase price!I hope you’ll agree, this is as fair as it can possibly be! That’s how confident I am about presenting this to you. We’ve been on the receiving end of a few scams ourselves and I know how it stings, so I want to give you TOTAL peace of mind here. There’s absolutely no catches either- it’s entirely self-contained. Everything you need to make this work is in the manual and you won’t be hearing from us about any expensive ‘add-ons’ or upgrades! Yep, I hate all those ‘bait and switch’ games too.


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