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Vic Magary – Final Five Formula (6 ebooks – pdf,1 audio – mp3, 46 videos – mp4)

Vic Magary – Final Five Formula


Uploaded by Unliver—————————————————— ATTENTION men and women who love to workout, but can’t seem to get that lean and toned sexy flat stomach no matter what they do…Former Army Soldier Unleashes The #1 Military Secret to Kill the Final 5 – 10 Pounds of Enemy Fat in Just 28 Days!Unique 3-Tiered System Ends Your Fat Loss Frustration And Gets Rid Of Love Handles, Lower Back Flab, And That Last Bit Of Belly Fat Hiding Your Abs – Without Starvation Diets Or Spending Hours In The Gym.Your friends think that you’re crazy…They see you order the salad with dressing on the side when you are out to dinner, have a single glass of wine while everyone else pounds beers, and go for a walk on your lunch break instead of staying hunched over your desk with a greasy sandwich.Your friends don’t understand why you exercise and watch what you eat because they think you look good. And that’s the problem…You don’t want to just look “good”. You want to look head-turning, jaw-dropping, AMAZING.For you, good is not good enough. Sure, you love feeling fit and healthy and are in better shape than most people your age. But when you look in the mirror after you get out of the shower, your eyes always focus on that last bit of fat keeping you from that lean and toned stomach of your dream body.And it SUCKS!It sucks because you watch what you eat, workout every week, and still those final stubborn 5 – 10 pounds will not go away.And it’s not your fault. In my 13+ years of helping people lose weight and get fit, I’ve seen this time and time again. I’ve even experienced it myself…I’m Vic Magary and that’s my best friend Coda. I am a U.S. Army Infantry veteran, and I’ve helped thousands of people improve their physiques since 2001.For as long as I can remember, I’ve enjoyed working out and taking care of my body. But for the longest time, getting that “look” escaped me. I tried brutal two-a-day training sessions, eating an insanely low amount of calories, and just about every tip and trick to hit the pages of the glossy fitness magazines that you can think of.And none of it worked. No matter what I did, I just couldn’t take my body from good to great and lose those final 5 – 10 pounds.That all changed when I stumbled across a quote from an ancient military text and the solution hit me like a ton of bricks…Screen Shot 2014-08-22 at 5.01.48 PMI read that quote and realized instantly what I was doing wrong. I was trying to break those final 5 – 10 pounds by fighting with every hardcore fitness and diet trick in the book and was getting nowhere.So I asked myself…What if instead, I simply made a few subtle tweaks to what I was already doing? It was with this new approach that I developed the 3-Tiered System of the Final Five Formula and the results were amazing…Screen Shot 2014-09-20 at 6.59.20 AMWhen I posted the pics of my Final Five Formula body transformation online, the reactions from people came pouring in…Screen Shot 2014-08-22 at 5.15.19 PMAn ex-girlfriend who had dumped me texted me with one word… “Damnnnn”.A fellow fitness studio owner and female training partner told me she had no idea I was that “hot”.An old high school buddy called me and practically begged me for my secrets to finally losing the final 5 – 10 pounds.And because I have developed a system, I can drop those final 5 – 10 pounds anytime that I want. This allows me the freedom to enjoy my favorite foods most of the time and then lean out with just a few subtle tweaks to my diet and exercise for a few weeks.That’s the beauty of the Final Five Formula…We’re not talking about some long drawn out 12-week program. Because you already have pretty good diet and exercise practices, the 3-Tiered System guides you to make the subtle adjustments that get results fast. The real key is that the Final Five Formula guides you to make the right adjustments that shed those final few pounds, instead of the wrong adjustments that leave you frustrated and banging your head against the wall as you pinch that last bit of fat on your waist between your thumb and index finger.Now you might be thinking…“Sure, this is fine for an Army veteran fitness trainer, but I don’t have that kind of experience.”As long as you are familiar with the basics of diet and exercise, the 3-Tiered System of the Final Five Formula will guide you to the next steps. Just check out what Mariella had to say…Screen Shot 2014-09-20 at 4.59.06 PMAnd if you’re worried about spending hours in the gym – forget about it. The Final Five Formula workout sessions take less than 30 minutes each, just 3 or 4 times per week. There’s even an option using only bodyweight exercises so that you can workout in the privacy and convenience of your own home if you prefer.Screen Shot 2014-09-20 at 5.03.23 PMAnd how about Thanh, a busy father from Australia:Screen Shot 2014-09-20 at 5.01.01 PMI’m Here To “Lead From The Front” And Guide You Every Step Of The Way!In addition to providing personal email support for all of your questions (and by personal I mean “me” not some faceless virtual assistant using cut-and-paste email replies), with the Final Five Formula you will discover…How to make subtle adjustments to your current regimen so you can keep the effective parts of your workout that you love and get rid of the stuff that is holding you back.A done-for-you meal plan that makes food choices a “no-brainer” so that you stay on track with your diet without having to think about it.Why calorie counting is a waste of time so you can stop the tedious food weighing and number crunching.A simple nutrition “hack” proven effective time and time again so you can get the lean and toned look you desire without using some dangerous starvation diet.One weird trick to optimize your hormones so that you continue to maximize your fat burning even while you sleep.And much more…Here’s What You Get With The Final Five Formula System And The Free Bonuses You’ll Receive Today…Screen Shot 2014-08-22 at 7.05.42 PMScreen Shot 2014-08-22 at 7.13.28 PMScreen Shot 2014-08-22 at 7.24.23 PMScreen Shot 2014-09-17 at 9.46.05 AMScreen Shot 2014-09-17 at 9.55.03 AMScreen Shot 2014-09-20 at 4.35.12 PMAt this point you are probably wondering how much access to the Final Five Formula program costs. I’ll tell you flat out that you won’t pay anything remotely close to what I used to charge my in-person clients (up to $5,000 per training package). And you won’t pay even half of the $362 combined value of the various components of the program…You see, one of the things that I love most about being “completely virtual” these days is that I get to help many more people from around the world reach their fat loss goals and do so at a price that just about anyone can afford. And that, as they say, is truly a win-win.The regular price for the entire Final Five Formula program is just $67. But for a limited time, I’ve decided to discount the price to only $17 to eliminate any risk or skepticism you may have about using the Final Five Formula.Regular Price: $67  Today: $17Screen Shot 2014-09-17 at 10.14.20 AMIn addition to the discounted price of just $17, you also get my No Risk “Lose The Fat Or Your Money Back” Guarantee:Screen Shot 2014-09-20 at 4.18.22 PMIf for ANY reason you are not completely satisfied with the Final Five Formula program, just shoot me an email within 60 days of your purchase and I’ll give you a full refund – no questions and no hard feelings.This means that you could actually go through the entire 28-day Final Five Formula program twice with ZERO risk and then decide if the program is right for you. If you’re not amazed by your lean and toned stomach after taking action with the program, you can get your money back.Start Shedding Those Final 5 – 10 Pounds Today!Picture this… You have the lean and toned stomach and the head-turning body that you’ve always wanted. Your friends and family whisper to each other and wonder how you always look so amazing. And while your friends and family think that you can only get such a lean and sexy look through agonizing treadmill sessions and eating like a bird, you know that your real secret is following a proven system of making a few subtle and smart adjustments to your current regimen for maximum results.This could be you in 28 days or less with the Final Five Formula. Click the big yellow Add To Cart button below and get started shedding those final stubborn 5 – 10 pounds now.Regular Price: $67  Today: $17Screen Shot 2014-09-17 at 10.14.20 AMScreen Shot 2014-09-19 at 6.19.10 PMScreen Shot 2014-09-20 at 7.18.48 AMP.S. You have nothing to lose (except fat) and everything to gain with my No Risk “Lose The Fat Or Your Money Back” guarantee. Try the Final Five Formula for 60 days and be amazed with your results or get your money back.  And if you have any questions about the program, feel free to email me directly at vi*@vi*******.com.P.P.S. Think of all of the hard work and dedication that you’ve already put into achieving your dream body without success… Isn’t it time to finally lose that last bit of fat that is hiding all of your hard work? The Final Five Formula will not be offered at this low price for long, so click the Add To Cart button below now.Regular Price: $67  Today: $17


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