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V.A. – RealFoodCon

V.A. – RealFoodCon
[22 Webrips (MOV), 22 eBooks (PDF)]


An online video-conference organized by Sean Croxton of 22 vids + transcripts. ENJOY!!! Content:ABEL JAMES • FATBURNINGMAN.COMWhy Your Grandma Ate Tons of Fat (and Why You Should, Too)The secret connection between fats and your emotions…The most dangerous, most toxic vegetable oil—in almost every store-bought food—that literally attacks the cells of your brain (it’s especially damaging to children, and yet children are most likely to be consuming it each day!)5 sneaky fat myths perpetuated by “fat haters” could be making you fat—and how to confidently choose the right fats for your body and lifestyle…AMEER ROSIC, H.N., F.M. • AMEERROSIC.COMSecrets for Living to 100: The Best Super Foods for Anti-Aging, Energy and Vitality!The shocking science behind accelerated aging…This common “mutated” supermarket food speeds up aging more than anything food substance (often it’s even GMO, yet they sneak it into tons of “healthy” foods!)A strange-but-delicious “shake recipe” that feeds your mitochondria and energy on a cellular level, helping reduce fatigue and ignite new levels of energy you can use to better enjoy life…BEN GREENFIELD • BENGREENFIELDFITNESS.COMThe Real Truth About Workout Fuel – How To Say Goodbye to Engineered Frankenfoods and Eat For Exercise With Real NutritionWhy “Frankenfuels” actually massively sap your energy…3 dangerous additives that make your protein powder toxic, and give you horrible brain fog during your workouts…The great electrolyte myth—why lots of false marketing hype has distorted the truth about what your body needs during and post exercise!Exactly when and what to eat post workouts to maximize recovery, muscle gain and fat burning…CHRISTA ORECCHIO • THEWHOLEJOURNEY.COMUsing Real Food to Heal the ThyroidThyroid 101: How your thyroid works, and why focusing on healing it can make huge changes in many areas of your health…How symptoms of depression, exhaustion, puffy eyes and even memory loss — can all be connected to underactive thyroid…Why thyroid affects your digestion, and why digestion is everything…CYNTHIA PASQUELLA • CYNTHIAPASQUELLA.COMReal Food for a Real You3 common excuses that derail you — and how to avoid them for life…6 steps that form the “Hungry Hottie Method” — and why it’s helped thousands of people transform their health and wellness…The “v-word” and special form of thinking that helped a test group lose 8 pounds with no other changes to their diet!DIANE SANFILIPPO, BS, NC • BALANCEDBITES.COMWho Needs Low-Carb Paleo…and Who Doesn’t?Good carbs and bad carbs, and why many experts don’t know the difference…Why low-carb is NOT always the answer or cure all — and how to modulate your carbs in a way that works for your body and lifestyle, NOT someone else’s…A simple formula anyone can use to know how much (and which types!) of carbs to eat…8 types of people who need to be extra careful when trying anything remotely low-carb…DR. ANDREA MAXIM, N.D. • DRANDREAMAXIMND.COMHow to Stop Inflammation Once and for AllThe dangerous relationship between excess acid (triggered by many foods and environmental factors) and inflammation; why this plays a huge role in your ultimate health…The #1 cause of excess acid in your body now…PLUS, 7 proven ways to treat, reduce and even completely reverse your “acid burden” — and transform nearly every part of your health in the process…DR. CATE SHANAHAN • DRCATE.COMKnow Your Supplements: Exposing Popular Health Products and the Tricks that Get You to Buy ThemWhy many popular supplements actually do the OPPOSITE of what they promise (it lies in how they “hide” the quality of the raw materials they use)…The scary ways that “fat burning” supplements work (some impair your digestion, making you less hungry — but also less healthy!)5 much better nutritional alternatives to protein powders (and cheaper too!)DR. JOSH AXE • DRAXE.COMReal Food for Rapid Fat LossReal food eating secrets of Ryan Lochte and Michael Phelps…7 common “fake foods” (many of which are marketed as healthy!) which all but guarantee you won’t lose weight…The 6 most powerful types of real foods for shaping and toning your body (including 5 mouth-watering recipes that integrate many of them!)DR. TOM O’BRYAN • THEDR.COMDietary Influences on the Development of Autoimmune Conditions – Why Good Foods Can Make You SickWhy the #3 cause of death could actually be the #1 cause of death — and how we’re all at risk without knowing it…The secret lives of “sleeper antibodies” and how they can elevate to disastrous levels before we experience ANY symptoms…Why “gut permeability” can make or break not only your health but how you FEEL each day — and the #1 food to avoid to prevent it from raging within you…JJ VIRGIN, CNS, CHFS • JJVIRGIN.COMThe Virgin Diet: Drop 7 Foods. Lose 7 Pounds. Just 7 Days.The underlying “sensitive” reason why THESE 7 FOODS are so damaging…4 “simple swaps” that help you substitute unhealthy foods for items that are actually much more delicious…One simple (and FREE) secret that guarantees you’ll lose twice the weight as normal…JIMMY MOORE • LIVINLAVIDALOWCARB.COMWhat You Need to Know About Saturated Fat, Cholesterol and Vegetable OilsEverything a doctor will NEVER tell you about cholesterol (including how to put an end to the high/low cholesterol farce forever!)Why THIS little-known measurement, NOT cholesterol, is a much better marker of health…The 4 best oils to eat once you discover that “cholesterol is your friend”…JONATHAN BAILOR • THESMARTERSCIENCEOFSLIM.COMThe Calorie Myth: The New Science of Eating More and Exercising Less to Burn Fat and Boost HealthWhy almost all standard fat loss advice comes from the 50’s, is outdated and often downright dangerous…The hidden “flaw” in the calorie theory of nutrition — which helps explain why, “eating less and exercising more” fails 94.5% of the time…The revolutionary S-A-N-E approach that empowers you to forget calorie counting forever!JORDAN REASONER • SCDLIFEstyle.COMThe $12 Billion Gluten Free Fad – Why It Could Be Making You SickerHow to spot unhealthy “gluten free foods” a mile away…4 damaging ingredients that dominate most foods that are labeled “gluten free”…Fighting the “3-headed monster” that makes gluten such a problem…KATIE THE WELLNESS MAMA • WELLNESSMAMA.COMReal Food With A Family: Customizing a Real Food Lifestyle for Pregnancy, Children and Families without Breaking the BudgetHow to prepare delicious, amazingly healthy real food meals for the entire family — on any budget…5 foods essential to avoid during pregnancy…The best things to feed your baby — and children — so they grow up with amazing brain development, bone structure and overall health…LEANNE ELY • SAVINGDINNER.COMHow to Take Back Your Dinner Table!The 5 simple criteria you can use to judge whether something is TRULY a real food, and therefore whether it’s healthy…4 ways to make cooking fun, easy and amazingly rewarding for the entire family…Secrets for using a “slow cooker” to make a variety of health-enhancing meals where you “just plug it in” and let the cooker do the rest…PAUL CHEK • CHEKINSTITUTE.COMYour ECHO Pattern: How Man and Nature Influence Each OtherThe “primal pattern” system for body movement, how it saved our ancestors lives thousands of years ago — and how it can save your life today!Three critical hormones to watch — and why imbalances in any one of them are a threat to your survival…Why most water is “DEAD”; and how to use “living water” to better hydrate and charge up your entire body…PETE SERVOLD • PETESPALEO.COMReal Food: Why Quality and Sourcing Makes the DifferenceWhy “cage free” chicken means little, and what to look for instead!Beyond organic: how to find foods that have much more nutrition and purity than those with the organic food stamp on them…6 simple cooking techniques anyone can use to make pro-level dishes — even if you have little cooking experience…SARAH POPE • THEHEALTHYHOMEECONOMIST.COMEat Your Organ Meats: You Can’t Be Healthy Without ThemHow to eat like a lion (beginning with the part of the kill the lions go for first)…The #1 organ meat — filled with nutrients and renowned in almost every ancient culture…How organ meats can help provide up to 8 times more endurance through the “anti-fatigue factor” nutrients…STEVEN WRIGHT • SCDLIFEstyle.COMClearing Up Constipation with Real Food4 simple questions to ask about whether you’re having the “ideal poop”?Why a fiber supplement is NOT a long-term solution…The one “fatty” plant food — along with this mineral — to make sure you eat every day for constipation relief…TERRY SHANAHAN, FNC • THESHANAHANPLAN.COMTransitioning to Real Food Three Days at a TimeHow Terry used real food to heal himself from respiratory infections, asthma, allergies, hives and skin irritation, chronic fatigue, rheumatoid issues, and pneumonia…The #1 common trait of people who succeed at transforming their health (hint: it starts with “W” and you need a big one!)The 3 biggest barriers to thriving on a real food diet, and how to overcome each one with the right plan of action…NORA GEDGAUDAS • PRIMALBODY-PRIMALMIND.COMFood for Thought: Eating for Better Brain FunctionThe 4 “brain factors” you MUST know about to truly improve your brain health and mental performance…The ONE NUTRIENT that — when missing — is most likely to result in brain shrinkage…The three simplest ways to keep your blood sugar stable, so you never crash after meals or in the afternoon…


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