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Udemy – Happiness : Positive Psychology – Habit & Willpower Mastery

[webrips – 42 MP4, 8 TXT, 1 MP3]


Course Description*NEW & UPDATED COURSE AS OF NOVEMBER 2015*”A most dynamic course on happiness through habits” Dr. ManningImagine what your life will look like when you gain control over out-of-control behaviors. Picture yourself utilizing the Science of Happiness to live fully and to become truly remarkable.Your life is way to short to live confined and small. Figuring out how to flourish is one of the most important challenges you can accept. living as your ideal self benefits you and those around you. When you are empowered and re-energized, your inspiration and enthusiasm for impacts everyone.This course creates a bridge between the Ivory Tower and Main Street – translating rigorous research into actionable plans, so that you can live a better life.You can make the changes you’ve longed for, thousands of others have, and you can to!Everyone can achieve better health, lasting joy, and greater control over their lives.The cornerstones of this class are rooted in principles of adult learning, and only research validated practices make up the exercises in this Habit Happiness Hacking System.    Discover the neuroscience of habit formation and change    Regain your locus of control    Learn how to quickly and effectively raise the bar on your own willpower    Rewire your brains neural pathways for sustainable happiness and lasting joy    Get yourself UNSTUCK Join me as I lead you in an exciting course that will teach you secrets of a happy, fulfilled and meaningful life.In this course you’ll learn:    How to interrupt unhealthy, unwanted habits and create new healthy habits that help you reach your life goals.    Step-by-step knowledge that will enable you create lasting happiness.    Positive Psychology interventions that have been proven to bring happiness.    How to dramatically increase your willpower    The secrets to succeeding in your new goals    Strategies for avoiding the pitfalls while changing your habitsWhat are the requirements?    Zero prior knowledge is needed to regain control over your joy and happiness!    A commitment to your learning and personal growthWhat am I going to get from this course?    Over 49 lectures and 2 hours of content!    Regain Control of Your Life    Tap Into Your Greatest Assets    Tiny Habits for Lasting Change    Design Your Own Happiness framework    Develop Social Influence and Make People Like You Instantly    Become More Magnetic, Inspired and Driven    Learn how to re-wire your brain and trigger more happiness chemicals to get through “the tough times”    Greater Levels of Willpower    Develop a Mindset of Loving Yourself and Loving Others    Become proficient in the cornerstone principles of happiness and take “happy” to work with you    Learn how to choose only the habits you want – at will    Resist temptation and exhibit enhanced self-control towards your life goals    Be more joyful with your loved ones    Parent your children the way you promised yourself you would    Develop your true expression by creating the ‘important’ habits    Re-charge your life and learn to take ownership of your well-being when stressed    Enhance your locus of control towards your most important work and personal projects    Live like your ideal-self during every waking hour    Discover long-term fulfillment when things appear empty    Make dramatic shifts in your health and stay around longer    Improve your sense of vitality and become full and alive    Begin to feel like you have MORE LIFE    Positive Psychology    Willpower    Habits and Happiness Techniques from Braco PobricWhat is the target audience?    This practical, hands-on course is rooted in the sciences of habit formation and positive psychology. The system will benefit anyone wanting to make dynamic changes in their lives.    Life coaches seeking proven happiness exercises to use with clients    Anyone interested in self-development through the science of habits and happiness    People feeling STUCK and wanting to regain momemtum    Anyone looking for more control over their behaviorsSales Page-…


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