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Toru Sato – The Ever-Transcending Spirit: The Psychology of Human Relationships, Consciousness, and Development

Toru Sato – The Ever-Transcending Spirit The Psychology of Human Relationships, Consciousness, and Development Final.pdf
[1 eBook – PDF]


Another exclusive quality book-release ripped by TheManAs recommended by playza Quote:The Ever-Transcending Spirit: The Psychology of Human Relationships, Consciousness, and Development^^ possibly one of the best books I’ve ever read.. I think it would be a great book to have on our site… maybe when I get it back from my bud I’ll get it rippedHighly rated on, see…Letting go of our insecurities and rediscovering the beauty of the simple things in life.The quality of our life is really just a reflection of the quality of our internal state of mind. Our internal state of mind is a reflection of where we are in our maturation process. Where most of us are in our maturation process is a reflection of where we are in the process of evolution. Open your hearts and take a fascinating tour that illuminates the common thread to the meaning of our existence. Scholars of the arts, social sciences, and natural sciences have been studying the human mind, its development, and its evolution for many centuries. Discover the commonalities of what these people have found and rediscover the simple beauty of life. This book provides us with exceptional insights concerning why we are the way we are, especially in the realm of human relationships, consciousness, and development. It also provides us with insights about how we can break out of our shells and take the next step in our relationships and personal development so that we can make a positive contribution to the process of evolution. [/b]Quote: I really hope you read this book!, September 28, 20035.0 out of 5 stars  By A CustomerBack when I was in college a while ago, I took a very memorable psychology class from Dr. Sato. Even though I really don’t remember much from any of the college classes I took back then, there were a few basic messages about life that Dr. Sato mentioned that really struck a chord inside and stuck with me. Although something clicked and these things he said were very interesting, I didn’t think much of it when I was taking his class. I was much more absorbed with other typical concerns of a college student. Having a bit more life experience now, I feel like I am really beginning to appreciate what he was really trying to tell us. About six months ago, I came across the book “Rhythm, Relationships, and Transcendence” written by him and decided to buy it in hopes that I might learn more than the few bits I remembered from that class many years ago. This book was quite excellent and extremely inspiring but it left me with some missing pieces in the puzzle. Although this book is indispensable to me now, it left me hungry for more. It made me think deeper in search for a more complete picture of my relationships, my development, and the world around me and how it is evolving. Then recently, I bought “The Ever-Transcending Spirit”, the more recent book by Dr. Sato and found many of the answers I was so dearly looking for. After reading many books on these topics, I must say that this is the most readable, insightful, and useful book I have ever read. I cannot say enough about this book! This book is a tremendous gift to the world and I hope many people read it and are inspired by it. I just want to say that I really appreciate thinkers / writers like him sharing their insights and wisdom with the rest of us and inspiring us to feel that we can all make a positive contribution by participating in this world with the utmost sincerity and heart.Comment Comment | Permalink | Was this review helpful to you?   Quote:123 of 134 people found the following review helpful:5.0 out of 5 stars Everything I wanted to know!, September 15, 2003By A CustomerThere are many books on self-help, relationships, spirituality, and psychology for the general public out there but this one is probably the best I have ever read by far (and believe me, I have read many). This book explains almost everything I wanted to know in a simple, interesting and inspiring way! It provides us with answers about our relationships, our development, our mind, as well as the evolution and history of the world. I couldn’t believe how everything made so much sense when I was reading this book! It is quite simple but I never really got it and from what I have heard from other people and read in other books, not many people do get it. Don’t get me wrong, the answers do not always provide easy solutions to our everyday problems (it’s not a book that promises you instant happiness) but it helps us put our problems in perspective and deal with them effectively. It enables us to see how it all comes together if we understand some basic underlying rules about nature. Don’t miss out. Highly, Highly, Highly recommended!Note: there are 2 pages missing from the book, 121&123. If anyone can scan them it would be greatEnjoy!


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