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Tony Buzan – The power of social intelligence

The power of social intelligence.PDF
[E-Book – pdf]


Tony Buzan – The power of social intelligence10 Ways To Tap Into Your Social GeniusDid you know? People have ‘miraculously’ recovered from critical illnesses suchas cancer, and have overcome severe disabilities, simply thoughsheer willpower – their brain’s control over their body. You can affect ‘automatic’ bodily processes like your temperatureand heart beat, physical health and athletic performance solelythrough the power of your thoughts. In 1970, an Indian yogi,Swami Rama, caused two areas a couple of inches apart on hisright hand to change temperature, in opposite directions. Therate of the temperature change was about 2°C (4°F) per minute,and he was able to maintain the change until there was atemperature difference of 5°C (10°F) The tennis player Billie Jean King was considered by heropponents to be almost unbeatable once she had mentally‘programmed’ her body to win, despite the fact that there was noparticular physical area in which she was superior to everybodyelse.In this book I will acquaint you with the awesome power and potentialof your body and mind.When I was a young boy at school, I found myself perplexed andconfused by many questions to which I found I had no answer, anddemotivated by comments from my teachers that seemed to confirmmy lack of intelligence, concentration and energy.My unanswered questions included the following: Why were things like geography, history, English and scienceconsidered more important than sports, art and music? Why was it that some boys (whom we all considered brilliant)were thought by our teachers to be disruptive and stupid, whilesome boys whom we thought to have no common sense at all,were considered bright by our teachers? Why would I sometimes get a lower mark in a test in which Iknew I knew more than other students who, for someinexplicable reason got higher marks than me? Conversely, why would I sometimes get a higher mark in a testan someone whom I knew knew more than me?My teachers’ comments about my general academic careerincluded: ‘Lazy’ ‘Tends to day-dream too much’. ‘Poor power of concentration’. ‘This young boy is obviously not talented in art’. ‘Can be a disruptive influence in the classroom’. ‘Failed to live up to expectations – a disappointing performance’. ‘Shows no aptitude for PE [Physical Education]’. ‘Performance in history appalling – shows little interest or talentin the subject’. ‘Non-university material!’ ‘Could do better’.Sound familiar?My unresolved questions gradually clarified themselves over timeinto three far more focused and incisive points:1. Who says who is intelligent?2. Who is the authority that defines what intelligence is?3. Can IQ be changed for the better?My attempts to answer these questions became my life’s work, and ledme to spend the next 30 years exploring the brain and the processes ofintelligence, and inventing the concept of the Mind Map to improveour intelligences.This book is really written as a rescue operation for all those brainson Planet earth who have raised the same questions and/or receivedsimilar comments on their school reports!Enjoy the rediscovery of your natural intelligences!t h e c h a l l e n g eIn the 1950s, Alan Turing, the inventor of the computer, challenged thecomputer industry to create a machine that was intelligent as a humanbeing.The test was, and is, as follows: three knowledgeable and intelligenthuman beings were to sit facing a curtained barrier. Behind the curtainwere another three intelligences: two humans and one computer. Allthree pairs were to engage in conversation on any topic chosen by thefirst three people. A prize would be awarded if the computer couldconvince each of the three people in front of the curtain, in turn, that itis one of the two human beings behind the barrier! As this new centurybegins, no one has even come close to claiming the prize.Dramatic as it is, and successful as it has been, the Turing Challenge(as you will discover) has missed at least 90 per cent of the point!The challenge was based on the old assumption that IQ and humanintelligence were primarily based on the power of words. We now knowthat this is only one of the many intelligences that we have, and thatfor a computer to prove that it is equal to your human brain, it mustdemonstrate skills in all 10 intelligences simultaneously – for acomputer to combine numerical, physical, sensory, creative and spatialintelligences would be far more appropriate demonstration of humanlikeintelligence!It seems as if the prize will stay unclaimed for a good while yet.**Transfer Ratio as you wish i really Want some if you canMTyler


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