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Tom Vizzini & Kim McFarland – Story Hacking

Tom & Kim – Story Hacking
[Webrip – 5 mp4, 1 doc]



Gold Member’s Seminar from the Essential Skills guys, 2016.People always have a story they are running in all situations. If you understand their story you understand how to persuade them.It is like confirmation bias on steroids.The interesting point is how you start to change the story of others so they start believing your story more.Even when your story does not match theirs perfectly you have the ability to alter their story enough to have influence.You might not love the new parts of the story but you will go along with it.There are 3 skills to doing this1 Discover their story2 Clarify your story3 Blend your story with theirs to make your story seem acceptable.Now add anchoring to this and you have massive amounts on influence that works directly with how your brain functions.


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