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Tom Venuto – Top Secret to Six Pack Abs

Tom Venuto – Top Secret to Six Pack Abs [ 1 Book – PDF ].pdf
[ 1 Book – PDF ]


There are all kinds of products claiming to reduce belly fat throughall kinds of physiological mechanisms including controllinginsulin, reducing appetite, increasing thermogenesis, and others.The two products you mentioned claim to reduce abdominal fat bysuppressing the hormone cortisol.No matter what the mechanism involved, I can’t put it any softerthan to say this whole concept of “take a pill to lose your belly” isthe wrong approach and a great way to burn your money, get takenadvantage of, and end up frustrated, discouraged, or even harmingyourself. If pills really worked in the long term, they would havestood the test of time, but instead, there’s a new miracle productevery year. That’s how the marketing machine works—they keephooking you with the “next big thing.”People get bombarded with so much advertising that they’reconditioned—or I guess brainwashed is a better word—to thinkthat a pill is the answer. But if you look at the history of the dietpill market, it’s been one bomb, one scam, and one fraud after another.


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