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Todd Scott – Vaporizor Method (9 ebooks – PDF,2 audios – MP3, 13 videos – .wmv,2 .xls)

Todd Scott – Vaporizor Method

Description the Short Cut to Fast Fat Loss?It’s the most sought after fat loss system in the world, but …No. I’m Not Kidding.But only a select few insiders will ever be exposed Live to the privately held Fat Loss techniques of the man acknowledged as one of the world’s greatest fitness experts – Todd Scott. Even Sean Hyson, during a Men’s Fitness magazine project, picked Todd’s brain about his techniques, confessing that Todd had insider knowledge he’d never heard before. “You are Awesome, Todd Scott! Great explanations! You teach me something new everyday! It’s no wonder you’re one of the Best Guys I know to work with!”Sean Hyson – Fitness Editor, Men’s Fitness MagazineThis is mega-hot material destined to set the fat-loss community on fire. It’s guaranteed to piss off all the poseurs claiming to have the inside track on fat loss techniques and literally strip down waistlines at break-neck speeds for those who act. Actually, It’s so damn powerful, he’s named it…”The Vaporizor Method”Warning!Well over 37,871 people have begged and pleaded for this intense Fat Loss course, but only 500 spots of the Vaporizor Method have EVER been released. 500 Out of 37,871… You do the math.That means Only 1.3% of the people wanting in this course have ever actually get their hands on it.ONE PERCENT.And, if You’re 1 of those 99% that DIDN’T Get your hands on it when it was first released.THIS IS YOUR CHANCE to get it for 1/2 OFF the regular price for just $47 dollars.Very soon, The Vaporizor Method Half-Off Sale will be taken down and marked Back UP to the FULL $97 dollar price tag.You see, these techniques are so powerful that even the case-study who blew the entire Week 3 of the Program STILL lost 21 Pounds. But unfortunately, 99% of the people who wanted the ‘tell-all’ Vaporizor Method will never experience it.Don’t waste another second, click here now to reserve your spot:Here are the Fast Action Bonuses If They’re Still AvailableLimited Bonus #1 -During its first release, we arranged with Todd V. to host a LIVE call for a Select number of Vaporizor Method Customers. For you to ask us your most pressing questions about how to effectively put the Vaporizor Method to work for you to make sure all your weight stays off.In this Live recorded call, Todd Valentine described in detail how he Dropped 21 Pounds in Just 4 Weeks… As with just about anything in life, it takes dedication and belief in the end result. All too often when we see someone DO something that we want to do, we think it’s just because they have some “magic power”. Todd V. is just a regular old average guy that has 2 jobs, works 12 Hour shifts at the hospital, and he has three young children at home. This interview is proof and will give you the added inspiration to become your own personal success story and serves as an additional tool for you so that way you get the most out of your journey..Limited Bonus #2 –  Raw and Unedited, This is Todd V.’s 30 Day Vaporizor Journal in excel spreadsheet format. Each day he recorded his food, his workouts, and most importantly his weight. At the end of each week, he jotted in valuable notes as to how the week went, what he liked, what he didn’t like, and how he’s feeling. You’ll be able to use this as a guide to gauge your own progress. Todd paid $1,500 to learn the information contained in this journal, and it’s Yours FREE. We are VERY fortunate that he’s allowed us to use it to learn from and model. It is in its ORIGINAL unedited form, but you will be able to clearly see his day to day progress.Don’t waste another second, click here now to reserve your copy for HALF OFF:From the Desk of Todd ScottTraining Advisor, Men’s Fitness magazineDear Friend,You are reading a letter that I never thought I would write. However, the number of calls and emails from people desperate to purchase the The Vaporizor Method keeps growing and growing… And with good reason.The Vaporizor Method has proven to be the most effective and most powerful fat loss blueprint ever to be produced.I know lots of other people claim that, but here are the facts:Within the first 4 1/2 days of putting The Vaporizor Method into action, Todd Valentine (who had ballooned to an all time high 197 pounds) had already lost 7 pounds!Here’s the email he sent me 4 Days After Starting the Vaporizor Method:Since I had to scale the image down in order for it to fit, this is what the email reads:”Hey man, to give you an update. Total weight I’ve lost in the 41/2 days so far is 7 pounds. I ate 2 chips yesturday because I couldn’t resist and that only made my cravings worst. I ate 2 salads with my 2 servings of meat yesturday and used light or fat free italian dressing on the salads. Got on the scales this morning and had gained a pound. That’s about as far as gotten away from the diet. I did have 3 protein bars that had more carbs in them than I would have liked. I also have had a couple of spoons of peanut butter but didn’t seem to hurt. Gonna hit the cardio hard this evening when I get off work and weigh in in the morning. I’ll let you know.”And here’s the kicker…HE didn’t have super-human genetics, tons of time, or much experience losing weight. Plus he LOVED to eat.In fact, he’s in his 30’s, was overweight, has 2 Full Time Jobs, works 12 hour shifts almost daily, and to top it all off, he still has 3 kids and a wife at home that he LOVES spending time with… so spending hours at the gym was the last thing he wanted to do…After topping out at nearly 200 pounds, Todd asked for help, wrote out a check for $1,500, and….This Is What Happened Next:And After Defeating All Odds,Todd Lost 21 Pounds In Just 4 Weeks…A Complete beginner achieved these results. He didn’t have years and years of fitness fat loss experience under his belt. He simply opened the Vaporizor Method up and put it to work. And He Actually ONLY followed it 75% of the time!I’ll repeat – Even After Blowing Week 3 of the Program, Todd STILL lost 21 Pounds in 4 Weeks. These results happened in 30 days.Update During Week 3:”I’m feeling really bad about getting off track the past 24 hours. Even though I have somehow managed to lose weight. One of the things I’ve liked best is the support I get from other people from work. Also the compliments. And It’s nice when you have people ask what you’ve been doing and want to do the same thing.” – from Todd Valentine’s Vaporizor journalThese Methods Literally CHANGED HIS LIFE!And They Can Do The Same For YOU…As I progressed over the years from an every day average joe to one of the “Go to Guys” for Men’s Fitness magazine, I met a lot of men and women who had tried All sorts of crazy gimmicks to drop weight really fast, but they never really seemed to get anywhere…Back in 2006, through a Bizarre Chain of Events, My Life Changed Forever.I went from owning and operating a successful personal training company, being super-fit, in shape, and having tons of energy day in and day out to losing it ALL almost overnight, then barely being able to make ends meet… In Short: Over the Course of the Next 12 Months, I worked my ass off to get back on my feet, and in the process, I gained a WHOPPING 30 pounds of Fat.And the worst part is — I knew it was happening.Why? Because My Priorities had changed… Working out and eating right wasn’t #1 on the to do list anymore… and because I couldn’t afford to take focus off things that were truly important to me… you know, family, friends, work, and fun (when possible).Everything I tried in order to lose fat failed, because I would start up a new diet, nutrition plan, or work out program… it would last a few weeks and then I’d stop. So I finally got fed up and was determined to find something that would burn fat, and BURN IT FAST.I went back to the drawing board…It was SCARY.It was so scary that I was embarrassed to really even be seen in public after I went from a super-fit, buff trainer that big time magazines called on for help…. to a fat ass regular old dude in Just 12 short months, it’s almost like how you would feel if you’re overweight standing at a beach without any clothes on…The Irony is that 75% of the people I worked with in the past, I could finally relate to straight from the heart. So with a yearning desire to get rid of this fat as fast ass possible…I was on a MissionI was like a mad scientist or something … researching everything I could get my hands on on rapid fat loss, scribbling down pages of notes. My notebooks filled boxes and, soon, were scattered all over my house:The Freak Discovery That Slashed Fat Like CrazyThen I sat down and went through these notes with a fine-toothed comb, and started to develop an entirely new method of fat loss that was based off a scientifically proven strategy and that *could* easily be learned and implemented. But I wasn’t entirely sure if it would work…So I put it to the test for 3 Weeks… and the results were ASTOUNDING:17 Pounds Gone… In Just 3 Weeks(That’s Almost A Staggering 6 Pounds PER Week,Week After Week Without Fail – I Couldn’t Believe My Eyes.)Being one of the “go-to” guys of a major fitness magazine means I have colleagues around the country that are also well respected experts…Here’s some of the research I used in developing this program that you might find interesting:It has been an accepted “fact” of weight loss dieting for years: lose no more than two pounds per week if you want to stay healthy and keep the weight off. A retrospective evaluation of 25 controlled diet studies conducted over the past two decades shows just the opposite. Dieters who lost weight the fastest had higher success rates both for achieving and maintaining their target weight than those who lost weight more slowly.Variations of a protein-sparing modified fast (PSMF) or a very low calorie diet (VLCD) were used as the fast weight loss method. These were compared to typical low calorie or low carbohydrate weight loss diets.Those in the (PSMF) group reported less hunger and less preoccupation with eating than those consuming low calorie diets. Adherence was also greater in the protein sparing fast groups. At 18 month follow up, 30% of women and 58% of men in the PSMF group had maintained their weight loss compared to an anticipated 6% of dieters who lose weight by traditional calorie-counting. There was no significant difference between the groups in terms of exercise tolerance, resting metabolism or reported emotional stress.Researchers speculate that the success of a PSMF may be related to several factors including less hunger, less focus on food and faster emotional gratification. Dr. Dana Myatt, bariatric family physician and author of the The Super Fast Diet (La Casa Press, 2005), concurs.”It is not simply a matter of eating a very low calorie diet. The diet must contain specific amounts of protein and nutrients in order to cause fast fat loss, not lean muscle loss. When done correctly, this type of diet appears clearly superior to slower weight loss programs, especially for people in otherwise good health..”ReferencesMy DilemmaHere’s the problem I face: Frankly, I’m concerned The Vaporizor Method might become too well known and get used without responsible guidelines. It’s NOT that I don’t want people to use this information… it’s that it just makes me a little nervous about being known as the “Lose 6 Pounds-A-Week” Guy”……And that’s why I almost never released it in the first place.In The Wrong Hands, This Is DangerousThe Vaporizor Method has proven to be the most effective and most powerful fat loss program ever to be produced.Period.And when you only follow this program 50% of the time, you lose more weight in 4 Weeks than most people lose on “effective” programs over a period of 12 or 16 weeks… Think about it, how many friends do you have that lost 15-20 pounds, but it took them 3 months or more to lose it. Now think about this, Todd V. mis-fired during week 3 and STILL lost 21 pounds in 4 weeks…This can be you.And what’s more…It doesn’t matter if you’ve ever had success with weight loss…It doesn’t matter if you’ve never worked out or dieted in your life…It doesn’t matter if you’re a rank beginner, or have been struggling to lose fat for years…And… it doesn’t matter if you still think I’m lying to you about how easy this is.Nope. The ONLY thing that matters… is your desire to lose a bunch of fat in a really short time  – and to actually keep it off.Just listen to what happened to Todd Valentine after he learned the Vaporizor Method:”Man, I can’t thank you enough.  Your progra has made such a huge difference in my life.  I love my life, I love who I am, and I owe a lot of it directly to you. I am sure you get these kinds of letters all the time, but I am also sure that they do not get old.  I have to tell you that I had my doubts, but I have to say that you were 100% right. I trusted you, and it all worked.I’ve finished the first round of the Vaporizor Method 2 Weeks ago, and I’ve still lost 3 more pounds, despite thinking I’d gain some of it back.I don’t really know how to thank you.  Just suffice it to say that I am absolutely a believer.”–Todd Valentine, “The 21 Pound Man”The fact is, this stuff works. And it works fast.Here’s A Taste Of What You’ll Get In The Vaporizor Method…I’ve done all the work for you.I’ve spent two long years in the trenches doing the research to discover the most effective ways to Burn Fat at Break Neck Speeds.If there was a rumor of a strategy, I hunted it down. If there was a whisper of a secret anywhere, I tested it.In my years in the fat loss community, I’ve studied every single book, CD, video, course, and seminar I could find.But I was never satisfied with what was given me.The truth is, 99% of what you hear is either played-out or never really worked that well in the first place.It wasn’t until my back was against the wall, testing and developing strategies, that I figured out how to TRULY lose a ton of weight really fast.  (And yes, this is MUCH more detonating than anything you read in my books or online)When I decided I wanted to release the Vaporizor Method to a select few, I sat down to create a course that was unlike anything you’ve ever seen.First of all, this is NOT a one and done course!What you see in the picture at the top of this page is a fraction of what you’re getting.It will always be around for you if you want to refer to it. Whether you want to watch it on your computer, burn it to discs to watch on your tv, or print it to read it in bed at night, this is a full-blown COURSE… Hands down like NOTHING you will ever see again.You’ll Get The Entire:The Vaporizor Method e-BookI’ve always been disappointed with the quality of some of the other “fast” fat-loss courses out there. Most of them are 300-Page, Fluff Filled, Confusing Encyclopedias that take DAYS to go through… Then once you find what might be the “good” stuff, you forget where in the book you saw it… I don’t know about you, but normally, this is enough to cause me to never open the thing again.But Not here.This short power-punch filled manual outlines the exact strategies we’ll use to start shedding fat at startling speeds. It contains everything from the nutrition guidelines, the exercise pictures & descriptions, The Workouts, and the scheduling from Day 1 all the way to Day 30. When I say this program is brain-dead-simple, I’m not exaggerating, it’s all of 21 Pages. No hype, no theory, just “here’s what we’re doing, and here’s how you get started” But Don’t Be Fooled, these strategies are extremely powerful, and you’ll be able to get started immediately.That’s right. You will actually be able to put the Vaporizor Method to use within the first 20 minutes of opening it.Vaporizor Video TutorialThe Vaporizor Tutorial is designed to walk you through the program to explain everything out in detail as if you’re sitting at your computer looking at the program right over my shoulder. This is an essential piece of the program, because if you were to just look at the Manual, it may cause you to Think It Doesn’t Work. But Don’t Be Fooled, This stuff is Powerful. ! But don’t just take my word for it, you will see first-hand.VM Workout VideosVideo #1: The First Video You Receive will demonstrate how to do each exercise properly. The only equipment you will need is a barbell set and/or a few pair of dumbbells. You do not need a gym, in fact you’ll see how you can do this entire workout in a 10’x10′ space. If you do the workouts in your home, the only thing you’ll need are high ceilings (so we don’t break stuff). Other optional equipment will be a jump rope. Don’t get  me wrong, if you prefer working out in a gym, it’s explained in the VM manual how to set everything up (it’ll only take about 2 minutes). Depending on the Feedback, more videos will be produced if needed.In Addition to that You’ll Get The Following Video That No One Has EVER Seen Before…Video #2: The Second Video You get will demonstrate how to perform the Vaporizor Training program without missing a beat. As per Todd Valentine’s request, I put this jewel together so you’ll be able to see exactly how to get the most out of each training session to ensure you burn as much fat as possible (due to editing time, this video will be ready on July 7th, 2009) do each exercise properly.Depending on the Feedback, more videos will be produced if needed.VM Sample Meal PlansThe Special Vaporizor Nutrition Plan isn’t complex on the surface, but is one of the main components that will strip your waistline in record speeds. You just choose your calorie category, print it out and put it to work. You’ll have 5 sample meal plans to choose from to be used as a guide to make things more simple for you. Devising your nutrition plan will also be included in the Video tutorials.PLUS You’ll Get These Special Bonuses When You Secure Your Spot Today:Raw and Unedited, This is Todd’s 30 Day Vaporizor Journal in excel spreadsheet format. Each day he recorded his food, his workouts, and most importantly his weight. At the end of each week, he jotted in valuable notes as to how the week went, what he liked, what he didn’t like, and how he’s feeling. You’ll be able to use this as a guide to gauge your own progress. Todd paid $1,500 to learn the information contained in this journal, and it’s Yours FREE. We are VERY fortunate that he’s allowed us to use it to learn from and model. It is in its ORIGINAL unedited form, but you will be able to clearly see his day to day progress.”10 Brain-Dead-Simple, Fat Slashing Cardio WorkoutsThat You Can Do Literally Anywhere in The World… All In Under 10 Minutes”(Retail $19.95)These Are the cardio workouts I Created to use in conjunction with the Vaporizor Method. These Workouts have NEVER been made public.They can all be done at home with nothing more than a few dumbbells and a jump rope.You’ll  be able to Get “In” Your Fat Burning Zone in just 10 Minutes and keep Burning Fat for the Next 24-48 Hours.Never-Seen before Fat Blasting Cardio Using Nothing More than a Pair of Dumbbells & a Jump RopeSimply Open the Manual, and Step Outside to Start Burning Fat Immediately!You CAN do these at a gym, at home, and even in your own back yard!metabolic Equalizer™”The Secret Tool For Burning Fat”(Retail $49.95)Burning fat can be tough. Burning Fat without knowing how many calories, grams of protein, carbs, or fat you should be consuming is an uphill battle. Burning Fat without knowing precisely how many calories your body burns is near impossible.With this breakthrough software, you’ll be able to calculate exactly what your body needs to start burning 2-3 pounds of fat per week. Accompanied by a video tutorial, this may be the most potent software you’ve ever seen. Not Only will you be able to break down thenumber of calories you need per day, but you will be able to break itdown to the number of calories, protein, carbs, and fat you need PER MEAL. With a simple click of the button! All you’ll need to do is plug in a few simple personalized numbers, and this software spits out exactly what you need!There’s no reason to be confused by some drawn out formula, I’ll walk you through exactly how to use this simple software, and you’ll know how many calories you need at each meal within MINUTES!PLUS I’M GONNA SHOW YOU HOW YOU CANEAT STUFF LIKE THIS AND STILL LOSE FATBUT COULD THERE POSSIBLY BE SOMETHINGEVEN BETTER THAN EATING WHATEVER YOU WANTAND STILL LOSING FAT???One Word Answer…Yes…If you watched Todd’s Transformation videos then you saw his progress from week 1 all the way to week 4.And you saw his amazing before and after pictures…No matter what, you win… because, imagine what your life will be like if you just do as HALF as good as Todd did during his program.Do you think your life would be better?  Simply put:You’re Looking At Slashing 15-30 Pounds of Fat Off Your Belly JUSTFOR ALLOWING  THE VAPORIZOR METHOD TO DO ITS JOB!!!So here’s the deal…You Can Secure Your Very Own Copy ofThe Vaporizor Method For HALF the NormalPrice For a VERY Limited Time(Until this Page is Taken Down).That means exactly what it says.  I am so torn about the release of this program,  I’m opening the doors for JUST A VERY LIMITED TIMEWhy?One reason is back when I first decided to release the program again I decided that the only way I would release it at the time is if it was an interactive program. This program is Extremely Potent. And I’m NERVOUS about releasing it. Seriously.Like I just said, this program is very potent, so it makes me nervous to just let everyone around get a copy and go hog wild with it. I prefer to be there for you when you have questions. By Limiting the time that people can actually order, it means I won’t have thousands and thousands of customers all at once. And THAT MEANS my inbox won’t be FLOODED with 1000’s of questions, and I’ll be able to help you personally if you need it.Everybody wants this system, but only a select few will be able to have it for quite some time.   Just by watching the Vaporizor Tutorial Video and Following along in your Vaporizor Manual… you will instantly absorb tips that will turbocharge your fat loss (without affecting anything else) with more PURE POWER than you ever believe you could have.You’ll also learn the simple techniques of never losing control of your weight again.  You’ll never again feel the pain of being self conscious about what you look like in public again.   You can “install” these techniques into your life almost overnight. Just watch these astonishing Tutorials, play the videos, or skim through the blueprints … and you’ll be ready to burn fat like you’ve never seen. In just a few days time, the program likely goes off the market… maybe for just a few months… maybe forever – I’m not sure.If you are one of the tens of thousands of people who have read “How to Get Six Pack Abs,” you know that one thing is true – I mean what I say.So trust me, I’m as serious as a heart attack. If I DO release it again, it will be a private release to the Top Customers of How to Get Six Pack Abs.NOTICE: This Program Is Being Sold Under The Following Conditions:1. You must not be a member of a professional fitness association or an egotistical trainer who will turn around and release these methods as your own. If you do – your lawyers will scream in pain when my lawyers nail your thieving head to the wall.2. You may not resell the Vaporizor Method – ever. If you don’t think these techniques work, I’ll buy back your course and sell them to one of the other people on the waiting list that actually want it. They’ll laugh at your decision when they have to start buying new clothes after 2 weeks3. This program comes with a 60 day guarantee. Look, you know my reputation. I do not release these materials lightly. If “How to Get Six Pack Abs” gave you a glimpse into the world of what is possible, “The Vaporizor Method” will vault you to the top4. Once you’re convinced this set is the missing piece you’ve been searching for, you’ll be invited to meet me and Todd Valentine for A SPECIAL LIVE Vaporizor Q&A Call to help Dial in your program as Todd V. spills his guts in detail as to exactly what he did to lose 21 pounds in 4 weeks.No one but members of “The Vaporizor Method” will be allowed.6. This is not for people who are already happy with their weight and how they look. This is only for men and women who want to take themselves to the next level…to a level where you’re one of the “thin & fit” people of your group – where your friends and strangers alike volunteer to ask you how you’re able to keep in such great shape with your busy schedule.Bottom line – no one gets this program unless they agree to these conditions.The Only Other People To Ever Access The System You’re Getting Today Paid AT LEAST $97 for it.The question is, are you prepared to pay $97 to lose 20 pounds?You should be.Not only have many people ALREADY paid that much for half of this information (and many offered 10 times that much), but you simply can’t put a price on these life changing methods.Think about this:When was the last time you attempted to lose weight?? (If at all.)    Was it easy?    Was it successfull?    Did you lose as much weight as you would have liked?Probably not.And you know what?  That is OK.99.9% of the people in this world have trouble losing fat.  So don’t feel too bad (We’ve all been there.) But let me ask you this:What if you could magically hold the key to losing as much weight as you want …any at any given time, regardless of the time of year?How much would that be worth to you? What if you could lose as much weight as you want …regardless, and you’d be able to keep it off – or at least know how to get it off again easily if you did happen to splurge and put on a few pounds?Exactly… most people would say you simply can’t put a price on that.  Because knowledge like this is 20x more important than the stupid shit you buy on a daily basis.Actually …strike that.Knowledge this powerful is more important than anything else you will have in your lifetime.Why?Because think about it:When you’re 83 years old and sitting on the front porch in a rocking chair reflecting on your entire life, what is going to be more important to you?The 8,000 movies you saw every other Friday night?  The countless dollars you blew on trendy lattes at Starbucks?OR…The fact you ended up spending over half your life feeling like you own the world… and looking like you Belong half naked everywhere you go?That whenever you walked into a room, your friends wished they were you and the opposite sex wished they were with you because of how amazing amazing you appear… and the confidence you exude.That you had experienced life to the fullest, had the confidence and the energy to live out your dreams.If that isn’t worth $97, than I honestly don’t know what is.Well guess what…You Don’t Have To Spend $97!You can own this entire Program for only $47 – but ONLY while this page is still Live.That’s it.  No “hidden charges” or outrageous fees. AND you get to attend the ‘one time only’ Vaporizor Method Coaching Call that I will absolutely NEVER offer again.The reason I’m pricing it high is because Todd Valentine (the case study above) paid $1,500 to learn this. And he said he’d be pretty pissed off if everyone else got this program for chump change.But you’re getting the Videos, Audios, cheat sheets, and workbooks for PENNIES on the Dollar compared to what he paid.I think you’re getting the better deal here.Think about this:Over the span of a year, this mega-course is only going to cost you$0.12 cents a day.That’s less than a stick of bubble gum.So for less than the cost of a stick of bubblicious bubble gum, you can instantly unlock the secrets that will make the weight literally PEEL off your body.This took over two solid years to develop through trial and error, and you will NEVER find these secrets revealed anywhere else.  And now you have the chance to buy it for about 12 cents a day?!You can barely buy a piece of candy for that price anymore.But listen. I want to make absolutely sure this is the right thing for you.That’s why…I Am Giving You A Full60 Day “Test Drive” Absolutely Risk FreeYou read that right:If you are not 110% happy with this product…  If you don’t think this is the most amazing thing your eyes have ever seen… if you don’t lose 5 Pounds in the first week…Then you can get every single penny back, with no forms to fill out, no ‘special card’ to mail back, and no outrageous shipping fees.There are NO strings attached.I am so confident that when you’re done with this program you will think this is the best purchase you have every made in your life, you can return the course within 60 days and I will give you a 100% complete refund …and we’ll still be friends.But honestly, I’m not worried about you returning it…Because I believe in this course THAT MUCH.I know most people will not return it because they will simply be amazed at the results.With this course, the results are instant.Remember, the Vaporizor Method will be Taken off the Market in just a few days and at the VERY LEAST, the price will increase to $97 (if I decide to leave it on the market).There are over 37,871 other people “in line” to get to this already …And you should know: I reserve the Right to take down this page at any time. If I see that we’ve gotten 1000’s of orders.. then the chances are very likely that I’ll pull the plug. Because, Like I said, I want to be able to help you if you have any questions. And frankly, if I have 1,000 or more people emailing me, there’s no way in hell I’d be able to answer everyone in a timely manner. So, please keep that in mind.Honestly, I am expecting this course to sell 100’s, maybe even close to a 1,000.  Some think it will easily sell 1,000 copies in just a few hours. So if you are still reading this, it is probably too late.Don’t waste another minute, click the button below to make sure:The cold fact is, this Is Your Only Chance To Get The Vaporizor Method at HALF OFF.  If you’re still reading this letter, chances are “YOU BLEW IT!” and “IT’S TOO LATE!” Hurry up and click the link below and pray to God you haven’t missed you window of opportunity yet.There are no second chances here.Look, I went from being a fat tub-o-lard back to a Super-Fit, Lean Dude and struggled to accumulate this material over the past 2 years.You get to bypass the whole learning curve and go to the head of the class in just minutes.If you don’t take advantage of this now, you WILL regret it.So there’s only one thing left for you to say…Yes, Todd – I Want A Copy of The Vaporizor Method!I look forward to working with you soon.  I’ll expect your success stories and pictures of your results. Welcome to the team,Todd ScottP.S. Not only are you going to be happy with The Vaporizor Method, you are going to thrilled with the changes you’ll undertake.  Just knowing that only a limited number of people in the whole world are going to get their hands on this Fat Loss Program should make you reaching for the this link right now…


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