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Thomas Kurz and G.S.- Tools of Attack (Street Weapons Usage)

Thomas Kurz and G.S.- Tools of Attack (Street Weapons Usage).avi
[1 VHS- AVI Rip]


Thomas Kurz and G.S.- Tools of Attack (Street Weapons Usage)This is the only site to get a digital copy of this! Its sold on VHS only. I converted it for you guys with my laptop and my pal’s VCRQuote:TestimonialsOur Customers Tell You About Self-Defense: Tools of Attack“This is the most realistic video I have seen. There is no place for nonsense in his training—every move devastates [his opponent]. Those in martial arts who believe that they know how to defend themselves should watch this video. It will increase your awareness.”Mac Mierzejewski5th dan Kyokushin Karate5th dan Musubi Ryu JujitsuEdmonton, Alberta“Knowing the reality and knowing the enemy you will not get surprised.“Any martial art, as a model of combat, must test itself over and over and adapt it to ever-changing reality. So developing of a martial art never stops.“This tape shows the reality. Crude and brutal as the street could be. It is eye-opening and could greatly help you in adapting your self-defense training to the real situations.“Techniques shown, their force, brutality and the level of proficiency of the attacker is something that every martial artist must take into consideration. Living in your own world of dojo will get you disconnected of what happens outside.“The tape is worth watching. I hope you will not get horrified after viewing it.”Ragib KaramehmedovicAikido & self-defense instructorSarajevo, Bosnia“This an effective, deadly system of combat that should make the rest of fighting arts nervous.“A shining example of creativity, ingenuity, skill, precision targeting and power. Rarely have I seen such efficient use of body mechanics or such mastery with common weapons. G. S. is truly a master. This hard hitting, street style of self-defense is real eye-opener to even those who have trained for many years.”Terrance Rasmuson6th Dan JuJitsu4th Dan Tenshi Goju KarateEdmonton, Alberta“This short video shook me out of my complacency. I see how far from real were the attacks I learned to defend against. [All because] my practice partners, well meaning as they were, have never seen how these weapons are really used.”Name withheld“Why have I decided to publish this short video? I like it. It has no fluff. With just one viewing you will know how to use weapons—and if you do the drills you will be too good to be intimidated—even when you are empty handed.“The demonstrator collected debts, settled scores, and provided personal protection in some of the worst neighborhoods of Eastern Europe. He shows the simple moves and simple drills that kept him unbeaten in every fight. This video is the result of his bloody experience and keen insight into `what’ works and how to practice so `it’ works.”Thomas KurzPublisher, Stadion Publishing Companyand author of Basic Instincts of Self-Defense“It’s truly a rare occasion for me to receive genuinely unique fighting materials, either as an instructional format or as a demonstration-medium. When one has been around the international martial arts arena for over forty years, studying, researching, cataloging, and participating within this realm, there are few surprises. TOOLS OF ATTACK has been a pleasant surprise for me.“Sent to me in a 16 minute, VHS video format from Thomas Kurz, the founder and president of Stadion Publishing Company and the new sister LLC: Real-Self-Defense, the video provided a presentation of a man demonstrating his physical skills with the aforementioned weapons. The video footage was filmed in May of 1995 of a gentleman simply called: ` G.S.’“According to Thomas Kurz,  G.S. had spent many years in the torturous, East European penal system, during which time,  G.S. had perfected his craft, of which the blade held his preference. Following his release, to my understanding,   G.S. became an enforcer in this region of Eastern Europe.“While the video was not recorded as a step-by-step, detailed instructional medium, it is designed to capture the full intimidating essence of human movement, from an experienced, real-world combatant, demonstrating what the actual application of a short, heavy club, an all metal hatchet, a large hawkbill knife held in an `ice-pick’ grip, a short piece of hydraulic hose, a straight-razor, and home-made `blackjack’ would look like at full-force, full-speed. Understand that the possession of several of these weapons is illegal in numerous municipalities in the United States, and that this video is for information/documentation purposes only.“ G.S. demonstrates how he uses each weapon in real time, and where applicable, on a heavy leather punching bag.“The actions with the impact weapons (short, heavy club, homemade blackjack and a short piece of hydraulic hose) had short, tight powerful movements, using the entire body behind each subtle application. Combined,  G.S.’s maneuvering was simultaneously devastating and deceptive in his delivery.  G.S. demonstrated proficiency of utility in both his left and right hand, when using the club on the heavy bag.“The knife work was unique in both the kind of knife chosen (hawkbill) and the way it was deployed. The actions  G.S. used with this knife where incredibly strong and viciously illusory. Deploying this tool as he demonstrated in this video presentation reveals actions which would be very difficult to stop or defend against. The expression of his knife work is a perfect amalgamation of offensive and defensive principles, where there is no distinction between either principle.“The demonstrations of  G.S.’s, using the hatchet and the razor remained consistently powerful, tight, and fluid. Given the speed of execution of all his physical abilities, including endurance, simple footwork, level changes and body evasiveness, his simplicity succeeded in misleading the viewer as to what angle the subsequent action would follow. Just when I thought I figured out G.S..s rhythm, he would catch this viewer with a surprise vector of approach. Impressive!“Watching this video enlightens the observer to the harsh reality, not only to what it would like to actually deploy these weapons, the video illustrated just how frightful weapons applications are in the hands of an experienced wielder who has actually used real weapons in real time against real, mean people in a violent and unforgiving environment.“Thomas Kurz narrates the video, stipulating that by watching this video, one will be receiving a visual understanding of what true attacks with these weapons would look like. He continues that by possessing a truth about such attacks, one owns the correct information upon which one can base appropriate protective responses. I agree, fully. And the video succeeds in providing this truth of attack.“This short video provides the viewer with a sense of realism extremely hard to find or come by in the martial arts and self-defense arenas, especially if one does not actually operate in high risk, violent environments at a professional level, which makes this video presentation priceless.”Rev. A. Bodhi Chenevey, RM, DDHikaze Learning Corner329 Ihrig AvenueWooster OH 44691330-749-8206hikazeshinjin AT yahoo DOT comMore:Quote:Testimonials“While the video was not recorded as a step-by-step, detailed instructional medium, it is designed to capture the full intimidating essence of human movement, from an experienced, real-world combatant.“G.S. demonstrates how he uses each weapon in real time, and where applicable, on a heavy leather punching bag.“The actions with the impact weapons (short, heavy club, homemade blackjack and a short piece of hydraulic hose) had short, tight powerful movements, using the entire body behind each subtle application. Combined, G.S.’s maneuvering was simultaneously devastating and deceptive in his delivery.“The knife work was unique in both the kind of knife chosen (hawkbill) and the way it was deployed. The actions G.S. used with this knife where incredibly strong and viciously illusory. Deploying this tool as he demonstrated in this video presentation reveals actions which would be very difficult to stop or defend against.“The demonstrations of G.S.’s, using the hatchet and the razor remained consistently powerful, tight, and fluid. Given the speed of execution of all his physical abilities, including endurance, simple footwork, level changes and body evasiveness, his simplicity succeeded in misleading the viewer as to what angle the subsequent action would follow. Just when I thought I figured out G.S.’s   rhythm, he would catch this viewer with a surprise vector of approach. Impressive!“This short video provides the viewer with a sense of realism extremely hard to find or come by in the martial arts and self-defense arenas, especially if one does not actually operate in high risk, violent environments at a professional level, which makes this video presentation priceless.”—Rev. A. Bodhi Chenevey, RM, DDHikaze Learning CornerRev. A. Bodhi Chenevey writes for Jissen Magazine“This an effective, deadly system of combat that should make the rest of fighting arts nervous.”“Rarely have I seen such efficient use of body mechanics or such mastery with common weapons. This hard hitting, street style of self-defense is real eye-opener to even those who have trained for many years.” —Terrance Rasmuson6th Dan JuJitsu4th Dan Tenshi Goju KarateEdmonton, Alberta“This short video shook me out of my complacency. I see how far from real were the attacks I learned to defend against. [All because] my practice partners, well meaning as they were, have never seen how these weapons are really used.” —Name withheld“Why have I decided to publish this short video? I like it. It has no fluff. With just one viewing an intelligent person will know how to use weapons—and if one does the drills one will be too good to be intimidated—even when empty-handed.“The demonstrator shows the simple moves and simple drills that kept him unbeaten in every fight. This video is the result of his bloody experience and keen insight into `what’ works and how to practice so `it’ works.”—Thomas KurzPublisherStadion Publishing Companyand author ofBasic Instincts of Self-DefenseIf you ever had the itch to see an Easter European thug show off how he assaults ppl with an assortment of weapons- this is a video you’d like to see! Tom Kurz gives a systematic overview of what is taking place and why its key for self defense to know how to be offensive with street weapons. Still this is just some street fighter taking axes and knives and homemade fails and showing hitting combinations and footwork. Its accurate to how aggressive and fast most weapon assaults are- it is not mind blowing nor new to those who do train to use knives or clubs.This is only 16 mins (I was not baby sitting the conversation and got 2 mins more) and was NEVER intended to be a product sold to the public. It was made for a friend of the man doing the demonstration and is very succinct. It shows how to attack and brutalize some one with a weapon. The man, G.S as he is called, did a lot of time in prison (no shit! ) and was a bouncer and debt collector and looks to be some crime boss enforcer type.  This is basic ‘hit and cut’ moves done with weapons.Knifes, whips, clubs and an ax. All are shown. One weapon that is not shown tho is a basic pad lock on the end of short a bike chain/small steel bike lock rope. Not that I want to glorify beating ass with weapons, I can attest that if you need to put some one out fast (b/c they attacked you! Keep it legal- do not hunt ppl down!) that one works disgustingly well. You would use it in the same manner as the radiator hose this guy uses BTW. I just thought I’d add that in. The sound such a weapon makes when it hits a skull is most gruesome and is one you will never forget should u ever use that weapon and hear what I mean. That is something this tape overlooks- the unpleasantness of real fighting and of being responsible (even tho its in self defense) for seriously damaging another human being. Not to mope over that point, just be advised of it. Listening to Kurz talk you get a sense of some depth that is meant to be shared by this instruction. Over all tho this is not really a training course- just a reality check demo of how to use a weapon to fuck someone up.Of you think fighting is cool and hurting ppl is the way to be- you will find out what prison chow tastes like for many years to come. Don’t take this info and be some thug! Still… If by chance you have never seen some one swing a bat or chase down and cut someone with a blade IRL (good! That is not anything to seek out!), then the tape’s showing u the speed and nasty intent of a weapons attack may be a nice wake up call. Seeing martial arts techniques on the pages of a book and how to ‘disarm’ the knife and whatnot would get you cut when some bruiser with an ax (like this guy) comes looking to cut you. To see the gap between what is real and what is ‘supposed to work’ is a nice refresher. There is a ton of defenses that do work BTW. This tape does not get into those however. That said many ppl in the martial arts do and see stuff like this, been there and watched that already. Its not new ground. I have upped many knife fighting products (search) and I think all of them are better viewing then this one. Also (tho not my upload) get “Emerson Combat Karambit” since that is an in depth training syllabus and not just a 15 show of session.This tape does not show the reality that if you attack ppl with weapons u get bloody and there is much screaming in pain and even pleading (depending on what is taking place). Its a VERY ugly scene. I have seen ppl get knifed and die. Its not cool at all… I still love action movies () but the real deal is never thrilling. If you are going to be a fighter- self control is the first fight u need to win! No joke! The one truth this video shows is that, moves wise,  simple and fast is lethal in a real fight- never overlook that!  Flash is trash when the other guy is a nasty and determined street fighting man! Anyway… Its free, its a small file size and it is wroth seeing- if only once.  Kurz does a good job with this commentary and his lessons that are in text form on the last bit of the video.Marketing Copy:Quote:Now you can see the other side of self-defense—a street fighter’s practice.This stuff comes from the worst neighborhoods of the Eastern Europe. Why we decided to reveal this private video? (It was shot just to give a few fighting tips for a friend.) Because today more than just your life may depend on your fighting skill . . .This video shows practice drills of an experienced street fighter. In many confrontations his techniques have never failed him. He shows what is real and how to practice with common street weapons. Observe him to learn the correct techniques and the training drills with a club, hatchet, blackjack, knife, and razor.If you are serious about your self-defense skills, you will use this video to help you become proficient with these weapons yourself. Why? Because proficiency with the methods of attack is essential for developing working defense skills. In the case of armed attacks the need for proficiency with the weapons and tactics you are likely to encounter is critical for escaping death, or an ugly mauling, or worse . . .It is best to be skilled with a given weapon and to practice defenses with a partner who is also good with it. Short of that, you can study videos of fighters. At least, viewing such videos gives you an idea what you are up against so you do not have dangerous delusions. At best, you will pick up essential skills for your practice, spot weaknesses of the attacks, and mentally prepare yourself.Practicing and becoming proficient with weapons your attacker may use give you the following advantages in self-defense:    * You anticipate the potential danger because you know how fast and from what distance the weapons can be used.    * Once you see the weapon, you know what to expect and in what manner it will probably be deployed.    * You do not panic. The situation is familiar and you do not freeze while thinking “What is this?” “Why is this happening to me?” Or, “What do I do now?”    * Through systematic practice with weapons, you may reach a higher level of skill than that of your attacker.This last point is worth elaborating. Being more skilled with weapons really pays off. Even if you do not have any weapon with you at the time of attack, seeing that the attacker handles his weapon worse than you would will boost your confidence. High confidence will let you act decisively, without doubts and hesitation, instinctively doing what needs to be done. High confidence will let you use your knowledge of the weapon to take advantage of an attacker’s “weak” moments, which a less skilled or more hesitant person would miss.Learn from the best. G. S. has never lost a fight—for money, life, or limb. He collected debts, settled scores, and provided personal protection in some of the worst neighborhoods of Eastern Europe. Through all the bloody fights he stayed unbeaten, in “one piece,” thanks to his rational technique and the intensity of his simple drills. This video shows the simple moves and simple drills that kept him winning every time.Site:…All trusted can get this now: Enjoy!


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