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Thomas Hanna – The Body Of Life – Somatics & Feldenkrais

Thomas Hanna – The Body of Life (1993).pdf
[1 ebook – PDF]


This new exclusive material is part of the Feldenkrais & Thomas Hanna SOMATICS Integration group buy.This group buy is still open & the forum is listed at: Body Of LifeAuthor: Thomas HannaPublished: 1993Description: 210 pages scanned, OCRed & bookmarked to PDF.                     The Body Of Life: Creating New Pathways for Sensory Awareness and Fluid MovementThis classic work on bodywork education builds on  and improve coordination and range of movement.This is a clear, easy-to-read introduction to the body-mind theory behind Hanna’s “Somatics” system, and how the system works in practice.In this classic book on Bodywork education, Thomas Hanna builds on Feldenkrais’ theories of Functional Integration to fine-tune the nervous system and eliminate involuntary responses to tension, anxiety, and emotional pain.Through case histories, the author describes methods for improving bodily coordination, balance, and range of movement.With enhanced awareness, we gain a greater understanding of our internal states and our ability to affect them.He also surveys the pioneering work of Moshe Feldenkrais, who devised the system of Functional Integration, and many other somatic educators.Hanna’s engaging account offers a profound understand of the precise relationship between mind and body tht can be applied in our day-to-day training.Thomas Hanna, Ph.D. (1928-1990), was a philosopher who became a Functional Integration practitioner, and later developed Hanna Somatic Education or Hanna Somatics. Thomas Hanna created the word “somatics” in 1976 to name the approaches to mind/body integration, and his new magazine, Somatics Magazine-Journal of the Mind/Body Arts and Sciences, which published its premier issue in Autumn 1977. Since its inception, the field of Somatics has grown by leaps and bounds, both in the number and variety of somatic disciplines, as well as the increased awareness and appreciation for working with the mind/body as a somatic whole by the general public.The web site for this material is at:http://www.somaticsed.comPlease keep this a elib exclusive, thanks.The group buy is open and at:: Ratio FreeElite/VIP: 3 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeksUsers: Upgrade to PU or contribute at:, Mazen


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