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The Shift Network – Spring of Sustainability 2014

Spring of Sustainability 2014
[ 54 MP3 – 3 MP4 – 1 HTML File Set ]



                                         The Shift Network and                                                                 Sustainable World Coalition Presents              Spring of  Sustainability 2014                                       Turning Crises into Creative Solutions                                                                  hosted by Steve Motenko and othersWelcome to the Earth Day Celebration and a 9-Week Online      Sustainability Action Program where we learn how to                   Turn Crises into Creative SolutionsThe Spring of Sustainability Online Telesummit features over 45 innovators,visionaries, green pioneers and change agents – representing some of theworld’s largest and most effective sustainability organizations – offer skills,training, inspiration and powerful solutions for our global sustainability issues.For many of us who are part of the “green movement,” some days, the challenges we face feel unsurmountable.  In these times, it’s common to get overwhelmed by the crises facing our planet – from the destruction of forests, to the toxic chemicals in our products, to the bloodshed over natural resources. We need to find inspiration and partnership – and see that our contributions are making a difference.This is where The Spring of Sustainability springs into action!With The Spring of Sustainability, you’ll learn how to embrace sustainability with more fun, ease and grace – so you’ll have more regenerative energy and passion to foster a more sustainable lifestyle. And you’ll be empowered as a change agent, with practical skills, insights and inspiration to help reinvigorate the green movement and honor our interconnection with our beloved Mother Earth.Whether you would like to create a more eco-friendly home or want to be part of bold initiatives to reforest the entire planet – you’ll want to join the world’s top sustainability organizations and experts who are coming together with the intention of helping you co-create a thriving new world!The Earth Day Celebration, the world’s largest online event of its kind, contains over 12 hours of illuminating sessions in which you’ll gain the wisdom, information, and inspiration you’ll need to be empowered to make your best contributions to our planet.Get ready to be inspired and engaged with powerful insights, practical skills and innovative solutions from some of the world’s top sustainability experts and visionaries. You will join together with others around the globe and experience the beauty and interconnectedness of all life. And practical solutions to make a difference.The Earth Day Celebration Topics:    • The New Storytellers    • Transforming Human Society    • Making the Story RealThe 9-Week Online Sustainability Program will provide you with a deep dive into the proven practices, skills and actions that will help take your family, cause, organization, community – and our planet – to the next level of sustainability.The 9-Week Online Sustainability Program Topics:    • Changing the Dream (started April 28)    • Feeding the World (started May 5)    • Saving Our Vanishing Species (started May 12)    • Ensuring Clean Water (started May 19)    • Building an Economy That Works (started May 26)    • Slowing Climate Change (started June 2)    • Shifting Our Energy Reality (started June 9)    • Transforming Corporate Control (started June 16)    • Awakening the Dreamer (started June 23)The Sustainability Action Program features visionaries, leaders and experts in all areas of sustainability – from green lifestyles to sacred activism to the sciences. You will be guided into easy and meaningful actions, AND you’ll learn about the latest developments and research. And you’ll also be inspired by stories that highlight the beauty in our human potential.A feature we’re very excited to share with you is that the sustainability visionaries who are lined up to teach these modules will suggest specific actions for you to take. You’ll track these actions in a customized action-tracking platform, and we’ll compile the results to display the impact that the entire Spring of Sustainability community is making together.It’s good to know about the extent of what needs to be “fixed” in our entire interconnected world. But it’s even more important to know how to stretch out and mend the parts of the world that are within our reach.With the Sustainability Action Program sessions, you’ll discover:    • Inspiration to transform fear and frustration into hope and inspiration    • How the solutions to world problems are rooted in interconnectedness    • Cutting edge skills for growing a green lifestyle or movement    • Team- and community-building techniques to foster collaboration and forward progress    • Creative and innovative solutions for the most challenging sustainability issues    • Insights for shifting to a life-affirming sustainability culture    • Communication and messaging tools for enlisting others in your cause    • Self-sustainability practices to keep your energy and passion alive    • How to engage networks to share resources and build momentum    • The highest-leverage, doable actions recommended by the top experts    • An uplifting global community of change agents within virtual breakout groups    • And much more…And, you will have the option to listen to all of the transformational sessions from the comfort of your home or office. Which means no travel, and less carbon emissions. Talk about putting sustainability first!YOU ARE THE NEXT WAVE OF SUSTAINABILITY!The Spring of Sustainability will engage you fully in what world-renowned ecologist (and former Spring of Sustainability presenter) Joanna Macy calls, “The Great Turning . . . the essential adventure of our time: the shift from the industrial growth society to a life-sustaining civilization.”It’s the expression of a world movement. We’ll go so far as to say it is the expression of the ideas and guidance from Planet Earth. And this next wave will be led by top ecologists, activists, visionaries, scientists, business leaders, sociologists, psychologists, indigenous wisdom-keepers, sustainability experts… and YOU.FOR ALL LEVELSWhatever your level of involvement in the green movement, The Spring of Sustainability  can help you go to the next level – to help you discover the innovative solutions we need on this beautiful, ever-evolving planet.If you’re new to environmental issues, it will help put you on the path to a more sustainable lifestyle. And if you work for a nonprofit, you’ll learn far more inspiring and practical skills to unleash your powerful human potential in a way that provides sustainable and interconnected answers to our global issues.With guidance from the top experts in the world, there’s no way you can’t come away from The Spring of Sustainability deeply inspired, transformed – and part of the solution.  Please join us in taking sustainability to the next echelon – and help co-create a thriving planet that leaves a legacy of good for generations to come.Take a look at our speaker lineup:The Earth Day Celebration Replay ListingThe New StorytellersInvocation and Introduction with Chief Sonne Reyna, Stephen Dinan, Sustainable World CoalitionLiving Earth, Living Universe with Duane Elgin, David KortenSustainable World Coalition: Catalyzing the New Story – Part One with Steven Motenko, Sustainable World CoalitionSacred Living Earth: Original Stories including Creative Offering from Wendy Grace with Sharon Brown, Tat Erick Gonzalez, Larry Merculieff, Makuini Ruth Tai, Wendy GraceMaking the Connections with Center for Food SafetyHealthy Food: Our Primary Connection with the Earth including Creative Offerings from DJ Cavem[/b][/color] with Ashara Ekundayo, Transition US / Daily Acts, Center for Food Safety, Ocean Robbins, DJ CavemThe Evolving Human Story followed by Creative Offering from Sandy Griffith with Barbara Marx Hubbard, Oscar Miro-Quesada Solevo, Sandy GriffithTransforming Human SocietyVideo: What Gives Me Hope? with Majora Carter, Frances Moore Lappe, Bill McKibben, Ashara Ekundayo, Randy Hayes, Michael Brune, John RobbinsSacred Activism with Andrew Harvey followed by Creative Offering from Kim Rosen with Andrew Harvey, Kim RosenGetting Back to Our Roots and Shamanic Journey with John PerkinsLife-Changers: How Can I Make A Difference? followed by Creative Offering from Drew Dellinger with Sustainable World Coalition, Endangered Species Coalition, Pachamama Alliance, Sarah Hodgdon, Rob Hopkins, Drew DellingerGame-Changers: How Can We Make a Difference Together – Part One with Laurel Sutherlin, Sierra ClubGame-Changers: How Can We Make a Difference Together – Part Two with Citizens Climate Lobby, Center for Food Safety, Pachamama AllianceContribution – Living a Life with Purpose followed by Creative Offering from Kimba Arem with Vicki Robin, Frances Moore Lappe, Kimba AremMaking the Story RealThe Possibility of an Inclusive and Sustainable Society with Sharif AbdullahEmerging Storytellers: Voices of the Future followed by Creative Offering from Nicole Klaymoon with Joshua Gorman, Dorian Toy, Kevin Killion, Danielle Barrs, Caitlin Mezger-Sieg, Meredith Jacobson, Nicole KlaymoonClimate Change: The Bottom Line with Bill McKibbenA True Cost Economy with Randy HayesBusiness as Part of the Solution followed by Creative Offering by Rinaldo Brutoco with Rinaldo BrutocoPermaculture as Blueprint for Sustainability: Regenerating People, Culture, and Planet with Jay Markert (“Jay Ma”), Melanie St. James, Jeanette Acosta (“Sat Siri Kaur”), Jon YoungArtists as Messengers with Gary Malkin, Josh Tickell, Ashara EkundayoSustainable World Coalition: Catalyzing the New Story – Part Two with Steven Motenko, Sustainable World CoalitionClosing Ceremony with Chief Sonne Reyna, Sustainable World CoalitionVideo: Awakening Universe by Neal Rogin with Awakening Universe The 9-Week Online Sustainability Program ReplaysWEEK 1 – Changing the DreamThe Living Earth, and the Human Presence Upon It with David Korten, Bill Twist, Steven MotenkoLiving in a Living Universe with Duane Elgin, Teresa CollinsArchitects of a Living Future with Buckminster Fuller Institute, International Living Future Institute, Sustainable World CoalitionUnleashing Our Shared Genius: The Community Resilience Challenge with Transition US / Daily Acts, Marissa MommaertsWEEK 2 – Feeding the WorldCreating a New Food Future with Center for Food SafetyThe Hidden Food Ingredient That’s Killing Orangutans and Enslaving Children with Rainforest Action Network, Sustainable World CoalitionWEEK 3 – Saving Our Vanishing SpeciesVanishing Wildlife and Wildlands with Endangered Species Coalition, Defenders of Wildlife, Humane Society of the United StatesVanishing Pollinators with Xerces Society, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), Pollinator Partnership, Singing Frogs Farm, Endangered Species CoalitionVanishing Species in a Warming World with Endangered Species Coalition, National Wildlife Federation, Earthjustice, Defenders of WildlifeVanishing Ocean Species with Oceana, Pew Charitable Trusts, Chef Nora Pouillon, Major General Michael R. LehnertVanishing Species: Why We Have Hope with Endangered Species Coalition, Center for Biological Diversity, Save Our Wild SalmonDialogue with Ed Begley, Jr. with a reading of Dr. Seuss’s “The Lorax”WEEK 4 – Ensuring Clean WaterBlue Future: Protecting Water for People and the Planet with International Rivers, Shilpa JainHealthy Oceans = Sustainable Planet with Mark Spalding, Julia Roberson, Michael Stocker, Ken HinmanFor the Love of Water: Local Actions that Matter with Brock Dolman, Greywater Action, Brad LancasterWEEK 5 – Building an Economy That WorksA New Economy for a Living Earth with David Korten, New Economy Coalition, Sarah van GelderCreating Local Resilient Economies with REconomy, Local Food Shift, Business Alliance for Local Living Economies, (BALLE)WEEK 6 – Slowing Climate ChangeHow to Tell the Truth About Climate Change with Climate Reality Leadership Corps, Summer SandersThe Keystone XL Pipeline: Why and How It Must Be Stopped with Rainforest Action Network, National Wildlife Federation, Environmental Defense of CanadaPutting a Price on Carbon Pollution: A Game-Changer with National Wildlife Federation, Citizens Climate Lobby, Climate Reality Leadership Corps, Chloe MaxminTackling Climate Change in Your Household and Community with Transition Network, Sierra Club, Center for Food SafetyWEEK 7 – Shifting Our Energy RealityOur Energy Reality with Richard Heinberg, Post Carbon InstituteShifting Our Energy at a National Level and Beyond with Sierra Club, Rainforest Action NetworkPower from People with Greg PahlWEEK 8 – Transforming Corporate ControlCorporate Personhood: The Constitutional ‘Right” to Environmental Destruction with Move To AmendChallenging Corporate Power: Locally! with Stephanie Hervey, Mayor Gayle McLaughlin, Sustainable World CoalitionWEEK 9 – Awakening the DreamerAwakening the Dreamer with Sustainable World Coalition, The Pachamama Alliance, Pachamama AllianceChanging the Dream with Sustainable World Coalition, The Pachamama Alliance, Pachamama AllianceStaying Awake and Engaged with The Pachamama Alliance, Steven Motenko, Sustainable World CoalitionYour Primary Host: Steve MotenkoDirector of Operations, The Sustainable World Coalition and a co-creator of the Spring of Sustainability Summit.  He is a Harvard-educated personal coach and leadership trainer, and formerly an award-winning journalist, music teacher, and advocate for educational reform.  Steve’s passion for sustainability, for transformative education, and for an integral approach to the interdependence of all life led him to a leadership role in the Awakening the Dreamer Symposium facilitator community, and in 2011 to the Sustainable World Coalition.


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