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The Fat Summit 2 Autumn 2016

The Fat Summit 2 Autumn 2016
[Webrip – 34 MP3, 58 PDF, 9 MP4, 1 RTF]


                                                           The Fat Summit 2: Separating even more FAT from FICTION! ANNOUNCING:THE FAT SUMMIT 2Nov 7-14, 2016Ready to lose weight, feel great and potentially reverse disease?Eating more FAT may be the answer!There’s still so much confusion and misinformation out there about FAT, both the fat on our bodies and the fats we eat. You’ve been told that eating fat makes you fat–and increases your risk for heart disease and other chronic illnesses–but fat is NOT the enemy.The truth is: eating MORE FAT can help shut down cravings, accelerate weight loss and potentially prevent or reverse disease!The first Fat Summit was a major hit, so we’re back with 30+ brand NEW interviews during which you’ll discover even more about…    Biohacking your biology and weight loss with healthy fats    Truths about saturated fat, cholesterol, butter, sugar, carbs and more    Review and discussion of the latest articles on fat and weight loss    Digestion of fats through supplementation    Effects of dietary fat on fertility    Importance of community for making/sustaining healthy lifestyle choices    How eating more fat complements/combats other dietary approaches    Best practices for maintaining your weight and healthy eating habitsMeet Your Hosts:Dr. Mark HymanMark Hyman, MD, believes that we all deserve a life of vitality—and that we have the potential to create it for ourselves. That’s why he is dedicated to tackling the root causes of chronic disease by harnessing the power of Functional Medicine to transform healthcare. He is a practicing family physician, a ten-time New York Times bestselling author, and an internationally recognized leader, speaker, educator, and advocate in his field. He is the Director of the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine. He is also the founder and director of The UltraWellness Center, chairman of the board of the Institute for Functional Medicine, a medical editor of The Huffington Post, and has been a regular medical contributor on many television shows including CBS This Morning, the Today Show, CNN, The View, the Katie Couric show and The Dr. Oz Show.Dr. Hyman’s new book, The Eat Fat, Get Thin Cookbook, will be released in November 2016.Dr. Carrie DiulusDr. Carrie Diulus is a board-certified orthopaedic spine surgeon. She believes in using a holistic approach with every patient she sees. She is the Medical Director of the Crystal Clinic Spine Wellness Center, in Akron, Ohio. She has a special interest in minimally invasive spine surgery as well as the impact of nutrition, sleep, meditation, exercise and stress management in orthopaedic surgery and chronic pain.ScheduleDay 1: Monday, November 7  Chris Kresser, MS, LAc    Taking Back Your Health    What You’ll Learn –        The truth about eating animal protein        Benefits of a personalized paleo approach        Low-carb vs. low-fat diets    Richard Bernstein, MD, FACE, FACN, FCCWS    Balancing Your Blood Sugars    What You’ll Learn –        Why eating a low-carb, high-fat diet is important        The importance of self-monitoring blood sugar        Why so many endocrinologists still have it wrong    David Ludwig, MD, PhD    Digging Deeper into the Biology of Obesity    What You’ll Learn –        Why you’re always hungry!        metabolism and the starvation response        Dangers of processed carbohydrates, sugars and starch    Amy Myers, MD    The Gut, Thyroid, Autoimmune Connection    What You’ll Learn –        Real causes of autoimmune and thyroid diseases        Nutrients and healthy fats for your thyroid        Causes and effects of leaky gutDay 2: Tuesday, November 8    Deanna Minich, PhD    Whole Body Detox    What You’ll Learn –        How toxins change our metabolism        Ways to remove fat-stored toxins        Top nutrients to prevent fat storage    Gary Taubes    The Sobering Truth on Sugar    What You’ll Learn –        History of diabetes (and what truly causes it!)        The real culprits of obesity and disease        Fat calories vs. sugar calories    Pedram Shojai, OMD    The Urban Monk Reboot    What You’ll Learn –        How to deal with daily stressors        Maintaining long-term healthy habits        How to become an Urban Monk    Mark Hyman, MD & Carrie Diulus, MD    Functional Medicine Takes on Diabetes    What You’ll Learn –        Types of diabetes and their differences / treatments        What a diabetic really should be eating        The importance of ketones    Visit this speaker’s website:    JJ Virgin, CNS, CHFS    Getting Real: The Impact of Sugar, Carbs and Fat    What You’ll Learn –        Truth about the glycemic index        Breaking sugar addiction and building healthy habits        The importance of building muscleDay 3: Wednesday, November 9    Kris Carr    Become Your Own Health CEO    What You’ll Learn –        Participating in wellness instead of disease        How to eat yourself well        Shifting your lifestyle for optimal health    David Perlmutter, MD, FACN, ABIHM    Achieving Optimal Brain Health    What You’ll Learn –        Negative effects of a low-fat diet on brain health        Benefits of saturated fat        The gut as it relates to brain health    Kellyann Petrucci, MS, ND    Reverse Aging and Lose Weight    What You’ll Learn –        Hacks to reverse aging and lose weight        How to cool inflammation        Benefits of omega-3 fatty acids    Nina Teicholz    Putting an End to the War on Fat    What You’ll Learn –        Consequences of government’s low-fat diet recommendation        The true cause of heart disease        Myths about cholesterol    Peter Attia, MD    Liver, Cholesterol and Insulin Resistance    What You’ll Learn –        Role of sugar in a fatty liver        The causes of dyslipidemia        Benefits of a high-fat diet on insulin resistanceDay 4: Thursday, November 10    Marc David    The Psychology of Eating    What You’ll Learn –        Intuitive eating        The effects of fat on mood        Speed up your metabolism!    Aseem Malhotra, MD    We’ve Got It All Wrong About Fat    What You’ll Learn –        Healthy history of the Mediterranean diet/lifestyle        The truth about cholesterol        Dangers of insulin resistance    Alberto Villoldo, PhD    Shamanic Healing    What You’ll Learn –        Benefits of shamanic healing        Repairing mitochondria        Epidemic from the overconsumption of sugar/grains    Dana Trentini    The Importance of Thyroid Health    What You’ll Learn –        Dealing with hypothyroidism        Healthy fats and hormonal health        Pregnancy and the thyroid    Dave Asprey    Biohacking Your Health    What You’ll Learn –        How to sustain life-long weight loss        The dangers of a low-fat diet        Hormonal balance and weight metabolismDay 5: Friday, November 11    Osama Hamdy, MD, PhD, FACE    Treating Diabetes with Fat    What You’ll Learn –        Role of fat and carbohydrates in diabetes        How carbohydrates cause weight gain        Weight reduction in patients with diabetes    Izabella Wentz, PharmD, FASCP    The Root Cause of Thyroid Imbalance    What You’ll Learn –        The true cause of Hashimoto’s        Best ways to treat thyroid imbalance        Role of nutrients and toxins in autoimmune diseases    Sayer Ji    Food as Medicine    What You’ll Learn –        More than calories, food is medicine!        Conventional medicine vs. alternative therapies        Therapeutic benefits of fat    Sarah Hallberg, DO, MS, DABOM    The Case for a Low-Carb, High-Fat Diet    What You’ll Learn –        Effects of protein, fat and carbs on insulin        The harm of statins        Treating chronic illness with a high-fat, low-carb diet    Max Lugavere    The Epidemic of Broken Brains    What You’ll Learn –        Becoming a health detective        Optimizing brain health        Problem with conventional treatment of neurodegenerative diseasesDay 6: Saturday, November 12    Rick Warren, DMin    The Power of Community    What You’ll Learn –        The importance of motivation and community        Transformation through small groups        How to make real change    Ronald Krauss, MD    Diving into the World of Fat    What You’ll Learn –        Is saturated fat a health food?        True cause of abnormal cholesterol profiles        Dissecting research around fat    Stephanie Daniel, DO    Functional Medicine Approach to Infertility    What You’ll Learn –        Causes of infertility        Fat’s role in conception        Optimizing our hormonal health    Tom, O’Bryan, DC, CCN, DACBN    Tackling Autoimmune Diseases    What You’ll Learn –        Gluten intolerance as it relates to disease        Connection between gut health and autoimmunity        Benefits of eating more fat    Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS    How to Get the Most Out of Your Fats    What You’ll Learn –        Why you should eat “smart fats”        The gallbladder and faulty fat metabolism        Digestion of fats through supplementationDay 7: Sunday, November 13    Akil Palanisamy, MD    A Paleovedic Approach    What You’ll Learn –        Benefits of an Ayurvedic + paleo diet        Lifestyle recommendations for optimal health        The benefits of healing fats    Dale Bredesen, MD    The Future of Alzheimer’s Disease    What You’ll Learn –        Causes of Alzheimer’s disease        Treating Alzheimer’s and dementia with lifestyle changes        Importance of of fat for brain health    Sean Lucan, MD, MPH    Healing Communities Through Real Food    What You’ll Learn –        Misconceptions of calorie-focused thinking        Truth about saturated fat and dairy        The biggest nutrition myths    John Robbins    Challenging Food Policy    What You’ll Learn –        Food injustice        Food labeling        Harmful pesticides and toxins    Gabrielle Lyon, DO    Optimizing Protein    What You’ll Learn –        Protein metabolism        Importance of lifting weights        Busting the biggest protein mythsDay 8: Monday, November 14 : Encore DayOur Gifts to You!Register for The Fat Summit 2 to receive the following FREE gifts:    Free Gift 1    Taking Back Your Health from Chris KresserExpert Talk & a Transcript of this video    In this FREE early expert talk, learn:        The truth about eating animal protein        Benefits of personalized paleo approach        Low-carb vs. low-fat diets        Free Gift 2    Functional Medicine Takes on Diabetes from Carrie Diulus (Your co-host)Expert Talk & a Transcript of this video    In this FREE early expert talk, learn:        Types of diabetes and the differences/treatments for each        What a diabetic really should be eating        The importance of ketones    Free Gift 3    Eat Fat, Get Thin PBS Show ($49.99 value!)    We’ve long been told that fat makes us fat, contributes to heart disease and generally erodes our health. Now, a growing body of research is debunking our fat-phobia, revealing the health and weight-loss benefits of a higher-fat diet rich in eggs, nuts, healthy oils, avocados and other delicious super-foods.    In this show, Dr. Mark Hyman introduces a new weight-loss and healthy-living program based on the latest science, and explains how eating fat can help promote weight loss and optimum health. Offering practical tools, meal plans, recipes and shopping lists, as well as step-by-step, easy-to-follow advice, it’s a cutting edge way to lose weight, prevent disease and feel good.    Free Gift 4    Best of Mark’s Kitchen: 10 Plant-Based Recipes Handpicked by the Doctor from Mark Hyman, MD    Enjoy these 10 vegan recipes incorporating healthy fats, proteins and plenty of plant foods to nourish your body and satisfy your taste buds. Perfect whether you are following the vegan lifestyle or simply looking to incorporate more plant-based recipes into your diet_Again, I have collaborated with NieilStrauss on this project, even though he is of a different opinion on fats Thank you my friend!Website:


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