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The Chopra Center Cookbook ebook

Chopra Center cookbook
[1 pdf]


Product DescriptionA revolutionary cookbook to renew body, mind, and spiritThe food at world-famous Chopra Center for Well Being is designed to delight the senses, enliven vitality, and tap into the joy of being alive. Now, Deepak Chopra, David Simon, and Leanne Backer offer you marvelous recipes from this extraordinary place of healing-showing how nature provides us with all the nutrients we need to create meals that are delicious as well as nutritious.Combining Modern nutritional science and Ayurveda-the most ancient healing system on the planet-The Chopra Center Cookbook features more than 200 appetizing, low-fat, easy-to-prepare recipes for entrées, soups, stews quick meals, breakfast dishes, snacks, and desserts that take the guesswork out of choosing food that is good for the body, as well as 30 days of balanced meal plans. From Zucchini Pecan Bread, Vegetarian paella, and Breakfast Burritos to Rosemary White Bean Soup, Braised Salmon with Mango Tomato Salsa, and Unbelievable Double Chocolate Cake, you’ll discover a new world of flavor and enjoyment as the authors show you how to eat food that is good for you, re-establish the mind-body connection, and reverse the aging process.From the Inside FlapBestselling author Deepak Chopra is the leading pioneer in the field of mind-body medicine. The world-famous Chopra Center for Well Being is a healing place where people come from all over the world to learn how to nurture and transform their bodies, minds, and souls through nutrition, meditation, and mind-body practice. Finally, here is The Chopra Center Cookbook. Chopra’s coauthors for this landmark cookbook are David Simon, M.D., Medical Director of the Chopra Center for Well Being, and Leanne Backer, Executive Chef of the Chopra Center. The Chopra Center Cookbook transforms the way we view food and eating, showing us how to prepare delicious, nutritious meals that lead to integration of body, mind, and spirit while reversing the aging process.The Chopra Center Cookbook includes 30 days of delicious and balanced meal plans and more than 200 easy-to-make, sumptuous recipes for entr´e es, soups, stews, quick meals, breakfast dishes, snacks, and desserts that take the guesswork out of choosing food that is good for the body. The Chopra Center Cookbook is rooted in both cutting-edge nutritional science and the world’s most ancient health system, Ayurveda, of which yoga is a close relative. Ayurveda recommends that we all partake of the six tastes of life–sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, and astringent–and the recipes in this book are balanced to appeal to all six tastes for optimal digestion and enjoyment. The recipes–quite low-fat and yet rich with marvelous spices and herbs to add amazing flavor–favor fresh vegetables and fruits and a wide variety of grains and beans; some also include the option of adding fresh fish and chicken, should you so desire.


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