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The Charming Rogue – Secrets of Same Night Lays

Secrets of Same Night Lays
[1 eBook – PDF, 1 CD – MP3]



Warning: This is NOT a beginner’s guide. If your game is such that you cannot currently attract and seduce women fairly consistently, this guide will NOT be very beneficial for you. If you cannot already get women into bed in a “reasonable” timeline, this guide will NOT be the magic bullet that instantly transforms you into the Charming Rogue™ who can! I will, however, recommend some excellent places to learn solid attraction game, so you can get the fundamentals down and later put the additional techniques described in this book into practice. For those that have solid fundamentals, however, this IS the guide that will ensure you never have to leave the bar alone again.Here are some of the Secrets what you will learn:    * Why you should aim for Same Night Lays (And why you will actually get even MORE women in your life and in your bed by doing so)    * Where to obtain the cutting edge technology for meeting and attracting women (Since this is NOT a beginner’s guide and I won’t bore you with re-hashing this stuff, I offer no fluff you can find elsewhere, only the secrets you need to get her in your bed fast!)    * The only 2 rules you will ever need to get any woman you want in the sack fast (Who said getting girls to fuck you quickly should be difficult!??)    * The shocking secret women don’t want you to know about them (and how knowing this secret will get you laid!)    * The 5 Logistical Questions you absolutely must ask every woman in order to maximize your efforts (never again will you waste your time interacting with a woman you cannot get that night!)    * The 5 objections and consequences women fear that prevents them from having sex with you RIGHT NOW (and how to easily bypass them so she will naturally want to jump on your dick ASAP!)    * 4 Common Scenarios that naturally lead to rapid sex (some of these may shock and surprise you!)    * How to create intense Sexual Tension in a woman so she finds herself sub-consciously wanting to fuck you right there in the bar (You will be amazed what happens to a woman when the roles are reversed and she starts sexually pursuing you!)    * Techniques for Sexual Framing so closely guarded that some of the top experts are going to kill me for revealing them (and you will be amazed how “naughty” a woman will behave once you have unleashed the floodgates that allow her to behave exactly how she truly wants to!)    * frame Games and Tactics you can easily add in to your repertoire TONIGHT that will get her naturally behaving sexually with you (And they are so easy to add to your game that you will master them almost INSTANTLY!)    * How to create your own routines for sexual framing (so you will never be accused of reading “The Game” or watching “The Pickup Artist” on VH1!)    * 3 Simple Default Moves you can use any time you get “stuck” in an interaction (that’s right, never be tongue-tied or at a loss for what to do with a hot woman again!)    * Techniques for Escalation that lead you and her out of the bar and into the bedroom naturally and every time! (Some of these techniques can even be used without saying a single word!)    * How to avoid a rookie blunder so many wannabe ladies men consistently make (You would be surprised how many guys you think are players are not actually getting women into bed…even though they appear to get results!)    * Special Kino Tactics that seem “innocent” enough to perform in front of her friends and onlookers at the bar, but get her incredibly horny (I have seen women visibly soak through her jeans after doing them in a bar more than a couple times!)    * How to properly bait a woman to want to chase you (and how this gets her so invested in you that even if she didn’t initially like you, she can’t help but rationalize to herself that she does!)    * How to use NLP tactics that rapidly increase your results with women (Hint: you may not realize this, but most of the top seducers that are getting rapid lays are secretly using NLP!)    * And finally, the Closing Tactics you need to smoothly extract her from the bar and into your bedroom (There are so many little things you can do to make this often tricky move so flawless and natural that you should never have to convince a women to go home with you EVER AGAIN!)


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