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The Book of Shuma Gora

The Book of Shuma Gora
[eBook – 1 PDF]



By Will Kraft, (A.K.A. Shuma Gora)The Basic and Advanced teachings of Shuma Gora concerning the art of seduction and self-improvement.This book may be used by anyone wishing to aspire to greatness and overcome his current fears and insecurities about dating and other complications that hold him back. These techniques of which I’m going to elaborate on are meant to be used in conjunction with the Don Juan Bible, located at and here on elib.techThis Book is for men, by men. Women are not meant to read this book, for they have no need to learn how to date women effectively. This book is for men who deserve to learn the truth, who desire to learn the truth, and are tired of having the truth kept from them by society as a whole.


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