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The Anxiety Summit Season 1-3

The Anxiety Summit Season 1-3
[Webrip – 86 MP3, 119 PDF, 3 MP4, 2 FLV, 3 RTF]


                               The Anxiety Summit Season 1-3About Your HostFood Mood Expert Trudy Scott is a certified nutritionist on a mission to educate and empower anxious individuals worldwide about natural solutions for anxiety, stress and emotional eating. Trudy serves as a catalyst in bringing about life enhancing transformations that start with the healing powers of eating real whole food, using individually targeted supplementation and making simple lifestyle changes. She works primarily with women but the information she offers works equally well for men and children.Trudy also presents nationally to nutrition and mental health professionals on food and mood, sharing all the recent research and how-to steps so they too can educate and empower their clients and patients.Trudy is past president of the National Association of Nutrition Professionals. She was recipient of the 2012 Impact Award and currently serves as a Special Advisor to the Board of Directors. Trudy is a member of Alliance for Addiction Solutions and Anxiety and Depression Association of America. She was a nominee for the 2015 Scattergood Innovation Award and is a faculty advisor at Hawthorn University.Trudy is the author of The Antianxiety Food Solution: How the Foods You Eat Can Help You Calm Your Anxious Mind, Improve Your Mood and End Cravings (New Harbinger 2011) and host of The Anxiety Summit.Trudy is passionate about sharing the powerful food mood connection because she experienced the results first-hand, finding complete resolution of her anxiety and panic attacks.The Anxiety Summit Season 1 (June 2014)Food Mood Expert and Certified Nutritionist Trudy Scott interviewed 20+ of the world’s experts and opinion leaders on the very powerful connection between food and mood. Hear the science and learn transformational tools you can apply right away. Be empowered and take charge!The speakers:Trudy Scott, CN, host of the Anxiety Summit, Food Mood expert and author of The Antianxiety Food SolutionThe Anxiety Summit: stats, trends and gems    Why The Anxiety Summit    Stats on anxiety and related health issues such as depression, emotional eating, addictions, insomnia, IBS, ADHD and autism    Disturbing trends we’re seeing with toddlers, in high schools and at colleges    Gems from each of the upcoming speakers Dr. Kelly Brogan, M.D., Holistic women’s health psychiatryMisunderstood and Mistreated: Reinventing Psychiatry    misconceptions around causes of mental illness    the danger of psychiatry and a better model of mental illness    bodily problems that masquerade as psychiatric    top lifestyle interventions and powerful natural treatments Dr. Felice Jacka, Principal Research Fellow at Deakin University, Melbourne, AustraliaThe Research: Food to prevent and treat anxiety and depression?    Organizations and collaboration in nutritional psychiatry research and prevention    Study: Traditional diet lowers the risk of anxiety and depression in women    The surprising benefits of grass-fed red meat for improved mood    Food and mental health research in Norway, Japan, UK and Spain, across all ages and socioeconomic levels    Ongoing research on diet to prevent depression and future research on the gutEsther Blum, Integrative Dietitian and bestselling author of Cavewomen Don’t Get FatHow to Live Gorgeously and Rock Your Inner Cavegirl    Paleo eating for anxiety, stress, weight management and autoimmunity    Finding your own carbohydrate tolerance and why eat red meat    How to set up your own tension taming routine    The effects of toxic cosmetics on your health and anxiety Julie Matthews, Certified Nutrition Consultant and author of award winning book, Nourishing Hope for AutismBioIndividual Nutrition for Anxiety: How special diets and avoiding certain foods can support individuals with anxiety    how the body and brain are connected    opiates, salicylates, amines, glutamates and oxalates    how special diets can help: GFCF, GAPS, low oxalate diet, FODMAPs    how to support biochemical pathways such as sulfation and methylation Mira Dessy, Certified Nutrition Educator, Real Food Advocate, and author of The Pantry PrincipleHow additives in your food can make you anxious    neurobehavioral effects of artificial sweeteners Aspartame and Splenda    MSG: effects on the HPA axis and serotonin    the ‘mystery math’ of trans fats, azodicarbonamide/ADA and BVO    the endocrine disrupting chemical BPA Amanda Swart, Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Stellenbosch University, South AfricaRooibos: a functional food in the management of stress    the role rooibos plays in the maintenance of normal cortisol levels    the influence of rooibos on cytochrome P450 enzymes    the polyphenols and flavonoids found in rooibos    other health benefits of rooibos Dr. Stephanie Seneff, Senior Research Scientist at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence LaboratoryHow aluminum and glyphosate (Roundup) collaborate to cause anxiety, depression, autism and celiac disease    Why glyphosate is sprayed on wheat right before the harvest, and how this explains the epidemic in gluten intolerance    How glyphosate disrupts gut bacteria causing a deficiency in beneficial bacteria and an overgrowth of pathogenic forms    How glyphosate depletes minerals like cobalt, zinc, molybdenum, and manganese by caging them; and how it depletes serotonin and GABA levels    How glyphosate disrupts cytochrome P450 enzymes in the gut and liver, with devastating consequences Margaret Floyd, nutritional therapist, writer, real food advocate and author of Eat NakedComfort food or sweet misery? How sugar controls your mood and how to get it out of your diet    why sugar is so harmful to our mood, where it hides in the diet and how to get it out    why protein is so important and why we shouldn’t be afraid of fat    the challenges of gluten, soy, and other food toxins    other important aspects of real whole food eatingJulia Ross, MFT, pioneer in the field of Amino Acid Therapy and the author of best sellers The Mood Cure and The Diet CureEliminating Anxiety: Amino Acid Therapy and Adrenal Balancing    the role of low serotonin and low GABA in anxiety    when to use tryptophan versus 5-HTP    the effectiveness of oral GABA supplements    how to assess for neurotransmitter deficiencies and the ineffectiveness of urinary neurotransmitter testing    the adrenals and excess cortisol: how to correct this cause of anxiety    the issues with using benzodiazapines and SSRIs for anxiety Dr. Hyla Cass, M.D. board-certified in psychiatry and integrative medicine and the author of Natural Highs and The Addicted Brain and How to Break FreeThe Addicted Brain and How to Break Free    how to recognize the signs addiction    why do we become addicted and what is the connection to anxiety    food/carbs/sugar, caffeine, alcohol and drug addictions    how can we end addiction without suffering/withdrawalDr. Josh Friedman, Psy.D., CHHC, Integrative PsychotherapistIntegrative Psychotherapy: My Journey from Psychoanalysis to Whole Person Mental Health    Why he uses nutrition and functional medicine, together with therapy    5-HTP and GABA for anxiety, inositol for OCD and DPA for “broken-hearted-ness    LENS and other forms of neurofeedback Trudy Scott, CN, host of the Anxiety Summit, Food Mood expert and author of The Antianxiety Food SolutionHow zinc and vitamin B6 prevent pyroluria and social anxiety    The history of pyroluria and Carl Pfeiffer’s work with schizophrenic patients    The symptoms of pyroluria and the relationship to anxious introverts    How to assess for pyroluria: the questionnaire and lab tests    Nutrients for pyroluria: forms and tips to enhance absorption Dr. Anna Cabeca, DO, Gynecologist and Obstetrician, co-creator of Sexy Younger YouThe role of our hormones and neurotransmitters in anxiety    the bodies’ monthly and lifetime hormonal changes and how to claim balance    the hormone – neurotransmitter connection    key TLC’s you can make to gain hormone harmony and balanced moodsDr. Amy Day, ND, specialist in stress, fatigue and hormonal issuesAdrenal health for more energy, less anxiety and balanced hormones    the adrenals: what they are and how they affect mood, sleep, energy and hormonal health    the 3 Rhythms to Save Yourself from Stress    herbs for adrenal health and anxiety    amino acids to calm your anxietyDr. Izabella Wentz, PharmD, author of Hashimoto’s ThyroiditisHashimoto’s Thyroiditis and Anxiety    Why hypothyroidism can sometimes feel like anxiety and the definition of autoimmunity    How common is it and an overview of the best testing    The role of the gut and food intolerances    The key nutrients: zinc, iodine, selenium and moreCorey Schuler, MS, DC, board-certified nutrition specialist, chiropractic physicianRoots, Leaves, and Vitamin Bs for Anxiety    Oral lavender for anxiety: safety, research and mechanism of action    4 key B vitamins for anxiety and HPA dysregulation    3 types of sex hormone dysregulation in women and the role of Femmenessence    Unique non-supplement approaches for anxietyColeen Walsh, MFA, MNT, Functional Nutritionist, Master Nutrition TherapistAre Your Genes Depressing You?: MTHFR and your mood    the Methylation Cycle overview, MTHFR and B vitamins as cofactors    how MTHFR effects the BH4 cycle and serotonin and dopamine    factors that disturb methylation, how to test and what to do    epigenetics and how SNPs are not our destinyCatherine M. Pittman, Ph.D, clinical psychologist, psychology professor, co-author of Extinguishing AnxietyBenzodiazepines in the Treatment of Anxiety: Weighing Risks and Benefits    benzodiazapines: how they work and some of the benefits    side-effects, tolerance facts and withdrawal effects    survey results from members of the online support group    what sort of questions should we be asking about benzodiazepine prescriptionsDr. Nicole Beurkens, PhD, Licensed Psychologist, Certified Brain Injury Specialist, Certified LENS PractitionerNutrition as a Foundation for Other Therapies    Why good nutrition status is important for people with anxiety and other mental health issues    What kinds of nutrition changes are encouraged    Challenges with helping parents and families make nutrition changesChrista Orecchio, clinical and holistic nutritionist, co-host of the nationally syndicated health talk show, “The Randy and Christa Show: News that makes you healthier”Preventing and Quelling Post-Partum Anxiety    the most important nutrients and food groups to consume to prevent depletion and anxiety    placental encapsulation as the fastest way to re-balance hormones    lifestyle and emotions: Visualizing, meal trains, moms groups    homeopathics to help balance hormones and soothe the emotionsJames M. Greenblatt, MD, pioneer in the field of integrative medicine, author of The Breakthrough Depression SolutionIntegrative Therapies for the Treatment of OCD and Anxiety    the role of PANDAS in OCD    inositol for OCD    opiate peptides casomorphin and gliadorphin and the DPP-IV Enzyme    the role of clostridia in anxiety Robin Nielsen, Certified Nutrition Consultant and co-creator of Sexy Younger You a global telesummit eventSleep Your Way to Better Moods    Learn why restorative sleep is the key to being happier    How anxiety and poor sleep are connected: sugar, blood sugar, caffeine, gluten    What sleep has to do with brain chemistry and hormones    How you can feel so much better when you get restorative sleepSophia Elizabeth ArchambaultSophia Elizabeth Archambault struggled with chronic sadness and an eating disorder, now she has resilience, balance and lives happily on a farm with her husband, 3 dogs and 10 goats. Hear how:    she found solutions by addressing food sensitivities, pyroluria and digestive issues    she used the food mood log and why it is such a powerful tool    she walks the talk now Carolyn GardCarolyn Gard is a Facebook follower who is very active on my page. She always has great feedback and valuable advice to offer. She found me via my book The Antianxiety Food Solution and the pyroluria quiz and has benefited tremendously from the pyroluria protocol and the amino acids. Hear how:    she made the food mood connection    GABA and magnesium help her feel calmer    the amino acids have also helped with her sugar cravings?    she wishes she knew about pyroluria, introversion and social anxiety when she was at collegeMeme GrantMeme Grant had anxiety, had panic attacks, didn’t enjoy speaking in public, had insomnia and was an emotional eater. She found answers with the amazing aminos acids and the pyroluria protocol. Hear how:    glutamine allowed her to walk past the gluten and dairy free junk foods    tyrosine helped her flutterby mind, gave her energy, focus and a desire to do things again    DPA stopped her comfort eating for too much of the “healthy” sweeteners    Tryptophan stopped her mind talk, got her sleeping through the night for the first time in 11 years and helped reduce the frequency of her panic attacks    GABA was the best amino acid and how the panic attacks disappeared    zinc, vitamin B6 and evening primrose oil helped her pyroluria symptomsTrudy Scott, CN, host of the Anxiety Summit, Food Mood expert and author of The Antianxiety Food SolutionAnxiety: coffee, sugar and water – and where to go next    the anxiety-provoking effects of coffee! and what about chocolate?    the bad-mood effects of gluten (and all grains for some)    wild fish, water, pumpkin seeds and laughter to boost your mood and calm you down    questions answered (a few from the blog and facebook page)    what you can get out of the summit, resources and where to go next Extra Bonuses (added December 2015)    Liver Supporting Protocol: foods, nutrients and lifestyle changes (PDF) – by Magdalena Wszelaki, founder of Hormones Balance    Winter blues, winter anxiety and light box resources (PDF) – by Trudy Scott, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution    Winter blues, winter anxiety, holiday cravings and the low serotonin connection (audio mp3) – by Trudy Scott, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution    How to Get Off Tranquilizers and Antidepressants by Dr. Hyla Cass, integrative psychiatrist and author of The Addictive Brain and How to Break Free    Recording of Live Q and A call with Trudy (audio mp3) – Wednesday January 13, 2016The Anxiety Summit Season 2 (November 2014)Food Mood Expert and Certified Nutritionist Trudy Scott interviewed 20+ of the world’s experts and opinion leaders – researchers, doctors, psychiatrists, nutritionists, consumer advocates, psychologists and more – on the very powerful connection between food and mood. Hear the science and learn transformational tools you can apply right away. Be empowered and take charge!The speakers:Trudy Scott, CN, host of the Anxiety Summit, Food Mood expert and author of The Antianxiety Food SolutionThe latest food and nutrient research on anxiety, music and more    Why The Anxiety Summit    New research on food and nutrients for reducing anxiety and depression    Why changing our diets and addressing nutritional deficiencies is so important    Music for mood and some inspiration for you    Gems from each of the upcoming speakers Randy Hartnell, fisherman, owner of Vital ChoiceWhat you need to know about seafood—the ultimate brain and mood food    Purity and contaminants such as mercury and radiation (Fukushima)    Research showing the health benefits: anxiety, depression    What if you are mercury-toxic and sensitive    Farmed vs wild salmon (and other species)    What about that fish-y smell    The health benefits of fish roe    Omega-3s and fish as ‘Brain Food”    Omega3-6 balance and testing fatty acid levels JJ Virgin, CNS, Celebrity Nutrition & Fitness Expert, author The Virgin DietThe Sugar Impact Diet    The role stress and anxiety in play in sugar addiction    Why sugar is a drug and what it’s doing to our health and mood    Why all sugar is not created equal and where it hides    Why fructose is worse than glucose    Can we eat natural sugars, fruit, honey and agave    The dangers of artificial sweeteners    Signs of high sugar impact and how the sugar impact diet works    Why snacking may not be a good thing Julie Matthews, Certified Nutrition Consultant, author of Nourishing Hope for AutismFermented foods and probiotics for anxiety and depression: The practical and the research    Types of fermentations    Health benefits of probiotics and fermentations    Research on probiotics and anxiety/depression/brain health/autism    Probiotic supplements    Prebiotics and why some people can’t use them    Who might have trouble with fermented foods and why    Steps and tips on making fermented foods and beverages Dr. Tom O’Bryan, DC, host of ‘The Gluten Summit – A Grain of Truth’Gluten’s impact on the inflamed brain: reducing anxiety and depression    Terminology and why it’s not called gluten intolerance but sensitivity    Is gluten sensitivity just a fad and the recent FODMAPs research    The multitude of diseases and symptoms caused by gluten sensitivity    Gluten sensitivity as a contributing factor to psychiatric manifestations/anxiety/depression and new 2014 research from Italy    Suicide rates in kids with celiac disease (even when they quit gluten), and kids celiac camps    The conundrum with testing    Doing an elimination and then challenge?    Can anyone eat wheat or should we all be gluten-free Jeffrey M. Smith, non-GMO advocate, producer of Genetic RouletteAnxiety and mood: Health risks of GMOs and Roundup    GMO definition, health effects and why advocate a complete ban    The sad story of the South African GM corn/mielie farmer    How Bt toxins damage the gut and become “pesticide producing factories”    How Roundup affects serotonin production, detoxification and the gut    Roundup’s new scary use    The GM tryptophan disaster in 1989    The good news and how you can help bring about change Dr. Kelly Brogan MD, Holistic women’s health psychiatryPsychoneuroimmunology, the new psychiatry    The role of inflammation in anxiety and depression    Hormones and where the endocrine system fits in    Where inflammation comes from    What a healthy microbiome looks like    Natural lifestyle interventions to reverse symptoms and favorite nutraceuticals    Why psychiatrists don’t know about this Dr. Ted Dinan MD, PhD, Professor of Psychiatry at University College CorkMicrobes in the gut and psychobiotics as a potential treatment for anxiety and depression    Varied ways in which anxiety presents    Anxiety as a co-morbid condition e.g. irritable bowel syndrome    Microbes in the gut and the influence on emotional activity    Non-pharmacological approaches to treating anxiety    Psychobiotics as a potential treatment and the newest research in this area Dr. Mikell S. Parsons, DC., Certified Clinical NutritionistConquering those yeastie beasties (candida) once and for all    Yeastie beasties/ candida: what it is and how common it is    How to assess if you have it and symptoms of overgrowth    Why craving sugar is a HUGE sign of a yeast overgrowth    How yeast can be a cause of weight gain    How do we get it and is it contagious    Protocols for getting rid of the yeastie beasties    Methylation and mercury toxicity and candida? Trudy Scott, CN, Host of the Anxiety Summit, Food Mood expert and nutritionistTargeted individual amino acids for eliminating anxiety: practical applications    Glutamine: how it’s calming and helps with blood sugar balancing    GABA: how it eases physical tension    Tryptophan: how it eases anxiety in the head/busy ruminations (and when not to use 5-HTP)    DPA and tyrosine: how they help you quit the comfort-eating and coffee    Precautions when using individual amino acids    Factors that make them more effective and factors that make them less effective Tom A. Malterre, MS, CN, author of Nourishing MealsOur environmental toxin exposures promote anxiety    The drastic spike in ADD/ADHD and autism and increase in anxiety and depression    Air pollution as an environmental toxin: concerns and sources (mercury, the brown cloud)    Mercury in fish and fish meal for animals    EDCs/ Endocrine Disrupting Compounds: BPA, phthalates and anxiety    Pesticides and the effects on folates in the colon and the production of serotonin    TILT /Toxicant-induced loss of tolerance    What to do: nutritional and lifestyle tips Kris Homme, MPH, retired engineer turned science writerYour hidden mercury burden: A likely root cause of the other root causes of anxiety    chronic mercury poisoning effects at the molecular level: blocks enzymes, displaces minerals    chronic mercury poisoning effects the cellular and organ level: mineral transport, destroys barriers like gut and brain, mitochondrial dysfunction    effects on hormone imbalance, blood sugar regulation, food sensitivities, GABA/serotonin levels, autoimmunity    why mercury toxicity is complicated and hard to test for    subjective signs of chronic mercury poisoning Dr. Alan Christianson, ND, author of Complete Idiot’s Guide to Thyroid DiseaseAdrenals – Master glands of anxiety / tranquility    Why the adrenals regulate the anxiety response    Why some are more prone to anxiety than others    How to know if your adrenals are healthy    Testing your adrenal function    The difference between adrenal dysfunction and disease    How your diet and daily habits stress your adrenals    The best ways to heal your adrenal glands Dr. Hyla Cass, MD, Board-certified in psychiatry and integrative medicine and the author of Natural Highs and The Addicted Brain and How to Break FreeMood, Anxiety, Energy and Your Thyroid    An aside on Abram Hoffer and orthomolecular medicine    Thyroid disorders: frequency, causes, symptoms and the mood/anxiety connection    Hashimotos thyroiditis and anxiety    Hyperthyroidism and anxiety    Testing: basal temperature and blood tests    Conventional medical treatment    Natural thyroid hormones and dietary factors    Shoulder stands, rebounding and exercise for stress and anxiety Dr. Ameet Aggarwal ND, psychotherapist and author of Feel GoodThe hidden master organ: Why treating your liver is fundamental to anxiety and depression    Why the liver is the hidden master organ and defining a sluggish liver    The role of lactate and the liver and how this contributes to anxiety    How the liver affects thyroid hormones    Dietary factors that improve the liver and the ones that make it more sluggish    A form of breathing that massages the liver    Homeopathics, antioxidants and herbs for a sluggish liver    The benefits of using a castor oil pack    The importance of organic psychotherapy, family constellations, de-stressing, meditation, and exercise Dr. Carolyn Dean, MD, ND, author of The Magnesium MiracleTake magnesium and melt your anxiety away    how important is magnesium: enzymatic processes, mitochondria, heart health, anxiety    how important is magnesium compared to calcium; and the vitamin D connection    the medication fluoride concern and magnesium impact    the symptoms of magnesium deficiency    why we are deficient in magnesium    dietary sources of magnesium and why diet is often not enough    how to test your magnesium level Sayer Ji, researcher, author, founder of GreenmedinfoDeconstructing medical anxiety & evidence-based natural solutions    how modern medical screening and interventions are based on an outdated evidence-base and lead to fear and anxiety    the top evidence-based natural interventions for anxiety: lavender, aromatherapy, flowers, plants, forest bathing, probiotics (and the gut-brain axis), magnesium    foods that can cause anxiety: gluten/all grains    what foods to include: real whole foods, healthy fats, eggs (and issues with statins)    ‘alternative’ non-invasive modalities to reduce stress/anxiety – yoga, EFT, music, shiatsu, dancing and aromatherapy Dr. Benjamin Lynch, Researcher/writer/speaker: MTHFR and methylation defectsAnxiety: Biochemical and genetic predispositions    MTHFR, methylation, SAMe and anxiety (and other health effects)    Good forms of folate    How too much folate can raise norepinephrine and cause anxiety    COMT genetic polymorphisms and anxiety: estrogens, xenoestrogens and sulfur    MAOA genetic polymorphisms and anxiety: tyramines and histamine    GAD genetic polymorphisms and anxiety: MSG, glutamates and GABA    How to test for and interpret these genetic polymorphisms?    Three top recommendations to reduce anxiety Dr. Peter Osborne, DC and Board Certified Clinical NutritionistDrug induced nutritional deficiencies that contribute to anxiety    the victim-warrior concept for being empowered    what is the meaning of drug-induced nutritional deficiencies    drugs that contribute to anxiety through nutrition loss        estrogen/ birth control pill and magnesium, folate, vitamin B6        antibiotics: good bacteria, B vitamins esp biotin and vitamin B12, vitamin K        antacids: protein malnourishment        NSAIDs: iron, vitamin C, folate, strips mucosal layer    prescription meds in drinking water    how to test for these nutritional deficiencies    nutritional deficiencies caused by gluten and the Gluten-Free SocietyDr. Jonathan Prousky, MSc, ND, author of Anxiety: Orthomolecular Diagnosis and TreatmentTapering off psychiatric drugs so they don’t ruin your life    The process of reducing or discontinuing psychotropic medications    Difficulties patients have in overcoming pharmacological dependence    Reactions when someone discontinues SSRIs and benzodiazapines    Tapering approach, duration and improving outcomes    The importance of diet and lifestyle    Melatonin and niacinamide during benzodiazepine withdrawal    Using Neurapas Balance, rhodiola and GABA during a taper protocol    A tapering schedule case report Sharon Heller, PhD, author of Anxiety: Hidden CausesHidden causes of anxiety: Drugs, illness, light and balance    How anxiety is often misdiagnosed as psychological when it’s primary cause is physical    Why such misdiagnoses happen    Physical causes of anxiety: thyroid disorders, diabetes, Cushing’s Syndrome, adrenal exhaustion    Common heart conditions that can cause anxiety: mitral valve prolapse and high blood pressure.    Infections and anxiety: Lyme disease, PANDAs    Over-the counter drugs that cause anxiety: lidocaine, birth control pills and more    Space-related phobias: Vestibular/balance and the inner ear    Anxiety and photosensitivity Rebecca Robb, PsyD, clinical psychologist, co-founder of integrative health care practiceTreating Anxiety in an Integrative Medicine Practice    What is integrated medicine    What are the complexities of building an integrated medical practice    Incorporating neuro-nutrition/amino acids into a psychotherapy practice    Case studies using neuro-nutrition/amino acids and psychotherapy for anxiety, depression, panic attacks, family dysfunction, chronic pain, gut distressTrudy Scott, CN, host of the Anxiety Summit, Food Mood expert and author of The Antianxiety Food SolutionEggs, broths, sprouts, almond flour, questions and what to do next    Are eggs a superfood? and choline for a better mood and less anxiety    More superfoods: broths, sprouts and curcumin    Reconsidering almond flour for baking    Questions answered (a select few from the blog and facebook page)    What you can get out of the summit, resources and where to go nextDr. Lauren Noel, ND, host of Dr. Lo RadioPrimal nutrition for anxiety and depression    The benefits of eating grass-fed red meat    Which healthy fats to include and why    Why include nutrient-dense bone broths and how to make them    Mineral-rich foods make a differenceSuccess Stories from Real PeopleAngela Savitri, OTR/L, Freedom from Chronic Stress CoachHow Changing My Breakfast Cut My Anxiety in Half    How amino acids helped (5-HTP, and GABA)    How yoga and mindfulness meditation helped her anxiety    The research supporting yoga and mindfulness meditation for anxiety    How changing to a 90% whole foods diet helped her anxiety    What the biggest game-changer was for her anxiety?AMMA JO, singer/songwriter and entrepreneurThe power of music for mood and inspiration    Why music is inspiring and uplifting    Coming together to create the ‘Top of the World” song    A big food change she madeBonuses from Season 1    Trudy Scott, The Anxiety Summit Season 1 “Stats, trends and gems”    Meme Grant’s amazing success with individual targeted amino acidsBonuses    The Super Moms Guide to Managing Thyroid Disease without Going Bonkers (e-book) by Jen Wittman of Thyroid Loving Care,    Overcoming Hashimoto’s Fatigue Guide by Izabella Wentz, PharmD, author of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis,    30 Foods to Rebalance Your Hormones and Recipes by Magdalena Wszelaki of    The Emotional Eater eBook by Susan Albers PsyD, author of EatQ,    Simple Solutions to Relieve Stress eBook by Robin Treasure, Wellness Strategist,    The best-kept nutritional secrets for bring-it-on-confidence when speaking on stage eBook by Trudy Scott, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution and host of The Anxiety Summit    Evidence-based research on the serious effects of gluten on mental health, with an in-depth look at testing and the gluten-free diet (mini poster) created by Trudy Scott, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution and host of The Anxiety Summit    Case study – Woman with anxiety and panic attacks, using food and nutrients (mini poster) created by Trudy Scott, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution and host of The Anxiety SummitSpecial Post-Summit Q&A Call    Recording special Q&A call (mp3)    Bonus Anxiety Summit Q and A blog posts and links (pdf)The Anxiety Summit Season 3 (May 2015)End Anxiety, Overwhelm, Stress, Panic Attacks, Social Anxiety, Fears, Ruminating Thoughts, and Negativity ONCE AND FOR ALL!25+ of the World’s Experts and Opinion Leaders Share Powerful Nutritional Solutions for Your Anxiety, So You Can Feel Calm, Joyful and On Top Of The World Again!Join Food Mood Expert and Certified Nutritionist Trudy Scott as She Interviews Researchers, Doctors, Psychiatrists, Nutritionists, Consumer Advocates, Psychologists.Discover the Very Powerful Connection Between Food and Mood!Hear the Science and Learn Practical Tools You Can Start to Use NOW!Be Empowered, Take Charge and Feel Hopeful!Practitioners… Get Solutions to Help Your Clients and Patients.The Speakers:Trudy Scott CN, host of the Anxiety Summit, Food Mood expert and author of The Antianxiety Food SolutionNew 2015 Food/Nutrient Research on Anxiety and Speaker Highlights    Nutritional medicine as mainstream in psychiatry    What if nutrients could treat mental illness?    The gut microbiome and diet in psychiatry, and the guts of remote Amazon dwellers    Dietary guidelines from Brazil, exercise, mindfulness, caffeine and social interaction    Preschoolers on Medicaid being prescribed psychotropic drugs and other medication news    Speaker highlights, gems and connections Dr. Daniel Amen MD, author of Change Your Brain, Change Your LifeThe Brain Warriors Way to Attacking Anxiety, Depression and Aging    Why we are in a war for the health of our brains?    Why anxiety is so common in women and how depression shows up in men    Four different brain types    Natural ways for dealing with anxiety (instead of typical anti-anxiety medications)    How birth control pills contribute to anxiety    The impact of gut health on anxiety Julia Rucklidge PhD, Professor of Clinical PsychologyWhat if… Nutrition could Treat Anxiety and Depression?    The increasing prevalence of mental health problems and medication side-effects    Why diet is so important when it comes to mental health (anxiety, depression, ADHD and even schizophrenia)    Nutritional medicine as mainstream in psychiatry and ISNPR (International Society for Nutritional Psychiatry Research)    The problems with food: pesticides, soil quality, Roundup    Micronutrient research for ADHD, anxiety, bipolar and PTSD)    The emerging field of nutritional mental health: Inflammation, the microbiome, oxidative stress, and mitochondrial function Rebecca Katz MS, culinary translator, author of The Healthy Mind CookbookYour Brain on Food: The Science and Alchemy of Yum for Alleviating Anxiety!    The wonderful definition of alchemy    Brain boosting ingredients from Rebecca’s culinary pharmacy: lentils, mint, pumpkin seeds, cauliflower, #goodmoodsardines    The tricks to building flavor great taste and flavor    How to make the most of your time in the kitchen    Tips and tricks to feel less overwhelmed in the kitchen and how to prevent recipe reading anxiety    The secret of dollops for yum and why they are like edible makeup Summer Bock, Master FermentationistSauerkraut for Gut Healing and Reducing Anxiety    Summer’s journey and recovery from allergies, gut problems, anxiety and panic attacks, and how fermented foods turned things round for her    The good bacteria we get from fermented foods: psychobiotics and anxiety    Sauerkraut: a “promising nutraceutical for the treatment of malnutrition-induced diseases” and how it helps with asthma, IBS and inflammatory bowel disease    The 3 categories of fermented foods: Functional Ferments, Increased Assimilation Ferments and Primarily Preservation Ferments    The history of kefir    How to buy sauerkraut in the store    How to make your own sauerkraut at home and why Dr. Peter Osborne DC, author of GlutenologyGrainflammation – How Grain Consumption Contributes to Anxiety and other Mood Disorders    Gluten and autoimmunity    Schizophrenia and “bread madness”    How gluten and all grain consumption can lead to chemical changes in the brain    How the gluten in corn can impact the mind and mood    Concerns with seeds and grains    DNA testing for celiac and non-celiac gluten sensitivity Lierre Keith, small farmer, author of The Vegetarian MythAnxiety, Depression, and the Vegetarian Diet    How young girls are being targeted by vegan groups    Lierre’s story and the health challenges she faced: hypoglycemia, anxiety, bone pain, fatigue    Moral vegetarianism or veganism and factory farming    The importance of topsoil and how it’s disappearing    The nutritional deficiencies of a vegetarian or vegan diet: B12, fats, amino acids like tryptophan, iron, vitamin D    The mood benefits of grass-fed red meat    The problems with processed soy Kaayla T. Daniel PhD, CCN, The Naughty Nutritionist®, author of Nourishing BrothReal Food for Anxiety: Butter, Broth and Beyond    Butter and the “fats of life”    How vegetarian diets can contribute to anxiety and other mental health disorders    Why soy is NOT a health food and why it can contribute to anxiety, ADHD and other mental health challenges    Paleo diet and “nose to tail eating”    Broths help to cure melancholy/depression and help us deal with stress    A simple broth recipe    The component in broth that helps calm the mind and quell anxiety    How broths heal the gut and how this heals our brains Dr. Allison Siebecker ND, LAc, SIBO specialistSmall Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth and Anxiety    An overview of SIBO/small intestinal bacterial overgrowth and recent research    The SIBO connection to IBS and anxiety/depression    Using a SIBO questionnaire and SIBO testing    SIBO treatment: medications, a herbal approach and diet    Gut motility and low serotonin/low melatonin Ann Louise Gittleman PhD, CNS, author of The Fat Flush Plan and Guess What Came to DinnerThe Parasite/Anxiety Connection    How common are parasites and how do we become infected (even if we live in a first world country)    How do parasites contribute to anxiety and depression and even schizophrenia    Other symptoms of a parasitic infection    How to avoid being exposed to parasites    How to test for parasites and how do we get rid of the parasite/s Dr. Eva Selhub MD, author of Your Health Destiny and Your Brain on NatureHow to Heal Anxiety with Nature and the Body, not just with the Mind    Why the “the body whispers before it screams”    What stress has to do with anxiety    Mind/body interventions and why they help    Why nature is so important for reducing anxiety and even improving cognition    What love has to do with any of this    The role of our genes in anxiety and depression    Why sleep is so important? Dr. Jill Carnahan MD, Functional Medicine PractitionerIs Toxic Mold the Hidden Cause of Your Anxiety?    An overview of functional medicine    How common is it for mold and mycotoxins to contribute to illness and anxiety    Where are we exposed to mold    Top symptoms associated with mycotoxin-associated illness    How to treat mold/mycotoxin exposure in someone who has anxiety (or depression)    The role of methylation and MTHFR polymorphisms in our detox abilities Joe Tatta DPT, Musculoskeletal Pain ExpertNutritional Influences on Anxiety and Musculoskeletal Pain    Link between anxiety and chronic musculoskeletal problems    Fear avoidance behaviors and pain    Headaches, back pain, joint pain and nutritional influences    An exercise prescription for anxietyMagdalena Wszelaki, founder of Hormones BalanceFoods to balance your hormons and ease anxiety – Part 1    Magdalena’s own journey with Graves’ disease, Hashimoto’s disease, adrenal fatigue, estrogen dominance and anxiety    How hormonal imbalances can cause anxiety: low progesterone, low/high estrogen    How over and underactive thyroid can cause anxiety    The adrenals and anxiety and depression Dr. Benjamin Lynch ND, MTHFR and methylation expertHow Methylfolate can make you Feel Worse and even Cause Anxiety, and What to do about it    Methylfolate and the MTHFR polymorphism    Anxiety and other side effects of too much methylfolate    How to prevent methylfolate side-effects    How to determine how much methylfolate to takeMagdalena Wszelaki, founder of Hormones BalanceFoods to balance your hormones and ease anxiety – Part 2    How to test for hormonal imbalances    The foundation to all hormonal health being: healthy gut, healthy blood sugar levels and optimal liver health    Foods that support the production of the different hormones    Seed rotation for balancing estrogen and progesterone    The role of coffee in liver health, hormone metabolism and anxiety Mira Calton CN and Jayson Calton PhD, micronutrient specialists, authors of Naked CaloriesMicronutrients for Eliminating Anxiety    The importance of micronutrient sufficiency and Mira’s osteoporosis    The Calton’s 6 year, 135 country expedition to explore traditional diets    The definition of naked calories    How glyphosate/Roundup impacts mineral absorption in plants and thereby impacts us    The new GM arctic apple and why it should be avoided    How minerals compete for absorption    Zinc/copper balance and why we want a multi with no copper Yasmina Ykelenstam, the Low Histamine ChefHistamine-containing Foods: their Role in Anxiety, Depression and Schizophrenia    What is histamine    Yasmina’s anxiety story and how she discovered the histamine connection    How histamine can cause symptoms of anxiety: high-histamine foods, low levels of DOA or HMNT enzyme, neuroinflammation    The histamine and depression/ schizophrenia connection and possible links to pyroluria    Histamine disorders: allergies, histamine intolerance and mast cell activation    The difficulty in diagnosing a histamine intoleranceHigh histamine foods and factors that cause histamine to be released    High histamine foods with anti-inflammatory properties    How to eat when you have a histamine intolerance: the “histamine-balanced” diet    Histamine interaction with psych medications such as valium and why this can be problematic for many doing the Ashton benzodiazepine taper protocol    Histamine interaction with other medications and dyes in medications Dr. Peter Bongiorno ND, author of Holistic Therapies for Anxiety and DepressionSerotonin and Anxiety, Happiness, Digestion and our Hormones    What is serotonin and why is it often considered the molecule of happiness    The role of serotonin when it comes to anxiety?    How serotonin was first discovered and the 5-HT1A receptor/oxytocin connection    Serotonin’s strong relationship to the digestive tract    The connection between inflammation and serotonin    How to naturopathically support serotonin and the overall neurotransmitter system for optimal mood support: 5-HTP, L-tryptophan and its vitamin co-factors    Serotonin’s effects on our hormones, other neurotransmitters and whole body Karla A Maree CNC, Neuronutrient Therapy SpecialistPyroluria, Amino Acids and Anxiety: Real Cases, Real Solutions    How pyroluria affects mood and anxiety and introversion    Amino acids GABA and tryptophan: how they can help you feel less anxious and happier in as little as 5 minutes    What is a pixie dust person    Gina, case study 1: social anxiety/pyroluria, birth control pill, vegetarian, low GABA, low serotonin and low iron    Mark, case study 2: social anxiety, pyroluria, claustrophobia, low serotonin, very sensitive to noise, gluten sensitivity Trudy Scott CN, host of the Anxiety Summit, Food Mood expert and author of The Antianxiety Food SolutionPyroluria, Amino Acids and Anxiety: Troubleshooting when you are not getting results    Pyroluria and the effects of leaky gut, oxalates and low oxytocin levels    CFS, ADHD, autism, alcoholism, Lyme disease: the pyroluria connection    Introversion and musician’s dystonia: an update on the pyroluria connection    Troubleshooting the pyroluria protocol and mistakes I see    Testing for pyroluria, zinc, vitamin B6 and fatty acids    The 8 factors that make the targeted individual amino acids more effective    What to do when the amino acids are not working    Concerns about quinolinic acid and tryptophan? Dr. Kim D’Eramo, DO, author of The MindBody Tool KitHow to use MindBody Medicine to Reverse Anxiety in 3 Minutes or Less    Why anxiety leads to us developing diseases like heart disease    What is MindBody medicine    How do we use MindBody medicine to reverse anxiety, depression, pain or other symptoms instantly    MindBody tools like the instant elevation technique    The broccoli yoga poseLebby Salinas, The Fooducator®, certified health & wellness coachHow Gluten Elimination Healed Me and Eliminated my Anxiety    Lebby’s gluten story and how she nearly died    The gluten testing she did and what she learned    The C.R.A.P diet    Community work and the Fooducation® Movie Series    Buying local produce Dan Stradford, Safe Harbor PresidentMy Anxiety Story and the Message of Hope We Offer    Safe Harbor /Alternative Mental Health: a message of hope and practitioner resources    His low zinc, histadelia and anxiety    Margot Kidder’s story with amino acids and bipolar disorder    Success with social anxiety/pyroluria    His greatest piece of wisdom from an elderly African priestTrudy Scott CN, host of the Anxiety Summit, Food Mood expert and author of The Antianxiety Food SolutionClosing call: 60+ Nutritional & Biochemical Causes of Anxiety and Recommended Supplements    60+ Nutritional/biochemical causes of anxiety and associated solutions    4 degrees/levels of anxiety I see and response to the 60+ causes    The unique ability of the body to heal    Testing I use with my clients and what tests I’d run if everyone had unlimited funds    My recommendations: food companies and supplements    My message of hopeBonuses    Is Plastic Making You Fat and Anxious ebook from Season 1 speaker, Mira Dessy, The Ingredient Guru, author of The Pantry Principle – How to Read the Label and Understand What’s Really in Your Food,    Food and Brain Connections by Rebecca Katz, author of The Healthy Mind Cookbook    Eating for a Healthy Mind by Rebecca Katz, author of The Healthy Mind Cookbook    Evidence-based research on the serious effects of gluten on mental health, with an in-depth look at testing and the gluten-free diet (mini poster) created by Trudy Scott, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution and host of The Anxiety Summit    Case study – Woman with anxiety and panic attacks, using food and nutrients (mini poster) created by Trudy Scott, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution and host of The Anxiety Summit    Nutritional medicine as mainstream in psychiatry by Trudy Scott, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution and host of The Anxiety Summit    Overcoming Hashimoto’s Fatigue Guide from season 1 speaker, Izabella Wentz, PharmD, author of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis,    Issues to Consider BEFORE Medicating a Child or Adolescent for Anxiety Symptoms from Season 1 speaker Dr. Nicole Burkens PhD, nicoleburkens.com_This was made possible thanks to AltairAC, who not only provided me with the links, but also explained how he did it. I take my hat to you my friend!There were a lot of speakers involved, and many, many hours of listening. I prefer to present you with a written description and not a simple image for a reason. If one of the speakers resonate with you and awakens your interest, just listen to that one. Soon one thing leads to another and you end up listening to more of them, or just changing for the better something in your daily habits because of what you heard. THAT is the intent here.Upload by adishonerv69


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