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*TCG* – Detox Bath – Detox Bath.pdf
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Description EXCLUSIVEEliminate Toxins, Fat and Cellulite For Good, and Achieve Radiant Health, With A Simple 10-MINUTE Bath Technique Using ONLY Water The human race has made significant discoveries in the field of healthcare and healing, which have positively impacted the quality of our lives forever. Sadly, some of these discoveries were buried by the sands of time, as they were superseded by modern science, medicine and technology. The method you are about to learn on this page is one such discovery. It is inspired from a technique which has existed since the dawn of mankind. It is as inherent to the human race’s behaviour, and as natural as breast-feeding. It constitutes an ideal home remedy for anyone seeking to achieve and maintain optimal health, and naturally enjoy a lean, fit and toned body.So what is this technique and how does work?It is based on hydrotherapy, which has been known for its tremendous therapeutic benefits since the dawn of civilisation. Hydrotherapy uses exclusively water to alleviate pain, increase mobility, relieve symptoms, and generally improve the overall functioning of the body. It encompasses numerous techniques using hot or cold water, and sometimes alternating both, to stimulate body responses. Hydrotherapy is a powerful tool to support the body’s healing potential. It boosts circulation and can be used to direct blood into any part of the body, or withdraw it.Realising its therapeutic benefits, Louis Kuhne of Leipzig made the friction sitz bath an intrinsic part of his hydrotherapy panacea. He healed hundreds of diseases and ailments using it in the late 19th century, even those which traditional medicine had pronounced “incurable”.M.K Gandhi, called the ‘Mahatma’ because he was one the wisest and most enlightened thinkers and humanitarians who ever lived, was also a keen naturopath. He practised Kuhne’s bath and recommended it in his book “Key to Health”. He endorses it in a correspondence to Nehru on January 17th, 1929 saying:”I utterly distrust doctors’ reports, I strongly recommend Kuhne’s bath and sun baths.”Inspired by Kuhne’s work France Guillain published in 1995 and 2000 two books in French describing this particular bath method, which she appropriately refers to as the Derivative Bath, due to its derivative action.We call it Detox Bath to highlight its swift and powerful detoxifying and cleansing action. It is based on Louis Kuhne’s friction sitz bath and France Guillain’s derivative bath.


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