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Tariq Nasheed – Mack Lessons Radio

Tariq Nasheed – Mack Lessons Radio [Episodes 1-62 – MP3]
[Episodes 1-62 – MP3]



Tariq Nasheed – Mack Lessons Radio [Episodes 1-62 – MP3]Get real game and dating advice from the New York Times best selling author Tariq King Flex Nasheed!!Episode #62″Blacks vs. Mexicans”Episode #61″Standards”Episode #60″Xmas Mackin”Episode #59″Why Women Date Losers”Episode #58″Tips On Being A Hustler”Episode #57″Gayroll The Simp, Dis”Episode #56″Call in show,Internet Mackin,cheating women”Episode #55″Tactfulness”Episode #54″Interview With Former Pimp,Rosebudd”Episode #53″Game For Children”Episode #52″How To Get Rid Of Females”Episode #51″The Player’s Blue Book”Episode #50″Why So many Black Women Are Fat”Episode #49″Age Gaps And Long Distance Dating”Episode #48″Player Rules part 2″Episode #47″Follow Up To The Black Women and Marriage Show”Episode #46″Why Black Women Aren’t getting Married”Episode #45″Player Rules”Episode #44″Practical Dating”Episode #43″”Episode #42″VH1 Hip Hop Honors 06′ Review”Episode #41″Call in show: LSA caller v.s. TariqEpisode #40″Colgate Part 2″Episode #39″The Colgate University Controversy”Episode #38″Fear Of Rejection”Episode #37″Using Common Sense”Episode #36″Call in show. Dealing with attention whores”Episode #35″Doug Christie,Cuddle Parties,Listeners emails”Episode #34″Pre-nups”Episode #33Game For Women Week”Black Women and Hair”Episode #32Game For Women Week”Tips On Gold Digging”Episode #31Game For Women Week”Cheaters”Episode #30″Mack History Lesson”Episode #29″Black Women and Snitching”Episode #28″Lesbian and Bi-Sexual Women”Episode #27″College Mackin”Episode #26″Cooning”Episode #25″Married Macks”Episode#24″Beyonce Haters,LSA dis part 2″Episode#23″Taking Women On Dates”Episode #22″Listener emails”Episode #21″Turning Hoes Into Housewives”Episode #20″Strippers”Episode #19″Aids In The Black Community”Episode #18″The Dumbing Down Of Men”Episode #17″High School Mackin'”Episode #16″Phone Numbers and Dealing With Older Women”Episode #15″Value Yourself As A Man”Episode #14″The So-Called Down Low Phenomenon”Episode #13″Listener advice,thick chics,and teen pregnancies”Episode #12″Mackin To Mixed Women”Episode #11″The Flavor Of Love”Episode #10″Golddiggers”Episode #9″Inter-racial Mackin’ Week Feedback”Episode #8″Mackin To Black Women”Episode #7″Mackin To Asian Women”Episode #6″Mackin To Latina Females”Episode #5″Mackin To White Women”Episode #4″The Player stage”Episode #4″Are you a trick?”Episode #2″A Mack Must Be Respected”Episode #1″How to get out of the friend zone”


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