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Tamra Oviatt – Psychic Development Activations

Tamra Oviatt – Psychic Activation Bundle
[21 MP3s]



Tamra Oviatt – Psychic Development ActivationsThis Psychic Development Series includes:1.Universal Life Grid. This activation, is really amazing. It is a step up from the life grid activation. What I mean by this, is Creator was showing me. That when you receive this activation. The life grid goes around all the vessels that you inhabit as a soul on and off this planet.2. The Collective Church was given to me when I was in Portugal.  Creator told me to go to a church, and while inside, I was told that I would receive creator’s truth and understanding about all churches of the world. I was also told that any oaths, vows or contracts put in place from past lives would be removed. This activation frees you from the ancestral need to suffer for God. It clears trauma associated with past lives as monks or nuns.  It also clears the programs which tell you that it is forbidden for you to connect directly with God.  This activation will bring you a clearer connection with Creator.3. The Sacred Blue Print Activation will help align you with your true self and your purpose in life, giving you the courage and knowledge of how to follow it without delay and/or fear. It will give you the knowing of what you are to do here on Earth.4. Alchemy of the 3rd dimension: This activation, allows you to release all the third dimensional belief systems in the control from the third dimension. This activation should only be done after you’ve done the first 12 activations. As if you do this one before any of the other ones it can be too much for you and knock you out for a week. Or you will not feel or benefit from it. This activation plugs you into the Christ consciousness of the 5th dimension.5. Alchemy of the 4th dimension: This activation, allows you to release all the third dimensional belief systems in the control from the third dimension. This activation should only be done after you’ve done the first 12 activations. As if you do this one before any of the other ones it can be too much for you and knock you out for a week. Or you will not feel or benefit from it. This activation plugs you into the Christ consciousness of the 5th dimension.6. Alchemy of the 5th dimension:   This activation frees you of any fears of operating in the fifth dimension7. Angel Power: Allows you to embody the energy of an angel or that of your angel, giving you the knowing that you are powerful and you can do your mission here on earth.8. Central Sun: The central sun is the universal sun and gives life to the universe. This activation connects you to the great I AM.9. Gaia:  This activation is a step up from the Mother Earth Activation and connects you with the higher elements of fire, water, earth and air. This activation is for people who are working on world peace and cleaning up the environment.10. Stargate: This activation allows you to move through world’s solar systems and universes very quickly and easily.11. Planetary Alignment:  This activation aligns you with the planets and their transformative energy, helping you to shift with the planet with ease and grace.12. Heaven on Earth- This activation releases oaths made to suffer for those who came before you. Many empathic people carry the pain of the planet and our ancestors.  This activation releases all of the above.13. Healer’s Power: This activation releases you from the old limitations of those thousand commitments and contracts and blessings.14. Mother Earth:  This activation connects you with all of the elements of this wonderful place we call home: Mother Earth.15. Crop Circle: This activation aligns you to receive the knowledge of the crop circles. It gives you the understanding of what the messages are for, raising your energy to the level to receive, understand, and vibrate with them.16. Starseed: This activation increases your energy to a level where you can talk to our brothers and sisters from other worlds17. Disciple’s Return: This activation releases you from the fear of being crucified for speaking your truth for being in line with God.18. Release from the Spiritual Ego: This activation allows your ego to get out of the way and allows you to do the work. It reminds you that Spirit is in charge allowing you to be the witness to help your clients.19. Galactic Federation activation brings you into alignment with our Galactic Family (GF).  It aligns you in such a way that you’re able to co-create with the GF and be an active participant in Gaia’s changes during this historical time.…


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