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Tactical Restraint and Removal Volume 1

Tactical restraint and removal
[DVD – Rip]


This DVD series is essential for anyone that is working in a law enforcement or military field or for those that are working in occupations that deal with hostile or non-compliant people.  Tactical restraint and removal series is designed to teach you step by step the fundamentals of being able to lock and restrain a person that may be resisting or refusing to leave a premise or need to be arrested.   This series  is essential regardless of who you are.  It gives you a skill set that allows you to deal with a person that is not using life threatening force against you or causing any real immediate danger to yourself.  It focuses on the principle of utilizing pain compliance tactics.  Glenn Zwiers has used these tactics numerous times working as a  as a bouncer.  More importantly, this series shows you how to apply them dynamically and also in teams. This sure will keep you safe when working on the job role.  You’ll learn how to do wrist locks, hammer lock, arm bars, wing locks, S locks in an efficient manner.  This is a must have series regardless of who you are.


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