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Sylvia Favela – 45 Day Pilates Meltdown (47 ebooks – Pdf, 43 videos – Mp4)

Sylvia Favela – 45 Day Pilates Meltdown


Besides the 3 original bonuses,I’ve added 9 (NINE) cool bonuses to this release!Enjoy!!!————————————————————[/url][url]Discover How You Can Finally Get A Strong Core, Lean Muscle Definition, Increase Endurance And Energy With The ZERO Equipment, Pilates Home Workout System You Can Do Anywhere…Anytime! “Imagine How It Will Feel To Never Again Do Hundreds Of Crunches And Squats Or Waste Countless Hours Exercising And Not Get Results?Dear Friend,You’re probably wondering who this person claiming to have the answers to your most sought out desire of feeling and looking good every day!Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Sylvia Favela and I’m acomprehensive Certified Pilates Instructor. Which means I’ve gone through extensive training on all Pilates equipment and mat work.I’m a single mom of a 8 year little boy who keeps me on my toes so I don’t have the luxury of spending hours and hours working out. It’s important for me to stay in shape and still have time for my son and I have accomplished both…With stress and those female hormones that Wreak havoc on our bodies it’s tough to stay in shape and still juggle ones’ responsibilities.My doctor put me on bed rest at 6 months of being pregnant. This is when the pounds started packing on. After having my son those stubborn pounds lingered around. I was under the impression that the pregnancy pounds would disappear a few months after delivery, at least that’s what my mom told me. But, that’s not what happened.You see…I was never a skinny person. I ate all the time and was teased by my family because of those endless deserts I indulged in. I didn’t have time, money or the energy to workout, Balancing my working life and raising my son made it difficult and did not allow for me to work on my fitness.  But this all changed…One day, while getting out of the shower I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and for the first time I realized how out of shape I was. My self-esteem plummeted and I instantly felt uncomfortable with my body and was embarrassed.I swore I would find the solution to having a healthy and toned body, the kind I had  always dreamed. I wanted to finally feel and look good without spending countless hours in a gym or spending hundreds of dollars on fitness training. I wanted and needed a fast and effective workout, which I can now share with you.I’ve carefully crafted a program that includes 3 simply secrets…Pilates, Cardio and Nutrition, The 45 Day Pilates Melt Down Program is guaranteed to firm and tone your body and feel sexy 365 days of the year. No need to feel intimidated from having to walk into a Pilates studio. No need to spend a lot of money on expensive private Pilates sessions. Now you can have the best Pilates workouts in the privacy of your home!First things First…Let Me Ask You…    Are you feeling unmotivated by your current workouts on boring machines at the gym and find yourself going in circles at the gym?    Do you find yourself not being able to stick to a workout because you don’t see the problem areas going away?    Are you tired of doing hundreds of crunches or hundreds of exercise reps and you just don’t see the results?    Are you tempted to start a new exercise regimen but are worried it wont work and knowing we are creatures of habit we just don’t want to make a change?    Do you feel tight, stiff and thick and bulky with those other exercise routines?    Do you want to stop dreading that trip to those department store dressing rooms?    Do you need a complete done-for-you system so can finally see results and be proud of your physique?Here Is The Problem I’ve Seen Happen Much To OftenWe fall into the endless trap of being comfortable with our workouts and accept the uneasy feeling of looking and feeling unhealthy because nothing seems to work. You go to the gym with every intention of starting a new fitness routine but slowly lose the motivation and drive to keep going because you’ve injured yourself or because you don’t see any changes. The uncomfortable feeling of working out around a large group of people prevents you from “sticking to it”.Even more, you do the workouts and push yourself through hundreds of reps only to find that the same trouble spots continue to be problem. You workout with hopes of toning your abs and butt only to find that they look and feel the same.Then you feel if you do hundreds of crunches or lunges to the point of fatigue and fainting that you have had a successful workout. But why must we be so cruel to our bodies?There is no way around it! You do need to get your heart rate up and incorporate a cardio regimen that will jump – start your metabolism and start burning fat even while you sleep.So the problem in a nutshell, is not having an effective, functional full body toning workout that targets the most common problem areas, without putting unneeded stress on your body, which can result in long-term injuries. You need a DONE-FOR-YOU system designed with fat torching series of interval style training that includes full body resistance exercises and spurts of cardio.But don’t worry… I Have A Solution For You…“45 Day Pilates Melt Down”Here’s What Some Of My Clients Have To Say: So, what exactly is the “45 Day Pilates Melt Down”?With the 45 Day Pilates Melt Down, here’s what you’ll discover…    Done-for-you Pilates system designed to melt away fat and tone your body all in one functional short workout.    How a series of Pilates workouts can positively transform your body with fewer reps than other workouts.    Fully demonstrated videos of all the exercises to make sure you are doing the moves correctly and effectively.    How to do interval training with Pilates and Cardio without spending money on expensive equipment.    A simplified nutrition plan designed in a 6-week program that includes a grocery list to make it easy for you to shop.    My functional body-toning techniques are designed to melt away fat, slim and strengthen your body; avoiding injury that can cause you to stop working out and gaining those unwanted pounds back.    A complete plug-and-play system you can do in the comfort of your home. You won’t have that feeling of uneasiness with being starred at when you go to those fitness centers.    How feeling taller, slimmer and stronger is just a few of the benefits of Pilates. The series of Pilates moves won’t leave your body stiff and bulky.    Your body will start to crave the Pilates workout and you find yourself becoming addicted (in a good way) to your workout.    How getting stronger doesn’t mean you have to pack on muscles like a body builder or lift heavy weights.    Feeling uncomfortable with walking into a gym or joining a big group class.That’s Just Why My “45 Day Pilates Melt Down” Program Works!    You shut down your fat hormones, (Yes, they do exist) just by doing these 20 minute Pilates workouts on a weekly basis you start to release happy endorphins which helps to reduce your stress level. So you can stop storing fat in those crucial spots like your stomach hips and thighs.    You look forward to your workouts every time. You stop looking for excuses to not workout and you anticipate your next workout.    You don’t deal with the fear of being bulky from lifting weights and worry that if you continue workout out this way the muscle will turn into fat. You’ll be feeling and looking younger with these Pilates movements that enhances and tone your female physique.    Because my Pilates Melt Down Program is a functional interval combination of fat melting cardio, full body firming and toning movements in a 20 to 30 minute workout…You’ll save time by toning and defining you muscles, burning fat and slimming your stomach. All in the comfort of your own home.    No rushing to get to a gym or to a session, you can dedicate your workout time when it best fits your schedule, whether it’s before your children wake up or after you drop them off at school or after they go to bed.    Get in shape on your terms…You don’t have to feel uncomfortable with walking into those group classes and worrying if you are doing the workouts right. I give you specific guidelines and step-by-step examples to doing the Pilates exercises right.    No Starvation – fade diets…With all the weight loss gimmicks out there it’s confusing to figure out what’s right. I provide with a nutrition program that’s easy to follow and simple to add to your healthy lifestyle.    Once a month you feel heavy, bloated and yucky…The interval style of Pilates N’Cardio helps to get rid of water retention, you’ll sweat it out and the full body resistance training with your Pilates workout not only takes away the discomfort of being bloated but it’ll flatten your stomach.    The 45 Day Pilates Melt Down Program targets stubborn spots like your saddlebags, hips and thighs and defines the female physique…that you can’t get in a typical gym or typical workout.    You feel energized and revived after your Pilates Workout…Your body will feel and look strong, firm, lengthened and stretched out so you wont every get the feeling of being bulky or stiff.    You wont be hitting a plateau with these carefully crafted Pilates workout…Each week you have a new series of exercises to do. Each series making you stronger and increasing your endurance to reach the final phase of the program.By Now, You Must Be Wondering What’s In This “45 Day Pilates Melt Down” Program?”Introducing my “45 Day Pilates Slim DownInside the official “45 Day Pilates Melt Down” you get step by step guidance to graduating from basic fundamental Pilates to a Lean Toned Pilates Body. I take out the guesswork with these fully instructional follow along Pilates videos that will walk you through all 6 weeks of your program. In the beginning you have two versions of the Pilates workout for the day. One for beginners and the other for more advanced individuals. With the fusion of Pilates and Cardio you can get your workout done in 20 to 30 minutes a day at your convenience.Pilates Members ONLY! – Membership Site ($177 value)You receive instant access to the Members only “45 Day Pilates Melt Down” Website. This step-by-step website is created for you to easily navigate your way from the beginning phase through the final phase of the 45 day program. The Pilates Melt Down Program is a 6-week program conveniently and strategically sectioned into three phases below.Week 1 and Week 2 = Foundation PhaseWeek 3 and Week 4 = Core PhaseWeek 5 and Week 6 = Sculpting PhasePilates 101 – ($47 value)I will introduce the simple steps to doing a Pilates move the right way!In Pilates 101, I take you by the hand and walk you through these simple techniques to really getting the full benefit of your workouts.I’ll put your mind at ease and remove your doubts of being able to get a Pilates movement correctly. You will learn how to really engage your abdominals, how to hold yourself in perfect alignment so you can look like a swimsuit model and how the interval style of Pilates N’Cardio works! Plus These FREE Three Bonus Gifts valued at $197FREE Bonus Gift #1:Pilates Flexibility Handbook – $49 ValueIt’s no fun feeling stiff and the lack of flexibility to bend over withoutholding onto your back. Pilates exercises is a huge contributor in increasing flexibility but with the current times of sitting in front of a computer all day long it’s easy for your body to stay stiff and hurt.This carefully detailed handbook guides you through Pilates stretches designed to increase flexibility and give you the movement needed to perform everyday tasks without feeling pain.FREE Bonus Gift #2:EXTREME Pilates Bootie Lifter – $49 valueOne of my most favorite body part to really focus on is the bootie. Let’s face it, when you walk away what’s the last thing people see?That’s right, your Bootie!  So why not leave them speechless with a rocking firm bootie.This little handbook outlines the top Pilates moves to firm, tone and lift your bootie. Each move is clearly explained so you’ll feel the burn and see your firm bootie.FREE Bonus Gift #3:Pilates Power Nutrition Plan – $99 valueIt’ll surprise you how simple it is to adopt a healthy lifestyle by being aware of what you are eating and what you aren’t eating.Along with your body slimming workouts everyday, this nutrition plan is specially designed to accompany the “45 Pilates Melt Down”.I’m not going to let you go into this nutritionally blind, and hiring dieticians can be costly.Frequently Asked Questions    Q: I’ve tried plenty of fitness programs that over-promised and under-delivered, why should I spend more money on a Pilates program?    A: I find myself answering this question pretty often. You’ll hear me say this countless times, Pilates forces your body to work as a whole. Your abs and constantly working no matter what move you are doing. From your bootie, arms, legs, inner and outer thighs. These workouts are going to sculpt your physique into a leaner, stronger and slimmer body.    Q: What’s the difference between this program and Pilates on equipment?    A: Good question. Pilates was first developed to be done on the mat without equipment. The equipment was created after the foundation of Pilates – Mat Pilates – was established. Both versions on the equipment and on the mat are just as hard but doing Mat Pilates and strategically adding in cardio gives you a full body workout like no other.    Q: What is the Pilates Melt Down?    A: Basically, the 45 Day Pilates Melt Down is a Done-For-You follow along 6-week program with Pilates done on the mat and carefully fusing cardio within the program. These 20 to 30 minutes workouts are the perfect solution to get a full body workout that’ll shed away excess fat and give you lean muscle definition.    Q: What if I’m not in shape or a beginner? Don’t I need to be in shape to do Pilates?    A: Absolutely not! You don’t need to be in shape to do the Pilates Melt Down. For every workout I demonstrate an easier version for beginners and a more advanced version. I also tell you how you can tailor it to your fitness level.    Q: Is the Pilates Melt Down just designed for women, or can men do them?    A: The Pilates Melt Down is perfect for both men and women. You’ll achieve lean toned muscle definition. If you are looking to bulk up, this is not the program.    Q: If this Pilates Melt Down product works so well, why haven’t I heard of you before, how can I trust I’ll actually see results?    A: Most likely you haven’t heard of my before is because rather than create fitness programs online like this one, I’ve spent most of my time working with my private Pilates clients and working in my Pilates studio, My Pilates Studio.    Q: Will I need special equipment to perform these Pilates moves?    A: No, you can use the comfort of your carpet at home or grab a towel to lay on and a pillow. I’ve found a lot of people already own mats and stretch bands, so you can use these also.    Q: How long does it take to get my products, and how much is shipping?    A: The 45 Day Pilates Melt Down is a series of videos and downloadable products. After you submit your order, you will be given INSTANT access to the Membership site with all the videos and downloadable products right on your computer (there is no waiting or shipping costs) So What Does The Program Cost?Good question…If you were to hire me as your personal Pilates Instructor to train you three to four times per week and help you get stronger, leaner and toned without getting bulky you’d easily pay $175 per Pilates session. (which is what I charge for private one-on-one sessions)This means that even a four week Pilates program would set you back $2100 – and it would be well worth every penny considering the results you’ll get.But through this Pilates program you’re getting ALL of my carefully designed Pilates workouts (for beginners, intermediate and advanced) for a tiny fraction of what you’d be paying had you be working with me one-on-one.Typically, the 45 Day Pilates Melt Down Program is valued at $506.00 and at that prices it’s a deal considering everything you’ll be getting with the program plus the three free bonus gifts.But for this limited time web exclusive offer you won’t pay the value of $506, in fact you wont pay a discounted value of: $49.00. When you order the 45 Day Pilates Melt Down program today you’ll get All three FREE bonus gifts for only $47.00!It’s Simple Really, If You Don’t Have Time To Get In The Best Shape Of Your Life For Good And You Are Comfortable With How You Look And Feel, Then Move On.I’ll be perfectly honest with you, this program is NOT for lazy, unmotivated people. You won’t find any cheerleading motivation in this program. You’ll need to work hard and be disciplined to see the results, whether you’re a few pounds away or 20lbs away from your goal.Let me ask you this:    Don’t you feel you owe it to yourself to have the sleek toned body you deserve?    Are you tired of doing the same workout and having your friends and trainers tell you what you should be doing to tone your body?    Have you hit a wall and you no longer see your body changing?    Do you feel you still struggle with your problems like your hips and thighs?    Are you looking to change up your workout that’ll give you that edge and take your fitness to the next level?I Offer A 60-Day Money Back Guarantee.  You Have NothingHere’s to you Rockin’ A Sexy Pilates Body in no time…Sylvia FavelaPilates ExpertAuthor of 45 Day Pilates Melt DownP.S. Remember, your success is totally guaranteed! There is NO RISK at all to try the Pilates Melt Down, If after 60 days you don’t feel leaner, stronger, toned and flexible, whether you are a beginner or advanced let us know and we will refund your order.P.P.S. Where will you be 1 week from now, 6 weeks from now, even 12 months from now? You can be getting closer to your Pilates sexy body within minutes. Starting now!


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