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Sybervision – Neuropsychology of Self-Discipline

Sybervision – Neuropsychology of Self-Discipline
[Audio, workbook – MP3, doc]



One of the best personal development programs ever. If you want to achieve great things in your life you need this program, it will give you advice on disciplining yourself and getting the motivation to be what you want to be, do what you want to do and achieve what you want to achieve.——DEscriptION FROM ————-Today we live in a culture where many people want instant success—wealth, a beautiful body, warm relationships, and knowledge, This “I want it now” mentality is called “instant gratification” and is the number one reason people fail. (See the Stanford Marshmallow Study)Life’s Real WinnersPeople who reject the value of instant gratification and develop the skill of self-discipline are life’s real winners. These are people who have developed “emotional intelligence—they are able to set goals and harness the motivational strength to see it through to their successful fruition— day by day, week by week, month by month, and, if necessary, year by year. They know any worthwhile achievement takes time and sustained effort. They are willing to pay the price. They are self-starters, doers, and finishers. The good news is that self-discipline   is a skill that can be learned. The Neuropsychology of Self-Disciple is where you learn it. The Secret Revealed.The Neuropsychology of Self-Discipline is a self-paced audio program that consists of 10 audio sessions and a digital study guide. It is based on research conducted by author Steve DeVore and Dr. Karl Pribram at the Stanford University Neuropsychological Research Laboratories. He studied over 100 of history’s greatest achievers (see The World’s 100 Greatest People Audio Collection) and identified the characteristics they had in common, From these characteristics he distilled a powerful formula for self-motivation— the secret of lasting success. In the first three steps you are taught to identify your goal, to realize that it is attainable and to believe that you can achieve it. These steps build an emotional fire within you that drives you forward with passion. In the three final steps you create a plan for achieving your goal, you identify what you specifically need to do to achieve it, and you develop the patience, persistence, and perseverance necessary to succeed—no matter how long it takes or how difficult it becomes.The closer you get to your goal, the more your passion to achieve builds. And finally, self-discipline becomes a self-perpetuating process.With the skill of self-discipline, you’ll be able to persevere in your efforts to achieve career success, sculpt a beautiful body, learn a new skill, or achieve with excellence any other goal you desire.


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