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Susan Seifert – How to Go High to Release July 2017

Susan Seifert Go High July 2017
[WebRips – 17 MP3s]



Sedona Method founder, Lester Levenson,  used to tell his students to not just release to get high or feel good but to ‘go high to release’ – to keep releasing from the states of Courageousness, Acceptance and Peace (CAP). He said releasing from those higher states is the most powerful releasing of all.During this teleseminar, we’ll explore the Courageousness, Acceptance, Peace and Beingness  that is already present and learn how to incorporate that into our releasing.I first offered the Go High to Release teleseminar in November 2010. Participants are still sending glowing feedback about the profound changes in their releasing. Here’s a chance to experience this for yourself. As always, there will be plenty of group releases, as well as the opportunity to receive one-on-one support.


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