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Survival Commando Krav Maga Vol 1-5

CKM Vol 1-5
[5 DVDs – AVI]


5 Essential DVDs set that will help you progress through levels 1-5 in the COMBAT SURVIVAL Commando KRAV MAGA system!World Renowned Instructor, Moni Aizik uses his expertise and years of experience in multiple reality based disciplines to help both beginners and advanced, regardless of style, understand what to expect and how to prevail in any No Rules Fight.Over 200 techniques that can save your life are demonstrated and explained in great detail!Combat Survival Commando Krav Maga –  5 ESSENTIAL & EXCITING DVDs- Over 7.5 hours with more than 200 proven, effective and devastating techniques!!!Gun disarming, edged weapons, violent strangles, control techniques, Israeli ground survival, fast and brutal striking scenarios, pressure points, violent headlock defense, baseball bat defense, clinch defense, surviving surprise attacks at night, blade attack & defense, escape from vicious street-holds , take downs, control techniques, Commando training tips that can save your life and much more!REVIEWDear Sir,I just received my 1-5 volume DVD set yesterday and wanted to tell you what a great job you did on presenting the information.As a career military man (30 years in the US Marines) and one of the leading proponents of the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program (MCMMP) before I retired as the senior enlisted Marine here in the Pacific and in Marines Central Command I can tell you this type of realistic no nonsense training has been a long time coming both in the service and in civilian life.Just yesterday in the wake of the tragic shootings at Virginia Tech a young women came to our school looking to train in the Martial arts. I have to be honest with you I could not bring myself to show her any of the techniques my system teaches. I did however show her the simple escape I had picked up from the volume 1 front choke I had just viewed before coming to class.I am very seriously considering coming to one of your Instructor Courses and getting certified in your system to teach it here in Hawaii. People want to know how to protect themselves and their loved ones, frankly they are not getting that at any of the traditional schools that teach the martial arts.Again well doneREVIEWWhen I received and watched the first copies of Moni Aizik’s Combat Survival DVD’s, Volume’s 1 & 2, I found everything that Moni showed on his DVD’s street applicable. So I decided to go to Toronto Canada for his instructor’s course, a very good decision indeed, one that I am glad I did. And I figured the techniques for the next part of the course will probably be better if not just as good as what I saw on the first DVD’s.Well at the instructor’s course we covered everything on the DVD’s, in greater detail and additional techniques that were very good.Be that as it may, I just got the opportunity to sit down and start looking at Moni Aizik New Combat Survival DVD’s, Volumes 3, 4 and 5. And let me tell you, they are FANTASTIC, Moni has totally out did himself on these DVD’s!!The DVD’s include new techniques dealing with street altercations, and as I sat and watched them, I was reminded just how realistic Moni’s training is. I sat and watched the expressions on the faces of those who he performed the techniques on, and was reminded of how we trained when I was in Toronto for the instructor’s course and how effective the techniques are.Moni Aizik is now showing us the reality based self-defense system of Combat Survival or Commando Krav Maga that we have been yearning for deep down in our souls. Here to make our lives allot safer.As a BJJ instructor, my self-defense aspect has taken on a whole new perspective because of Moni Aizik, Thank You Moni, Combat Survival is definitely taking the Number 1 Spot, when it comes to Reality Fighting Systems.REVIEW Greetings Moni, it is a great honor for me to be able to sit here and type you this letter, my name is Brian Mathews, we spoke over the telephone over a year ago when I decided to make one of the wisest investments of my life when I purchased volumes 1-5 of Combat Survival.  In the time since I first received those DVD’s I have been hooked to Combat Survival absorbing as much as I can like a sponge. I have shared many of your techniques with my co-workers, I decided then to develop a commando program of my own with intense physical training regimines and by practicing Combat Survival Commando Krav Maga.  I want to say that you have been such a great influence on me and my life both personally and professionally, and a role model I can say I am proud to look up to.  I want to thank you again for creating such a remarkable system that can teach decent law abiding citizens of the world to defend themselves from the evils of society.      Again I wish to thank you for being such a positive influence aplease give my best to all the members of your organization.


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