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Sue Heintze – The Beta Switch – 17 ebooks (Pdf’s) – 25 videos (Mp4)

Sue Heintze – The Beta Switch


Released TODAY and already avaiable for the ladies,here…Enjoy!PS:Just got the .txt file, I’ll add the bonuses I should upload with this release in my next Sue’s program I’ll upload very soon…Best regards,Unliver.“HIDDEN RESEARCH: STUBBORN FEMALE FAT LINKED TO YOUR BETA RECEPTORS”Now You Can “Turn On” Your Body’s Own Beta Switches To Convert Your Most Stubborn Female Trouble Spots Into Fat-Burning Mode — Eliminating The Most Embarrassing Fat On Your Thighs, Bum and Even The Backs of Your Arms — WITHOUT Strict Dieting or Excessive ExerciseJoin the savvy women who have discovered this little-known cellular “switch”, to instantly start releasing and burning the fat that has been trapped for so long on your most unsightly and unhealthy trouble spots!…FEMALE FACT #1: Women are dealt an unfair genetic hand that makes shedding the difficult fat on your thighs, bum and even your upper arms almost impossible, no matter how much weight you lose.However : You CAN reverse this metabolic process and reshape even your most stubborn body parts! And it has nothing to do with expensive pills or potions… FEMALE FACT #2: If you exercise, you risk making it even harder to lose stubborn fat. You see, the wrong kind of exercise — or too much exercise — flips your cellular switches to “fat-trapping” mode — locking fat in your stubborn fat deposits. Yet the right kind of short, efficient exercise session will flip your switches to “fat-releasing” mode, especially on your trouble spots… FEMALE FACT #3: Strict dieting will “steal” fat from certain parts of your body and transfer it to your most difficult fat zones — locking fat into the areas where you most desperately want to lose it! In fact, indulging in your favorite foods — and even “cheating” on your diet — will actually make it easier to release trapped fat from your thighs, hips, bum and even the backs of your arms… FEMALE FACT #4: You cannot find this stubborn-fat releasing Beta-Switch System for women anywhere else. I developed and perfected this proprietary system on thousands of clients and customers from all around the world. And you can only find it right here on this page… So keep reading…Read this breakthrough report from Australian Body-Transformation Expert Sue Heintze — before you waste another day on useless exercises or strict diets that actually lock fat into your most stubborn trouble spots.Today I’m going to reveal the hidden research that explains why women struggle with stubborn fat, especially on the hips, thighs and bum…More importantly, you’ll discover a breakthrough tip used by the women featured on this page to literally “flip the switch” that releases the trapped fat in your most embarrassing trouble spot fat zones…If you take nothing else from this report, simply start using this odd fat-burning trick today, and you can expect your jeans to fit looser in as little as one week…And you’ll be showing off your shapely bum and thighs in your “skinny jeans” in less than a month. […you know what I mean, the one’s sitting in your closet that you’ve given up on…]Now, I know this sounds like a bold claim, yet I promise you’ll soon understand how quickly and easily this will happen for you, like it has for all the other women just like you on this page. So keep reading…Popular Female Diets Are TOO STRICTand Trap Fat In Your Trouble SpotsI’m also going to tell you why you MUST continue to enjoy your favorite foods in order to turn on this near-instant fat-burning switch…And more importantly, how depriving yourself, or doing too much exercise, will automatically switch it off — and may even steal fat from one area of your body and re-store it on your most stubborn fat zones!…Listen, you probably think you’ve heard or read it all when it comes to losing weight…Yet I guarantee that you have never heard the somewhat unusual tip I’m about to reveal, that is absolutely guaranteed to finally release the trapped fat in your thighs, butt, hips, belly and even the back of your arms…You will be shocked by the little known fat burning “switch” you’re about to discover. Just be sure to read this brand new report now, because it definitely won’t be online for long.The Spot Reduction Scam: Creams & Potions Do Not Work— The Solution To Your Trouble Spots Has Been Hiding Inside Your Own Fat Cells All Along…Listen, before we go any further let me assure you this has nothing to do with the so called “spot reduction” creams, cellulite potions, fad diets, cardio plans or the latest fat-burning super-food pill being advertised on late night TV…What I’m about to share with you is the result of decades of research into the specific weight loss and body sculpting challenges unique to women…The shocking and hidden research I stumbled upon has allowed me to discover a system that has given me consistent success on the stage as a figure competitor for over a decade, and allowed me to stay healthy and energetic as a mother who gave birth in my 40s…It’s a system that works with YOUR body, right at the cellular level. And now thousands of regular women around the world are using the same system to achieve the body they desire and deserve…I’m both humbled and proud that more than half the winners of the nationwide Women’s Health & Fitness BodyBlitz competition over the past two years have used the exact system I’ll be revealing in just a minute…First, I want to tell you a very personal story.How Teenage “Teasing” and My Negative Body ImageLead To The Discovery Of ThisLittle-Known metabolic “Switch” For WomenI used to feel ashamed at some of the things I’m about to share with you…Yet I understand now that my struggles are what inspired me to devote my life to understanding the real reasons women battle with stubborn fat.It’s women like you who give me the courage to share my struggles so publicly today…It started the summer I turned 18…My mom and sister began making innocent comments like, “Sue, your bum is getting big”…I know they were teasing, however it set the stage for nearly two decades of obsessive compulsive eating disorders and negative body image.At one point, I was even diagnosed with bulimia!…I became crazy about counting calories… and could tell you how many calories were in pretty much anything…I added it all up in my head, and got depressed at the end of the day if I ate more than I thought I “should” have…Not surprisingly, I was hungry all the time and had constant cravings!…I remember one sunny day here in Adelaide, Australia… I was all set for a night on the town with my girlfriends…However, that afternoon I surrendered — once again — to my constant cravings. And I devoured an entire super-size chocolate bar in seconds…I felt so disgusted with myself and ashamed that I actually cancelled my night out, making a feeble excuse to hide my shame and my body image problems from my friends…And just as bad… I became addicted to exercise…I thought maybe I could exercise away my diet slip ups by putting on my tights and leg warmers for 2 daily aerobics classes… [It was the 80s and 90s after all…]Even after I took to the stage in my 30s and started winning competitions as a figure competitor, I continued to struggle with the same issues…And despite all the heartache, deprivation and sweat, I never lost the stubborn fat on my bum, thighs and the backs of my legs that I’d been ashamed of ever since I was 18 years old…Just when I thought I’d tried everything… I made a shocking discovery…They’d Rather I Never Uncovered This Hidden metabolism ResearchI remember it clearly… One Monday morning in 2005…I stumbled upon an obscure reference that finally explained why I’d never been able to lose that stubborn lower body fat!…And just like that, the final piece of the puzzle fell into place…It was such a relief to realize that storing fat on my butt and thighs had never been my fault… Just as it is not your fault…And that the solution was actually EASIER than everything I had tried in the past…• No more deprivation diets…• No more cravings, binges or hunger pangs…• And no more marathon exercise sessions…In fact, at 40 years old I enjoyed the easiest figure competition victory of my career…I didn’t give up any of my favorite foods… And I spent less than half the time in the gym than I had preparing for my previous competitions…I made this report because I want to share with you the same life changing discovery…Now, make sure you pay attention, because I’m about to reveal the most important part.Deal?The Answer Is Found In Learning How toActivate Your Fat-Burning “Beta Switches”Scientific research now confirms that it truly is harder for women to lose their stubborn fat…And that most women are predisposed to store fat on their lower body…You see, it is now clear that your fat loss and weight gain are controlled at a cellular level by something called Adrenoreceptors… These are like SWITCHES that react with a hormone called adrenaline that is released naturally by your body, and makes you store or release fat…Everyone — women and men alike — have both Beta Adrenoreceptors and Alpha Adrenoreceptors…And this is where I found the key to getting rid of stubborn female body fat!…Turn on your Beta receptor “switch” and you trigger fat burning…Turn on your Alpha receptor “switch” and you store and trap fat in your fat cells…To keep that straight, think of it this way…As in Beta equals “Burn”As in Alpha equals “Anti-Burn”Now, the bad news…Women Really Do Have More Stubborn Fat…Researchers have discovered that women have 9 TIMES more Alpha receptors than Beta receptors in their stubborn lower body fat…That means for every Beta receptor that’s devoted to releasing unattractive fat from your thighs, there are 9 Alpha receptors doing their best to make sure you store more fat, and that you hold onto already trapped fat…This can also be true for other body parts like the back of your arms or your belly, yet most women suffer from hard-to-lose butt and thigh fat…And this is the main reason why stubborn lower body fat has never been your fault…However, there’s a second reason that no amount of dieting and exercise has ever allowed you to achieve a slim, shapely and smooth bum and legs…The Second Reason Strict DietingHas Made Your Trouble Spots WORSEYou see, when you go on a strict diet, or exercise too much, your Thyroid hormones go down…You may have heard that these hormones can affect your weight…Yet it’s even more serious than that. Low Thyroid hormones switch on your Alpha receptors, and switch off your Beta receptors…So all your extreme dieting and exercise has actually increased your body fat in the spots you wanted to get rid of it the most!…And made it even harder to slim down your most unattractive trouble spots…  Why Stubborn Lower Body Fat Has NEVER Been Your Fault Let’s do a quick recap before we get into the solution I discovered…Your fat burning is controlled by your Adrenoreceptors…Beta receptors equal “Burn”…Alpha receptors equal “Anti-Burn”…As a woman, you’ve got 9 times more Alpha receptors in your stubborn fat cells. So you’re more likely to store and trap fat in those areas…And when you diet and exercise the wrong way, you actually make the problem worse, and increase fat storage in your trouble spots!…Now, what if I told you there’s a way to trick your fat cells into turning on your Beta switch and turning off your Alpha switch?…Now, You Can Finally Take ControlOf Your Weight Loss Master SwitchCan you imagine how much easier it will be once you’ve taken control of the master-switch that literally controls whether you store or release fat from your cells?Can you feel how your jeans will get looser almost daily?And see yourself fitting back into your skinny jeans in as little as 3-4 weeks?Well, all the other everyday women you’ve been seeing on this page have done exactly that. And their results can be your results starting today…There is a brand new solution proven to quickly melt away your most stubborn and embarrassing fat zones…I’d like to introduce you to what is now the system for all women who have struggled with locked-in and unattractive trouble-spot fat — The Beta Switch™The Beta Switch is the Only Complete Weight Loss Lifestyle for Women, That Specifically Switches on The Fat-Burning Power of Your Most Stubborn Female Trouble Spots, Without Restricting Your Favorite Foods or Doing Excessive ExerciseThis is a System that allows women just like us to achieve and experience freedom from obsessive compulsive dieting, damaging workouts and negative body image…This isn’t just the System I teach to thousands of other women just like you — it’s the System I used myself to achieve the easiest figure competition victory of my career — at 40 years old…This System Works For ANY Woman —No Matter Your Age, And Regardless OfWhere You Store Your Most Stubborn Fat…Trust me, as all the women you’ve met in this video can attest, this System will work for you, even if…• You’re a busy mom or professional woman like me…• You’ve shared my despair over trapped and stubborn female fat…• You’ve damaged your metabolism with strict dieting…• You’ve run yourself into the ground with excessive aerobics and cardio…• Or even if you think you’ve tried everything!WARNING: Don’t Fall Victim To Another Spot Reduction HoaxNow, let me tell you what The Beta Switch is not, so you know what you are about to enjoy… It’s not another generic diet for men that actually piles more fat onto your most stubborn fat zones… It’s not a silly cream or potion that’s supposed to magically melt away your trouble spots… It’s not yet another trendy cleanse or deprivation diet that inevitably ends in cravings, binges, guilt, depression, and rebound weight gain… And it’s definitely not one of those punishing workout programs that leaves you exhausted and hungry all the time…No, you and countless women just like you have tried all those false hopes and they’ve never worked…It’s now time for a solution that actually flips on a woman’s unique fat-burning switch right at a cellular level, and guarantees you’ll finally find freedom from the negative body image only a woman can truly understand…What Happens When YouFlip On Your Beta Switch™?When you master your own fat-burning Beta switch using the simple yet effective strategies that have been proven and refined with thousands of women just like you, you’ll enjoy a brand new weight loss experience including…• Shockingly rapid fat loss on your thighs, bum, hips, belly or the backs of your arms…• An end to the cycle of starvation, cravings, binges and guilt…• And results you’ll actually notice daily in the bathroom mirror…All while you indulge in your favorite foods, avoid crazy workouts, and finally enjoy the freedom of the positive body-image you desire and deserve…I’ve Condensed Everything You’ll NeedTo Flip On YOUR Beta Switch Into This Done-For-YouWeight Loss Lifestyle System For Women…The Beta Switch is a simple, step-by-step 12 week nutrition and lifestyle system that switches on your fat-burning Beta receptors and switches off your stubborn-fat storing Alpha receptors…You’ll quickly master things like…• The precise 6 day kick-start diet plan that will instantly switch on your fat-burning metabolism…• The quick and simple trick to easily tell the exact portions you need for YOUR body-type to maximize your weight loss…• The complete list of fruits, veggies, fats and proteins that will activate your fat-burning Beta Switch…• Which alcoholic beverage you are free to enjoy, and which ones will ruin your weight loss instantly…• The 4 herbal extracts and one naturally occurring oil that prevents the activation of your fat storing Alpha receptors…• And the only “cheat day” strategy that is proven to reboot your Thyroid hormone and eliminate frustrating weight loss plateaus for good…As you can probably tell, The Beta Switch was designed to revolutionize the release of stubborn female body fat…In fact, women from around the world are enjoying the remarkable body transformations you can see in the astonishing photos I’m receiving daily… Which is amazing considering they’re experiencing these rapid results while still enjoying their favorite comforts like cream in their coffee, chocolate and red wine almost daily, and unselfconsciously ordering and eating whatever they want at restaurants or when out with friends…However, The Beta Switch Is Not For Everyone…Listen, before we go any further, I feel I have to be 100% honest with you…Because if you’re looking for some sort of magic wand to wipe away your trouble spots overnight… or you want to just rub some cream on your thighs and wake up the next morning with the legs of a supermodel, then The Beta Switch is not for you…The Beta Switch is only for women who are done with the silly weight loss gimmicks, gadgets, pills and potions…So if you’re ready for a proven, science-based, enjoyable weight loss lifestyle that guarantees to deliver safe, lasting and rapid results…And if you want to finally fit into your “skinny jeans”, feel proud to show off your bum and legs in a bikini, and enjoy the feeling of how a form fitting dress hugs your sexy curves…Then The Beta Switch isn’t just “A” system for you…It’s the ONLY system for you!…My Beta Switch™Mission and PromiseNow, you may believe a system developed specifically for women that delivers all of this and much more would be unaffordable…And that makes sense, as The Beta Switch has already helped the women you’ve met on this page, and thousands more, to quickly and enjoyably achieve the body they only dreamed of…And considering my hourly body-transformation consulting fee of $325, I can understand that you may think this System is beyond your reach…Yet it’s not. Because I’ve been where you are, and I could never hold back this life-changing System from any woman who is committed to making real change…So don’t worry, I promise I’ll get to the affordable price in just a moment…First, I’m excited to let you know…Yours FREE Today— The Beta Switch Workout SystemYou’re not just receiving The Beta Switch today. Just for reading this report, I’m also giving you absolutely FREE of charge a special bonus valued at $200 called The Beta Switch Workout System, to optimize the fat-burning power of your Adrenoreceptor switches…This 3-phase, 12-week women-only exercise program is synchronized perfectly with the Beta Switch nutrition plan…And is the only way to avoid the devastating results so many women experience using exercise programs designed by men…In fact, inside you’ll discover the terrible yet popular workout mistake being made by almost every woman who struggles with stubborn fat — and why this one mistake actually takes the fat you lose from other parts of your body and re-stores it on your most frustrating trouble spots…Instead, the Beta Switch workouts strategically use the exact exercises and workout methods that have been scientifically proven to activate your fat-burning Beta Adrenoreceptors and switch off your fat-trapping Alpha receptors… You’ll also discover…• The simple 2-minute pre-workout trick that doubles fat-burning in your stubborn fat deposits…• The only type of cardio that will burn off fat specifically from your most stubborn fat cells… […And you’ll be happy to know it takes half the time of long, slow and boring conventional cardio!…]In fact, you’ll be done with these Stubborn-Fat Finishers while most women are still working on their warm ups…I learned the hard way that less is better when it comes to exercise… So I’ve organized the entire workout system to get you the maximum results with the minimum time investment…Look, I want this to be as easy for you as possible… Which is why I’m also including detailed instructions for every exercise — including clear video demonstrations so you can get the maximum fat burning effect from every repetition…Listen, even if you could find a personal trainer who understands how to unlock the female fat-burning switch, it would cost you hundreds of dollars every WEEK to get this kind of done-for-you program and attention to detail… Yet it’s yours 100% free today, because I want to guarantee your results…I Also Want To Give You Some Awesome LIMITED-TIME GiftsAvailable ONLY Until the Timer Below Hits Zero!9-Day Drop A Jeans Size Diet The Beta Switch is your life-long solution to stubborn lower body fat. Yet I realize that sometimes you need super quick weight loss for a special event — or maybe you’re just tired of not fitting into your favorite jeans! That’s why I created the 9-Day Drop a Jeans Size Diet. This is the safest and most efficient way to rapidly slip down your thighs and butt to look great in your best pants, slinky dress, or even your bikini bottoms… Although I usually charge $20 for this valuable diet, it’s yours FREE until the timer below reaches zero!…Boost Your Body Image Report Listen, I went through most of my life dealing with unnecessary body-image issues. I don’t want you to struggle with the same challenges, and I know that’s not what you want for yourself. The truth is, women like you and me have been fooled into comparing ourselves with unrealistic photoshopped images on the covers of magazines and books. Trust me, you’re going to love your new Beta Switch body… And this special report will ensure that you see the REAL new you when you look in the mirror!Mind Over Matter: Win the Mental Game of Fat Loss This simple new book may be the most important thing you ever read when it comes to permanently and joyfully changing your health and your physique. In it, I share with you the 4 simple rules that will finally make the mental game of weight loss easy and fun. And you discover the powerful emotional and mental tricks that will deliver the rapid and permanent transformation of your figure and your health. I wish more fitness professionals were sharing this information. It’s that important… The regular retail price of the 135 page book is $27 — Yours FREE until the timer hits zero…Claim Your FREE BonusesBefore The Timer Reaches Zero!…BRAND NEW: My SUPER-BONUS For a Very Limited Number of New Beta Switch Customers Now, I’ve got one last exciting surprise for you…Because I want you to feel the same supportive, positive experience as my in-person clients, I’m giving you one more very special bonus worth $74.85, free of charge until the end of this presentation… You see, you’re getting 3 full months in the exclusive Tight n’ Toned club. This is where I welcome thousands of women from all around the globe who are supporting each other, and sharing their weight loss experience…Not only will you experience the support and wisdom of like-minded women, you’ll also enjoy new recipes, diet tips, workouts, articles and videos that are being added to the site weekly…And this is the only place where I’m able to invest my personal time, answering questions and even getting on coaching calls with you and other women who are taking action today!…Only a Limited Number Of Copies Are Available At This PriceListen, even though my hourly consulting fee is now $325, and it would take me at least 15 hours to guide you through the type of step-by-step, done-for-you system you are about to experience… I don’t want you to pay anything close to the $4875 real value of the Beta Switch system…In fact, as crazy as it seems, I’m not even going to charge the regular retail price of $199 for The Beta Switch system, even though I’m including the $200 workout bonus, 3 months of Tight ‘n Toned membership, and 3 more limited-time gifts — ALL absolutely free for you today…I promised this would be affordable, and I meant it!…Because I’ve lived through the same despair and negative body image that so many women feel, I want to get the solution in the hands of every woman who needs to lose their depressing, unsightly and dangerous stubborn fat deposits…Soon, your total investment to own The Beta Switch and The Beta Switch Workout System will be just a one-time hugely discounted payment of only $97.Yet if you are one of the first 999 customers to take action, you’re not even going to pay that!In fact, you�re getting immediate access to everything for a one-time, single, secure payment of only $47…Fair warning: More than 900,000 women will be seeing this new-release page today. So please do not delay. The discounted price is strictly limited to the first 999 copies.You Don’t Have To Decide Today!Now, you may be shocked that this tiny investment is only a fraction of what you’d pay for a single hour with even a mediocre personal trainer, or one of those silly cellulite creams that never works anyway…Yet check this out, because I’ve fallen for the same fat loss traps every woman has experienced, I understand that you may still be having trouble accepting the truth of this breakthrough stubborn fat solution…So, you do not have to decide right now…Because I know that you’ll enjoy the same life-changing results as the women you’ve seen today, I’ll do more than just promise your success… I’ll guarantee your success…I want to take all the risk off your shoulders, so you can experience the Beta Switch for yourself with complete peace of mind. Which is why you’ve got my 100% ironclad, no-questions-asked money-back guarantee. Sound fair?Get immediate access to everything now, including The Beta Switch, The Beta Switch Workout System, and 3 FREE months of Tight ‘n Toned membership — all 100% risk-free and guaranteed — by clicking the Add to Cart button below to get started…Tight ‘n Toned membership — all 100% risk-free and guaranteed — by clicking the Add to Cart button below to get started…Lower Body Trouble SpotsHave NOT Been Your Fault — However…Remember, although the depression, despair and frustration you have experienced has not been your fault — and now you understand why — it is now your responsibility to take action…If you continue to use the outdated and generic diets and workouts designed by men […you know the ones I mean, you’ve tried them and they’ve failed in the past…] you’ll only make it harder to burn away your most stubborn trouble spots…And you’ll sink deeper into the negative body image that affects your relationships, brings the embarrassment of showing your body at the beach or poolside, and stops you from buying the sexy dresses you long to wear…This is not what I want for you, and I know it’s not what you desire for yourself…You’ve seen a new path today…Simply by applying the same step-by-step weight loss principles used by all the women you’ve met today in this video, you’ll finally take control of your destiny, and claim the body and positive self image you deserve!…The New Path Savvy WomenAround The World Are EnjoyingImagine, right now, how it will feel the moment you control the master-switch that will finally release the fat that’s been trapped in your most embarrassing trouble spots:• You feel your jeans getting looser around the thighs and hips daily…• You rejoice at finally slipping effortlessly into the “skinny jeans” you’ve been hiding away in the closet…• Every morning you leap out of bed, excited to see the noticeable changes in the bathroom mirror…• You bask in the envious glances you get from other women when you flaunt your brand new bikini-worthy body…And best of all, you finally feel 100% comfortable, confident and happy in your own skin…You are experiencing the positive body image that you deserve — at long last!…It’s time to turn on your fat-burning Beta receptor switch right now…Click on the Add to Cart button below to get started…You’ll be granted immediate access to everything, including the extremely limited-time Tight ‘n Toned bonus, which will not be available free for long…Remember…Now remember, I guarantee you’ll enjoy similar success as the thousands of real, everyday women who have already used The Beta Switch stubborn fat loss solution to achieve rapid, safe and lasting weight loss…And I’ll proudly stand behind that promise…Just do not put this off one second longer…Because I can’t maintain this unusually low price for much longer…And I can’t guarantee your free Tight ‘n Toned super bonus will still be available tomorrow, because it wouldn’t be fair to all the women who are already paying $25 per month to be part of this thriving community…Do the only smart thing — make the decision all the savvy women you’ve met today have made — Take advantage of this limited-time presentation-only offer while you still can…And wisely get on the path TODAY to safe, proven and enjoyable weight loss, using this simple, step-by-step strategy designed specifically to eliminate the exact troublesome fat women struggle with most…CLICK the Add to Cart button below right now, and let’s get you started today!To your success,Sue Heintze


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