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SubliminalShop – Develop An Aura of Sexiness 2.0 4G

SubliminalShop Develop an Aura of Sexiness 2.0 4G
[CD – 3MP3s] [PDF]



Quote:Every day, day in and day out, you project an aura of energy which others can sense.  Some of this energy is simply a projection of your bio-electric field, and all it tells them is “something living is near me”.  But there is more to your aura.  Much more.You project, and others can subconsciously sense, a lot of information about yourself through your aura, including your emotional state and what you believe about yourself.  Because of this, and the fact that others do subconsciously sense and respond to this auric information, you can use subliminals to adjust your aura by telling your subconscious mind what you want it to “say”.  The result?  Others will sense and respond to what you consciously want them to sense and respond to.  They will begin treating you the way you want them to.In this case, you can tell your subconscious mind that you want others to percieve you as being sexy, and respond appropriately.  This title can be used by either gender, and can be used successfully by anyone of any sexual orientation.  script:I now develop within myself the knowledge, understanding, realization, belief and attitude that I am absolutely and incredibly sexy, because I am.I now develop and project an extremely intense, powerful, obvious and effective aura of sexiness.I now let go of, disconnect from, reject, release and utterly destroy any and all beliefs, ideas, thoughts, responses and attitudes that conflict with being sexy, projecting an aura of sexiness, and expressing my sexiness through my body language, attitude, actions and speech.I now express my sexiness through my aura of sexiness, my attitude, my body language, the way I move, my gracefulness and my speech.I am now absolutely sexy, and I know it.I now completely let go of, disconnect from, reject, release, ignore and utterly destroy any and all negativity from others.I now completely let go of, disconnect from, reject, release, ignore and utterly destroy any and all negativity within myself.I now look, feel, act, move and speak sexier and sexier.I now make myself sexier and sexier every day.I am now obviously sexy, and it shows in everything I do, say, think and believe.I now obviously project an extremely powerful and intense aura of sexiness, which others are absolutely unable to ignore or resist.I am now quickly becoming sexier and sexier.I now naturally move in sexier and sexier ways.I now naturally speak in sexier and sexier ways.I now naturally act in sexier and sexier ways.I now absolutely have a stronger and more obvious aura of sexiness.Everything about me now completely expresses absolute sexiness.I am now the absolute essence of sexiness.I now naturally use my dreams to manifest all these suggestions as my reality.I now completely accept myself as being sexy.I now completely allow myself to be sexy and fully express my sexiness.I now naturally deserve to be sexy.Others now naturally know, accept, understand and believe that I am sexy.I now naturally know, accept, understand and believe that I am sexy.


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