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Style’s Sticking Point Destroyer Kit

Stylelife 3
[2 eBooks (PDF) – 2 Videos (MP4) – 1 DVD (Rip)]



This is an exclusive! You should all know the rules – don’t leak it!Group Buy Page Buy Status OpenSales Page’s Sticking Point Destroyer KitThe Antidote to 99% of the most Common Sticking Pointsincluding Approach Anxiety, Never Running out of Steam and Smooth Kino Escalation.                    If you are getting stuck in one of the following areas of your game, then style’s Sticking Point Destroyer Kit is your ANTIDOTE (in our research thus far we’ve uncovered that 90% of guys learning to be PUAs share three major sticking points):    Early Game Sticking Points: Do you know the feeling when you see a pretty girl across the room, she even makes eye contact with you (her way of signaling you to approach) but you just can’t seem to move your feet?    That’s Approach Anxiety! Some guys even describe it as a dialogue in their own mind, a negative feedback loop that tells you “Don’t approach this girl your opener won’t work!” or “If you approach that group of women they won’t think you’re interesting!” Approach Anxiety can kill your game before it even starts.    Middle Game Sticking Points: Are you aware of the lull in the conversation with women after your the opener runs it’s course? That awkward moment where you don’t know what to say next to bridge the gap from chit chat to making a connection that stokes the furnace of attraction?    Not generating attraction and connection is the second biggest stinking point and it’s a damn shame that so many guys are screwing up here because it should be the smoothest point of your game!    Late Game Sticking Points: You know that awkward feeling when you’ve finally got the girl alone with you in isolation or on a date, or maybe she’s even sitting on your bed but you just can’t bring yourself to lean in and kiss her? It’s like an invisible barrier walls her lips and body off from you.    Not able to kino escalate. This one is the most heart wrenching because you played the game perfect up to this point. But now by not manning-up and kissing her, you start to slide down a slippery slope into the dreaded FRIEND ZONE pit, nearly impossible to escape.If you have been in any of the situations mentioned above then you are not alone. Our research revealed that 90% of all men suffer in one of these areas.But here is the good news: In our research we have identified that of the total 28 common Sticking Points 11 more are directly related to the BIG 3: openers being dismissed, ejecting from set too early, not getting dates with women, getting the girl to chase you, running solid text game, running solid phone game, building comfort properly, not knowing how to calibrate or read IOIs, transitioning routines, winning over the obstacles, mind blanking on the approach, and not knowing enough PUA material.Which means if you OBLITERATE those STICKING POINTS you game will improve in other areas as well.The bottom line is that if you OVERCOME the BIG 3 you also ATTACK 11 other sticking points. That means you challenge 50% of all the Sticking Points documented that are the most common by just focus on these THREE main problem areas.The BIG 3 SPs and the SPs related to them can only hold you back if you refuse to recognize them and overcome…”style’s Sticking Point Destroyer Kit”It contains specially designed components that focus on the “BIG 3” problem areas and push you past them to the next level.1. “The Abolish Approach Anxiety Field Guide”: this guide was specially designed to condition your mind to SNAP to the approach without thinking. You won’t miss another approach opportunity; you’ll get to play at the real level of game that you deserve to be at. -$25 value2. “style On Reading People & Calibration”: After the opener runs its course how do you know what to say next? The key is reading women’s body language and other indicators of interest (IOIs). In this DVD style will teach you to understand when and how to say every component of your routine stack for maximum attraction success. -$47 value3. “The Complete Cold Reading Handbook”: If you want to build SUPER CONNECTION with a woman, the kind that makes HER call YOU then you have to start cold- reading. This guide gives you the cold-reading routines of the best mystical PUAs in the game today. This is the stuff that will have her talking to her friends about you at work the next day. -$25 value4. style’s Personal Training Program: Thirty (30) days of stylelife Academy interactive online training with direct access to the Elite Forum and thousands of the missions. You’ll get to talk on the phone with style himself in his monthly teleseminars. He’ll take your questions and help push you past your SP personally! And if you choose you can continue your training on month-to-month basis (no long-term commitment!) -$135 value5. “Astrology and the Esoteric”: advanced level cold reading techniques for the seduction phase of your game. This DVD will teach you how to use cold-reading all the way to the bedroom. ONLY to be watched AFTER YOU READ THE COLD READING HANDBOOK. -$47 value6. “Advanced Kino and Massage”: the last step you need to beat that final BIG Sticking Point. The techniques on this DVD will show you how to bridge that invisible TOUCHING gap between you and a woman. It will teach you how to seamlessly move from light playful touching to massage all the way to kissing and beyond. -$47 value7. “Text Messaging Bible”: 107 pages filled with text messaging tips, routines, jokes, games from members of style’s Attraction Mastermind group.Claim your kit below – OR – for specifics, scroll to the bottom of this page and check out the ridiculously long list of PUA tips, techniques, routines, and strategies you’ll soon be effortlessly absorbing as you watch these DVDs and read the E-books.This entire BUNDLE is worth over $326.50, but I’ll give it to you for $97.50!What would it be worth to you to BUST the Sticking Points that hang-up your game?Think about it …This is a once-in-a-life-time bundle. Here’s why: “style’s Sticking Point Destroyer Kit” with 3 DVDs, 2 E-books, and style’s Personal Training Program collection contains every piece you need to overcome the BIG 3 SPs plus the 11 othe SPs that are related to them.If you take advantage of this “one-time” offer, this bundle is available only to you as a Sticking Point Research participant for $97.50 so that you can feel the breath of relief that comes with DESTROYING your STICKING POINT demons.This all-in-one package is only offered to support those readers out there that helped us research the Master Sticking Point List and will never be offered again. It’s available only here and now, although worth over $326.50, this page gives you access to your unfair advantage price of $97.50. Offer available only while supplies last. You can click the button below to see if it’s already sold out.Here is what you’ll learn from the “style’s Sticking Point Destroyer Kit”: It has Three DVDs with over 120 minutes and Two E-books with 42 pages of material specifically combined to focus on and BUST your Sticking Points:Abolish Approach Anxiety    Know the secrets of how your mind works to understand how to beat your Approach Anxiety    Learn a helpful mantra that will allow you to stop the negative thoughts that keep you from approaching    The keys to defeating your Limiting Mind and the visual submodalities to strengthen your Freedom Mind    How deep breathing can be the most effective fix for overcoming your fear of the approach    Hypnotize your mind into opening every set you see without even thinking.Reading People & Calibration with style    When and how to use every tool of the game    Adjusting your actions to elicit the feelings you want her to have    The secret to not blowing sets that are going well    Preventing over calibration to avoid becoming a “social robot”    style’s “+2 trick” that helped him fix his own calibration problem    The fail proof green light, yellow light, red light system    An Indicator of Interest (IOI) list so you recognize attraction    Why women may act “touchy feely” right away and what to do    Using calibration as a Demonstration of Higher Value (DHV)    Exercises to strengthen your calibration muscles    A live demonstration with style and an attractive girl    Younger, older, middle child calibration cheat/routine    The guess a number from 1-1000 routine (it works!)    style’s #1 mistake of “The Game” and how to avoid it    How to train and trust your own intuition    Why style leaves set to ask himself this 1 question into the mirrorThe Cold Reading Handbook    The key to congruency (written by style)    How to develop a root that makes your cold reads perfectly natural    Specific lines to disqualify and tease her based on her sign    Exact phrases that make you sound like an expert over her world    A unique cold read based on her blood type. She’s never heard this one before    The Ring Finger Routine (as printed by style)    The Heart Routine (it’s easy and it will blow her away)    For the advanced: A full and DETAILED guide to Tarot Cards    How to win over even the toughest and most skeptical sets with cold reads    Plenty more specifics, the list would go on for pages if we listed them all…Astrology and the Esoteric Arts with Evolve    An Astrology DHV you can use to build comfort and create a deeper connection    The secret routine to push past that lull in the conversation in isolation    Why Astrology is a safe place to playfully neg and flirt from to build attraction    How to become the Master of a Woman’s world through Astrology    Using Astrology to get the girl to ask YOU to come over for a DAY TWO    The uber-powerful Astrology disqualifier (hint: “I’m on the cusp!”)    The super quick cold read routine for each sign that you can learn in minutes    How to guess a woman’s sign and usually be correct…and a way out if you’re wrong    What the mode, polarity, and cardinal phase means bout each woman’s emotional self    Key buzz words that punch up your Astrology stack to seem like a professional Astrologer    Why getting a woman to argue about her sign with you will DEEPEN your connection    The ROOT for why you’re talking about Astrology so you don’t seem like the weird-o guy    How to synergize your Tarot readings with your Astrology readings for a double DHVAdvanced Kino and Massage with Gypsy    One guiding principle that will make women more comfortable with your touch    How to create an environment conducive to kino escalation that appeals to all of a woman’s senses    The secret to telling a DHV story to root your kino massage    A pressure point technique you use in isolation at a bar or on a Day Two to open her up to your touch and her touching you    How to get her to give you a massage!    Why always having two hands on a women will alleviate her nervous tension    A seductive transition from massage to kiss close    Why you want to SEED that you’ve learned massage before offering a woman a massage    A introduction to hand reflexology, a unique way to safely kino a woman    How to cold read a woman’s body based on the tension in her hand    A never fail transition from hand massage to kiss close    Built in kino escalation that moves from the hand, up the arm, to her face and lips    Gypsy’s Chakra kiss close that ties into massage and cold reading


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