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Stylelife Abolish Approach Anxiety

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[ 3 Videos (MP4) – 1 ebook (PDF) – 1 Audio (MP3)]



This is an exclusive! You should all know the rules – don’t leak it!Group Buy Page Page’s Approach Anxiety Buster KitApproach any woman without the fear of rejection, gainunstoppable confidence and get the things in life you want!From: styleDate: Sunday, June 29, 2014Dear Friend,You see her… She’s just a few feet away… It should be an easy thing, to say hello. But you’re frozen in place, feeling your pulse race and your heart pound. You’re nauseous, like you just crested a roller coaster summit and now you’re plummeting down, your stomach dropping, your face burning hot, your palms cold and clammy. You’re not sure what is the worst part.That you will fail or that she will laugh or that everyone will witness your humiliation. It’s too much. You’ve got to push these feelings away. Calm your heart rate, stop the thunder in your ears. So you make excuses. “She’s probably not my type” or “I’ll go over after I’ve had my beer.” You turn back to your friends, maybe check your cellphone. You start to feel normal again. You look up and she’s gone. You feel better — on the surface — but deep down inside, you feel worse and more lonely than ever before.I know what it’s like. I’ve been in your shoes.After I finally decided that playing it safe and going home alone was no longer an option in my life, I learned that this set of gut wrenching feelings that arise when you see a woman you’d like to speak to is called Approach Anxiety.I (like most guys) allowed Approach Anxiety to bully me into sitting in the corner, avoiding it, catering to it. Instead of having fun and meeting the woman of my dreams, I hid and made excuses.Until I discovered the seduction community and spent years studying with the best in the world. As I learned how to speak to any woman, any where, at any time, I realized that Approach Anxiety didn’t just affect me socially. It held me back from accomplishing things on a professional basis as well. It was a long journey. It didn’t happen overnight.But today, I have no problem calmly and cooly walking up and starting a conversation with anyone. And it’s all because I learned how to bust through my Approach Anxiety. It’s a skill, it can be learned. There are proven strategies for dealing with it, for mastering it, for harnessing those emotions to allow you to accomplish the things you dream about.We had originally compiled some of our most successful material, the stuff that’s been proven to work time and time again, into a package for a contest winner. But so many people asked about the package that we’ve decided to make the Approach Anxiety Buster Kit available to those who are interested in the Mini stylelife Challenge. Because we’ve all been there. We’ve all gone over that roller coaster and been frozen in fear. Every great pickup artist has felt that way at one point in their life. But they mastered it. They overcame it. And you can too.I’ve worked with my team to assemble all the best ingredients you’ll need to turn yourself into the CONFIDENT MAN with one of …25 style’s Approach Anxiety Buster KitsEverything You Need to Have the Confidence toApproach any Woman You WantIt’s the easiest, quickest path to becoming a fearless CONFIDENT MAN and destroying your approach anxiety forever. You will learn to remove all of the fearful habits you’ve created over your lifetime and replace them with the confidence to consistently approach, number close, and kiss women, with absolutely zero self-doubt. Here are the details:style’s Fundamentals of Approaching and Opening – $47.00 retail value    See 3 stylelife Academy Coaches filmed with hidden cameras while picking up women. Real in action footage, so you can see how the masters do it.    style’s groundbreaking “Cheating Opener” that is guaranteed to start a conversation with women.    Learn the TRUE 4 objectIVES of PUA openers to maximize your successful opening percentage.    How to avoid one low value move that will blow you out of every set in a club before you ever approach.    Body language secrets used for attracting women all around you, locking in to convey value.    style’s “Penny, Nicholas, and Dime DHV” for hooking sets and how to run it perfectly.    Plus much more on the secrets of how a PUA approaches a woman for maximum attraction success…style on No Failure Opening – $47.00 retail value – Audio CD    The aspect of opening that is more important than the opener itself    How to talk to a woman in a different way than everyone else in the bar    How to be the source of fun when opening a woman    Why the longer you think, the more you lose    The difference between questions and obstacles that come up in your head vs. in the field    What to do if you’re shy and you’re getting started on the evening    What common mistake immediately marks you as the LEAST cool guys in the room    The importance of a “safe set”style on Limiting Beliefs And Las Vegas – $47.00 retail value    What style does when he says the words “I can’t”.    How to reframe your limiting belief into a disqualifier that gets women hitting on you.    Why role playing negative “what if” scenarios in your head will destroy you and what you should do instead.    The nice guy/jerk guy myth debunked.    How dressing in a tribal way and having a path to achieving your goals, can be more effective than being rich and famous.    A quote and technique from style’s natural friend to boost both inner game and outer game.    The system style uses to overcome limiting beliefs.    5 reasons why a woman will want to call you after spending 15 minutes with you.    Getting more second dates through the science of “open loops”.    The “Life is short, tomorrow will be gone in a blink of an eye” routine.    How to utilize timelines and benchmarks to achieve your goals.    Working on shortcomings and eliminating sticking points through a realistic view of who you are and what you can achieve.    How to demonstrate value simply by and Hypnotica on Inner Game – $47.00 retail value    Hypnotica walks you through a guided meditation transformation into a superior sexy man    Why the win-win situation puts you in the right headspace to attract women    The secret to having positive intentions    The origin story of Hypnotica, Master PUA    How understanding that you are a salesman can focus your mind on self-improvement    Hypnotica’s NLP hypnosis pattern that drops women into a deep sexual trance    Adopt the sexual teaching frame to lose all sexual inhibitions    Why beating Approach Anxiety means you can master anything in life    The essential secrets to owning your sexuality through voice    The 3 Primary Positions of NLP and how to use them to build confidence    The secret to destroying your nervous hesitation through command    How to use words as anchors for your confidenceWhat is Exactly included instyle’s Approach Anxiety Buster Kit Pacakge?When you claim your style’s Approach Anxiety Buster Kit Package, here’s what you’re going to get:    style’s “Approach Anxiety Buster Kit” Core System    In 4 video DVD/audio CDs you’ll discover the key to getting rid of your approach anxiety forever. In addition, you’ll receive a bonus ebook with easy to follow steps to eliminating approach anxiety.    BONUS: As part of this package you can join my “Dating Master Coaching Program”    And if you choose, you can continue your training on a month-to-month basis (no long-term commitment). Here are the coaching resources you’ll get.        I Will Personally Answer your Questions – Once you’re on the inside you’ll be invited to a private phone call with me to ask your most burning PUA questions. Every month I hold a tele-seminar for the purpose of breaking down your field reports and to share my latest PUA stories, routines, tips, and tactics.        My personal lessons and exercises.        You get to learn my entire personal arsenal of pick-up techniques that I personally used to become acclaimed as the best pick-up artist in the world. In video and audio examples and exercises, you’ll learn everything step-by-step from the minute you walk into a public place, to the minute after you’ve experienced the most amazing intimate encounter you could imagine.        Get Answers to Your Question LIVE, from stylelife’s Coaches – Multiple times per week, the PUA Coaches I’ve personally trained hold Chat Room Coaching Sessions. This allows you to virtually meet with the best dating and attraction coaches in the world and get YOUR questions answered, LIVE. If you have a sticking point or field report you want to share then you can get direct, personal coaching four times per week.        Learn Step-by-Step – I’ll give you full access to my entire personal vault of information that I personally used to become acclaimed as the best pick-up artist in the world: I’ve assembled OVER 550 EASY-TO-UNDERSTAND LESSONS that will teach you, step-by-step, EVERYTHING you need to learn.You’ll also receive never before released audio of style at his most recent exclusive conference. This will be sent directly to purchasers of this package.This is what you will learn withstyle’s Approach AnxietyBuster Kit PackCONQUER APPROACH ANXIETY – Most guys become quite anxious when just thinking about approaching a woman, because they’re scared of being rejected, or looking dumb. I’ve created an entire course that will teach you how to abolish your approach anxiety once and for all.UNSTOPPABLE CONFIDENCE – In a short period of time, you’ll learn how to confidently walk up to a woman and start an interesting conversation that pique her interest, and leads into more meaningful conversations that will immediately start to build her attraction for you.BE THE FUN, INTERESTING, ATTRACTIVE GUY – You’re also going to need to know what to say and when to say it, so that you can start building attraction as quickly as possible. I’ve created two complete courses devoted to how to start conversations and tell amazing stories that will clearly convey your core values and strengths in the most effective way possible so that women want to get to know you better.MAKE HER WANT YOU EVEN MORE – Once you have captured her interest, you want to build a deeper level of attraction. I’ll teach you how to bond with her in such a deep way through a whole series of specific topics, techniques and routines, that she’ll feel that meeting you was destiny.ESCALATE TO TOUCHING AND KISSING – We all love to touch and be touched. But you have to know when, where and how to touch. I’ll show you how to spot the hidden indicators of interest women display that most men never even know exist. You’ll learn to read her body language, and posture to spot when she’s ready to be touched. I’ll also teach you how to confidently, yet politely escalate physical contact so that she develops an attraction for you can continue to build into a passionate seduction.SETTING UP A DAY 2 AND BEYOND – Once you’ve developed attraction, you need to know the right steps to take if you want to secure a first date. I’ll teach you a full routine for getting a woman’s phone number, verifying it, and setting up a date. PLUS how to seed conversations to prevent flakes and, I’ll walk you through everything you need to do to setup that date.PLUS – You’ll learn how to Calibrate and Speed-Read Body Language, Demonstrate Strength and Leadership in the Field, How to Become the Master of Her World, How to Always Have A Better Response, the Secrets of Time Distortion, and much, MUCH more…There is one more addition to this package:    2nd BONUS – Approach Anxiety Buster Kit E-book        26 Limiting Beliefs and How to Overcome Them        How to use visual submodalities to boost your confidence        A never-fail ritual to reduce your AA        3 Techniques to deal with Physical Nervousness        A portable cheat sheet for in-field reference        How to use getting blown out to improve your game        The latest internal programming to get your on trackI asked my accountants to come up with a price that anyone can afford, So, instead of the $338 this package would cost normally, you can …Claim 1 of 25 Kits for $79Think about it. $79 to change your life. That’s less than a new jacket or a pair of Ray-Ban sunglasses. But the catch is there are only 25 kits.Here’s my personal guarantee:I strongly believe that my stylelife Academy, and my “Approach Anxiety Buster Kit” DVD package can help you dramatically – and measurably – improve your success with women. My Promise: when you start your journey with stylelife Academy if you are not fully satisfied, you can return your products and get refunded or cancel services and orders at any time. stylelife has helped so many people change their lives that I urge you to take advantage of our many resources and I sincerely believe that we can help you reach your goals as well.If you click on this button and the page does not load, all 25 kits are already gone.My best wishes for your success!P.S.: Approach Anxiety is the most common issue I hear about from frustrated guys. But it’s really simple, when you decide that you want to handle this part of your life. As an example you’ll find below what other guys – like you – say and how we have helped them to get rid of their approach anxiety and other sitcking points:Approach Anxiety is Pretty Much HistorySL Academy, if your life mission is anything like, “Help huge numbers of people radically, revolutionarily help them improve their lives in every area using my experiences and writing, communicating, and people skills”, my brothers, you are doing it in high gear right now!I’ve been studying (and trying to apply as much as I can) most of the materials in the community for about a year now, and there’s a lot of great stuff here, but this organized method you guys are presenting, requiring us to get out in the field and do it, as well as deal with a very comprehensive body of work on all the inner game issues, is the shit!Personally, I’ve done ok with women, but with the usual AFC stuff: relationships-by-default, one-itis, supplicating, becoming a wimp when I get into an LTR, missing out on the hotties because of approach anxiety or just not knowing what to say…I know what my sticking points are, but, with all my study, I haven’t reached complete understanding of how to get rid of them, or, in some cases, haven’t been convinced enough to go out and do it!But now, my approach anxiety is pretty much history, and I have a lot of things to say to start a conversation with Miss SHB! Can’t wait to go to the next party and see her there!!!Thanks SL Academy!–keymandanMaiden Man Thinks That This Is One of The Best Things He Ever Participated InI have to say (and I am one cynical dude) this is one of the best things I have ever participated in. In my adult life I don’t think I have been as passionate to succeed at something (and I have done quite well career wise) as I am with this.And the most inspiring thing about it all is the level of respect everyone is giving to each other within the SL Academy.Thank you all, and thank you style, for taking time out to do this, dude it has been life changing.’Nuff said……–MaidenManPlans on Climbing Up in LifeI know it is nearly impossible for you to be reading this, but style, if you are reading this, I just wanted to say thank you.You have no idea how much you have helped change my life. I have had dreams come true this year, and although I made it happen, you were my influence and invisible mentor.I now know the feeling of how to accomplish goals and dreams now, so I know I will be climbing up in life.–MaquinaSalsa Has A New Mentality: “What Do I Have to Lose?”The SL Academy has changed my life. Do we want to remain AFCs? I certainly don’t. I have learned to be more outgoing, more positive, simply more open and relaxed.My new mentality is: Why not? What do I have to lose?DO I wanna remain the way I am (AFC), or do I want more out of life? So, when going sarging, I open EVERYONE, men and women alike and I find out about them. If I make eye contact with you, we’ll talk…we’ll at least smile and say hi.I am thoroughly amazed by SL Academy’s potential to sculpt the skills to help anyone become better people. I will continue until I reach my goal of being able to talk to ANYONE WHENEVER I want.Making substantial progress!–SalsaHow the Confidence Goes Up and Social Skills BuildI’m feeling G R E A T and more powerful/confident every day that goes by.That’s not to say it hasn’t been hard but thinking about it, every day I have gotten a little better and felt a little more confident.Just looking back to the first days of enrolling in the SL Academy, I am soooo much better than I was then. I am more sociable, more confident, it is MUCH easier to open (I was ok-good at approaching in clubs before) and I can open virtually anywhere now.The majority of my sets now open well and I could definitely have number closed or moved on some of them but I’m almost having more fun in the challenge than in the game. Approaches now just turn into FUN conversations.While this is kinda jacked on my part it has really helped my confidence level knowing that others are struggling. (Don’t worry, my own sticking points are moving past A3 and always escalating the kino). It’s also encouraging to hear those who were deathly afraid but still pushed them to open someone. That tells me that I can push myself to do anything.Every NIGHT I read the next day’s assignment because I can’t wait for what I’m gonna get to do the next day.–SDSILVERA4Cut Approach Anxiety by 75%Thanks to the Apprentice program, I have cut my AA by at least 75%, and since that was a huge problem that I had, I feel that everything is worth it for just that.–SethHe Ran the Bar!I must tell you that last night, for the fist time in my life, I ran the bar I was in. Girls came up to me and started conversation. I got 2 numbers, was kissed by countless women, and posed in photos with several others.This shit is for real, and its success or failure is completely dependant on whether you are open minded, and bold enough to attempt it.–ShooterEverything To Do With SLA And Nothing To Do With Pick upSo the coolest thing just happened at work. I just had to write about it. It has everything to do with SLA and nothing to do with pickup.My supervisor and I have been working on reviewing a document. Over the past few days he’s made a few suggestions that I just didn’t agree with. In the past I only voiced a very week dissenting opinion. I would usually just mention it in passing, and then back it up with “but whatever you feel is right, I’ll go with.”Yet today, I stood my ground. This morning I outlined all the points I disagreed with him about, and then went into his office. I sat down and started reviewing them with him. I felt so powerful. After we were done, he looked me in the eye and told me I had impressed him. He liked that I stood firm in my recommendations, and didn’t shy away when he started to pick apart my outline.I was only able to do this because of SLA. This moment had everything to do with me creating an identity, developing a five year plan, building self esteem, and being decisive.Thank you so much SLA. Now it’s back to work!–SlevenFor SoaringWing, The World Is What He Thinks It IsThe openers have been wonderful. I have used a couple of these, and I have constantly been amazed at how complete strangers will talk to you. I never realized it could be that easy.At the beginning, things were moving at the perfect pace. I feel the last few assignments have been a little slower. Which, in a way, has been good, since I’ve been so busy with work and stuff.I find myself really building on the things I’ve learned while trying to consciously open at least 10 girls a day, noticing the color of their eyes, etc. The more I get out of my comfort zone, the more confident I feel.I joined this Academy because I knew I needed help. No-one ever taught me how to do this before. So, to follow the old adage, if you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll always have what you’ve always had.Well, I had nothing, and I want more than that. So I’ve been doing everything I can to do the tasks at hand. Some of it hasn’t made sense, initially, but then again, aren’t we realizing that women don’t make sense… LOL!Yes, so much of this seems counterintuitive, but dang if I’m not realizing that this is definitely the way to the woman’s mind.I think one of the best lessons learned yesterday is that this “fear of rejection” thing is really all in my head. I got rejected about 30 times yesterday, and not once did anyone treat me badly or laugh at me or make fun of me.It’s still frustrating getting rejected, but man, it really does help thicken the skin. I’ve also learned there’s nothing really scary about beautiful women anymore.–SoaringWingsSpell Got Out of the AFC trap…A short while later she was French-kissing me and asking if she could see me when she gets back on Tuesday. We set another date, this time to go to the Ghostbar. I can’t wait.She’s not only beautiful, but smart and kind. God, I love women!Were it not for the SL Academy coaches, I would have AFC’ed the very first opportunity — when she called down to me from her balcony. I would have just joked back, and gone inside without opening her at all.You know, when you think about cultural heroes, you think of the great political icons, athletes and others.But I have a feeling when it’s all said and done, there are going to be a lot of guys owing a tremendous debt of gratitude to the SL Academy and all the others who have made it possible to break out of the AFC trap.–SpellWhy Having Faith in Yourself is ImportantSomething happened today; I had absolutely zero approach anxiety. None.I opened six sets today, though most were pretty standard they went a thousand times better than all of yesterday’s. They all went fine, but the only one any of you are interested in is the e-mail close, so I’ll just describe it.I saw a cute girl in the park, and approached. I used a modified version of the cat/dog opener. Basically, I said that I was settling a bet with a friend of mine.He said that women were more likely to say cat, etc. This modification felt more comfortable and natural for me, plus protected me if I got “caught” saying it to more than one woman. We talk for a little bit, and I’m getting tons of IOI’s. I eject, saying I need to check with more people.I open three more sets in the park, then decide on a whim to come back to the cute girl. I let her know the between cats vs. dogs, then tell her she’s the friendliest person I met so far and ask and receive her e-mail. I’m surprised just how easy this was. I know I could never have done this even a week ago.For those getting frustrated or dropping out; have faith in yourself. I’ve gone from barely being able to mumble a response to hired guns to getting an e-mail close in less than 5 mintues of total conversation.–The Reign Storm Remember: You miss 100 percent of the shots that you don’t take. You’re never going to get anything in life if you don’t go for it. That’s just how serious approach anxiety is: It’s preventing you from getting any of the things in life that you want. It’s your choice to take that step now and change your life by clicking below.


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