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Steve Randall – Mastering Linear Time and Time Management

Mastering Linear Time and Time Management
[ 51 MP4 , 12 PDF , 2 MOBI , 2 EPUB , 2 JPEG ]



This exclusive material is brought to you by those who have participated in the … Joe Navarro’s Online Advanced Speed Reading People Course – Group Buy – Bonuses**** Exclusive ****Sharing elsewhere will result in being banned!This workshop presents principles and quite a few methods that can be useful for mastering linear time. If you‘ve taken conventional time management (CTM) workshops, you‘ll probably find that little or none of this seminar is covered by those workshops, in spite of the importance of this material for practical time management and for optimizing our performance, health, and well-being. Besides conventional time management (CTM), which handles the objectives and tasks we do, there‘s inner time management (ITM), which optimizes how we do things. This is an inner time management (ITM) workshop. It focuses on optimizing felt time, or experiential time, the way we actually experience and feel time, rather than what tasks to do with our clock time.For people in all but the most routine jobs, learning and consistently using both CTM and ITM methods is necessary to optimize our lives both personally and professionally. Neither CTM nor ITM by itself resolves our issues with time. But by combining the discipline of planning and organizing what we do with methods of improving the way we do things, there is no limit to our productivity and well-being. you all for making this possible for all of us  Joe Navarro’s Online Advanced Speed Reading People Course GB   Contributors: immediately, ratio freeElite/VIP: 3 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeksUsers: Upgrade to PU


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