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Steve Boyley – SECRETS of COMMUNICATION’ NLP Candian Beer Bash Certification Seminar

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WHO ELSE WANTS TO KNOW WHO THE TOP NLP TRAINER IN                    THE WORLD IS (OUTSIDE OF RICHARD BANDLER)                   AND HOW HE GETS SEMINAR PARTICIPANTS     TO FLY INTO  THE LONELY CANADIAN WILDERNESS TOWN OF                                    PRINCE GEORGE  ….               DESPITE EXCRUCIATINGLY COLD,  MINUS 30 DEGREE                          CENTIGRADE  WEATHER CONDITIONS                       and DAYS THAT ONLY HAVE THREE HOURS                                        OF DAYLIGHT ??**************************************************************Steve Boyley is an amazing dude ….a salesman extraordinaire !!!He gives 6 NLP seminars a year … in an area where the winters are so severe,that your eye socket can shatter from 5 seconds of exposure ….Where the days in winter have only 3 hours of daylightAnd you can view the Northern lights as you leave the seminar roomWhere you can spot Caribou in the parking lotSteve Boyley for the last 6 years has ranked #1 … asBandler’s HOT independent honcho in certifying new NLPTrainers ……..THE FREAKEN GUY IS A STONE’S THROW AWAY FROM ALASKA****************************************************Man, it was soo cold when I was there … I took a two second peeand my built-in, excess beer release valve almost frozeINTO an instant WHAMMY STICK !!!BEER BLASTS … MARIJUANA …. LAUGHS … AND DEBAUCHERY !!!******************************************************I’ve been to seminars before, but this was like out of an Andy Warhol flick.Paricipants wearily plied into class on day one, for the 6 day seminar ..some already had arrived a day or two earlier …. already hung overfrom the pre-seminar party …..In the word’s of the immortal Jim Morrison of the Doors fame —students went through most of the class – ‘Stoned Immaculate.”I MUST HAVE KILLED A BILLION BRAIN CELLS ON THIS TRIP !!****************************************************The seminar room was a beautiful oak and mahogany walled ordeal ..It was a refurbished bar, from another era …Like something you wouldfind in the finest mansions.AND EVERYTHING IN THE BAR WORKED PERFECTLY !!!**********************************************When the NLP certification learning was open … those antique,turn of the century beer spigots …. churned beer ….We drank and got high till 5 AM ….IT WAS THE BEST SEMINAR … BEER BLAST .. PARTYI HAVE EVER EXPERIENCEDAND IT IS ALL RECORDED HERE !!JUST FOR YOU !!!P.P.S. Steve’s wife is an Ex Playboy Bunny … a flirtacious minx !P.P.P.S. But his daughter … HOT … FINE … RAW AND REFINED at           the same time … seminar participants were fighting for her           attention  …… I’m telling you … this was the wildest learning           experience I have ever had ……  And this seminar was SECRETLY RECORDED by a FRENCH WOMAN  who hid the microphone in her bra strap !!!ENJOY !!! ENJOY !!!! ENJOY !!!! And for those in the colder regions ..Open a beer … fire up the MP3 player … and join in !!!


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