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Stephane Hemon – Cracking The Male/ Female Code: Volume 6 (Beyond Polarity)

[ 14 MP3s – 4 MP4s]


Description EXCLUSIVE. PLEASE DO NOT UPLOAD TO ANY OTHER TRACKER.Cracking The Code: Volume 6 (Beyond Polarity) — Deep, Heart-Centered Alignment and Advanced Spiritual Discernment in Dating and Relationships.Approximately 16.5 hours of audio and 3.5 hours of video, Stephane Hemon provides instructional guidance in several key areas that are pertinent in ‘pickup’, dating, relationships, success in the world, and rapid spiritual advancement.A few key points discussed in the videos include:-‘Zen-Surrendering’ Attraction, Fear, and Desire, revisited;-Going to clubs – how to pickup women, step-by-step;-Pickup techniques aren’t ‘bad’ nor are they ‘evil’;-A hilarious and devastatingly effective way of handling other people’s criticisms or insults toward you;-How to “clean your karma” after social blunders, or even large mistakes;-Pickup & Dating: The value of “lightning quick” escalation, and how to hold this in mind in such a way that it can then be easily done in the real world;-Massively Important: How, and Where, to sit with each other on dates (99% of guys actually miss this);-What to do when women seem distant, aloof, or uncomfortable (and again, 99% of men actually miss this);-The fear that you won’t be interesting or clever enough to hold her attention;-The number one most devastatingly effective “attraction technique” Stephane knows of (most men screw this up — if only they knew!);-How to handle your own attraction (99% of guys seem to get this one backwards);-An easy way to enter a deep meditative state AND keep it up while you’re talking to people (this one is so easy a child could do it, and so effective that it leads to a -giant leap in your level of consciousness/awareness and will take you ALL the way to reaching true Unconditional Love);-How to use your eyes to get her to feel as though she MUST talk more (and work hard to keep you interested);-How to ‘hook’ women into the conversation without using words or even talking about anything clever at all;-The highest way to handle rude, bitchy women without ‘losing face’;-Not ready to start approaching women yet? Practice this easy ‘zen focusing’ meditative technique while you are walking down the street, and your approach fears will soon dissolve automatically (this one can take you all the way to unconditional love and even higher). This can be used along with the ‘zen surrender’ technique, as they will both reinforce each other;-Premature Ejaculation, solutions for;The mind structures of Lust;-How to ‘disappear’ the ego’s commitment phobia or ‘grass is greener’ proclivity;-On transcending the ‘inner animal’ (i.e., Freud’s ‘Id’);-Why ‘zen-surrendering’ emotions won’t work quickly unless you “get” the Silent Witnessing also, and how to easily do this;-Critical Point Analysis: A surprising way to disappear approach anxiety, desire, and worry in just a few minutes (and forever);-The essence of jealousy, envy, possessiveness;-How to stop feeling like an annoyance or burden when you approach women, or being ashamed of your ‘manly’ desires;“I feel I’m superior (or inferior) to some women and I know it’s wrong” (how to heal this natural tendency);-How to access an instant feeling of intense gratitude (without having to fake it);-What it means when girls don’t mind your watching porn;-How to use your eyes to be able to quickly discern her essence and intentions (e.g., “Is she honest/integrous?”)-We don’t survive “because of the ego”;-On personal love versus ‘Love with no object’;-How to truly “not care” about your woman’s sexual past;-Why control and degradation are such intense sexual turn-ons, and how to move beyond this programming;-The precise unconscious structure to arguments and conflicts;-How couple’s can fully transcend ALL arguments and conflicts now and forever (very advanced and lengthy discussion);-How to transcend lust, yet still enjoy “animalistic” lovemaking (this seems like a contradiction but it truly isn’t);-Yin/Yang Polarity is ego-based and therefore very limiting; “Why is it so?”;-Healing the common “I used to be fat” residual self-image and shame;-Transcending gluttony and over-consumption by resetting the ‘appestat’ (for weight loss);-Transcending the mind’s tendency to want to fantasize about or have romantic ‘crushes’ on people;-Bypassing the mind altogether, simple zen meditation techniques;-The karmic “price” we pay for any and all deviations away from pure love and pure innocence;-The (often overlooked) importance of equal looks, equal personality, and equal levels of consciousness in relationships;-“Why do women often cling to abusive men?” (advanced explanations);-Resolving the victim/perpetrator paradigm;-A breakdown of how to break up with someone, while remaining “clean” on a karmic (i.e., consequences and accountability) level;-How to contextualize pickup and dating so that it serves to undo the dominance of the ego and brings about spiritual evolution;-Be Forewarned: Why you should keep a watchful eye on flirting, seduction, and charm;-How to know — right away — if she wants you or not (how to tell if her attraction is genuine, etc.);-Disappearing shame, guilt, grief, and depression;“It has been over one year, and I am STILL thinking about my ex!”;-A surprising way to quickly heal guilt and regret;-God is not a person — how to really, really “get” this;-“Greta, what does unconditional love feel like experientially?” (a discussion);-Etc (i.e., commentaries on dozens of emails, stories, and questions).Additionally, a few key points discussed in the audios include:-The difference between spiritual devotion and spiritual ambition;“How will I know when I am doing enough spiritual work?”;-The purpose of ‘Dark nights of the soul’ and how to use them most efficiently as a ‘springboard’ when they occur;-How to make up for a stupid mistake you have made with a girl you really like – asking for forgiveness in a humorous, humble, and devastatingly effective way;-Humility versus humiliation; How to heal shame painlessly and quickly;-A surprisingly simple technique which allows you to quickly find the right girl for you;-Issues in a new relationship: how to heal the male ego right in front of your girlfriend;-What is mama/ho complex, why Stephane says it is a core inner conflict and how to solve this conflict fast;-Why is it better to suffer quietly (alone) about some relationship issues;-What it means when you date someone who is not on your level;-Why Stephane sometimes uses sharp language (i.e., “whore”) etc.;-How ego desire blinds you (i.e., “hunger for pussy”) and keeps you in bondage, neediness, and suffering;-“You gotta be shameless about the meaningful things that you want and throw them away when they flake on you”; dealing with women swiftly, painlessly;-Through spiritual discernment you can see the energy behind people’s kindness; how to tell if someone’s kindness is being faked;-Why feeling guilty about your male ego doesn’t get you anywhere; how to put an end to this self-defeating circuitous trap;-Fear in relationships; How to consciously Witness fear until it dissolves;-Levels of consciousness and how they relate to each other in relationships;-The simplest pick up line EVER!;-A simple method for developing true discernment;-What is perception? How it it different from Spiritual Vision?;-How to see the beauty when the world is falling apart around you?;-Why the fallen spiritual ‘gurus’ have actually fallen?;-The purpose of spiritual discernment; Contrasting Love with non-Love;Ideagasms has currently discounted the Cracking the Code series by 75-80% (They are now $33 to $47 per volume)Cracking The Code: Volume 1 (Dating: Behavioral Analysis of ‘Non-Integrous’ Women) — UPLOADED: The Code: Volume 2 (Death of Approach Anxiety) –UPLOADED: The Code: Volume 3 (Transcending Sympathy/Denial) — $47GROUP BUY THREAD: The Code: Volume 4 (Transcending Lust) —  UPLOADED: The Code: Volume 5 (Women, Spirituality and God) —  UPLOADED:


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