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Sinn – The Game Acceleration Doctrine

Sinn – The Game Acceleration Doctrine
[1 eBook – PDF]



Sinn wrote:My graphic design person just notified me that he is putting the finish touches on my new Game Acceleration Doctine. If all goes according to plan, it should be ready for you to download this MONDAY, October 6, 2008.This is over 60 pages of my newest most ground breaking thoughts on how to learn game correctly. You’ll learn why over 90% of guys who enter the community ultimately fail, and why. I’ll also teach you the secret to making any seduction system work for you,give you a system for dealing with approach anxiety and much, much more.The Game Acceleration Doctrine is 100% free, in it is all the information I perfected while teaching for the last 4 years at over 150 bootcamps. And for the first time, I’m publicly giving you guys access to the information and systems I used to train instructors like Future, Tenmagnet, and El Topo.Free download here:


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