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Shelly Lefkoe – Parenting The Lefkoe Way

Parenting The Lefkoe Way
[8 MP3s, 8 PDFs]


Description Exclusive… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned!FACT: 9 Out of 10 Parents Suffer Everyday—Nagging, Scolding, Screaming & Arguing With Their Children—What They Fail to Understand is ONE Simple System..If You Could Be A Better Parent, Would You Change?Introducing The 7-Step System, Tested and Perfected Over 30 Years, That Will Transform Your Relationship With Your Children.Dear Parent,Imagine this… You walk into your child’s room, and it’s a mess… AGAIN. The toys are all over the floor, and the bed is not made. Not only that, but this time your child has decided to get artful with the crayons all over the wall! As you stand there aghast, looking at the mess, your child looks up at you and beams,“Look what I made!”As far as you’re concerned, it’s been a really long day, and cleaning this is going to take forever. So on impulse, you let out your frustrations by saying something such as:“Why isn’t your room clean? How many times do I have to tell you to put away your toys? And what have you done to the wall? Do you know how long this will take to clean? What am I ever going to do with you?”While this reaction may achieve the short-term goal of getting your child to clean up his or her room and never draw on the walls again, what’s the long term effect? Your child will probably conclude a number of things such as:There’s something wrong with me… I’m not good enough… I’m not worthwhile…Is this the long-term effect you want to have on your child?I’m sure you don’t. Most parents, due to a lack of undertsanding of how beliefs are formed, have no idea what they are doing to their children.Listen, we’ve all been there.   But if we ignore our kids they are going to conclude I am not important if we criticize them they are likely to conclude I am not good enough.  If we do not give them affection they will think I am not lovable. Those beliefs will impact their ability to be successful at jobs, relationships, and their lives in general.You’re not a bad parent, you just need training.We have all made mistakes, including me. You are on this page for a reason. This is a major step towards improving your life and the life of your family. I’m glad that you are proactively seeking ways to transform your ability to raise happy, healthy and successful children. Module 1: The Lefkoe Way – A Revolutionary Approach to Parenting    * REVEALED: The secret behind Parenting the Lefkoe Way    * How limiting beliefs are formed and affect your children for life    * Discover the 3 “A’s” that your child wants the most!    * PLUS: The 2 Questions that you must answer before reacting to your childModule 2: The Two Most Important Questions    * How to effectively deal with the five most common & difficult parenting situations    * Learn how to keep children self-motivated    * Consequences vs. Punishments – You decide    * PLUS: Exercises that will change the way you look at your children & their actionsModule 3: Beliefs & Effective Parenting    * The single parenting belief that is the source of most poor parenting practices    * What would you rather have, a Good Child or an Obedient Child?    * Punishment – Why it doesn’t work    * Bringing up Independent and Self Motivated Children    * Why Boss Mentality is damaging your relationship with your childand ultimately their liveModule 4: Building Self-Esteem in Children    * Understanding Self-Esteem – What, Why and How    * Defining Self-Esteem – How Human “being” is different from Human “doing”    * Misconception of Self-Esteem – Self-esteem vs Narcissism    * Self-Esteem – The consequences of low self-esteem    * Learn how to empower you child to have high self-esteem    * PLUS: Exercises to Create Positive Belief SystemsModule 5: The Secrets of Effective Parenting – A Virtual “How To” Manual    * Good intentions are not enough    * The Cost of Criticism    * Respect – Quick fix vs Hard Work    * Consequences are internal, NOT ExternalModule 6:The Harsh Truth: Beliefs that Destroy Families    * You are NOT responsible for your child’s behavior    * Don’t let your own beliefs hinder your child’s growth    * Comparing children and adults – bad idea!    * Parenting beliefs matter    * Learn the art of raising confident and responsible children    * PLUS: The 6 beliefs that Destroy FamiliesModule 7: Beliefs Beyond Your Control    * Discover the many beliefs that are created outside the home    * There are no meanings – just events    * How our Culture affects our children    * How we victimize our children    * PLUS: 4 tools to help your child through any struggle


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