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Shelle Rose Charvet – Understanding and Triggering Motivation

Shelle Rose Charvet – Understanding and Triggering Motivation
[12 CDs – MP3]



Understanding and Triggering Motivation by Shelle Rose Charvet is one of the best sets I’ve found on understanding and using meta-programs, especially as they involve motivating people.I mentioned it in my reccomended hypnosis/nlp learning track thread here: had requests to upload it, so here it is.Here is a more official description:Quote:If you could attend a seminar that would give you information on how to optimizeyour personal resources, give you the key to managing your team of workers (bylearning how to conversationally find out their basic motivation and workingtraits), teach you how to get along with anyone, and uncover the secret of how toget a yes from your most difficult customer…would you attend? If your answer isyes, you NEED to learn about a tape set that is on the market entitledUnderstanding and Triggering Motivation by Shelle Rose Charvet.This is an audio cassette program that is made up of six (double-sided) tapesthat are recorded from a seminar on the subject. As a presenter, Ms. Charvetcan and will hold your attention. She has an entertaining teaching style and avoice that you will enjoy listening to. She is fluent in the area of the LAB Profile(Language and Behaviour Institute) that is based on the work done by RodgerBailey. These six tapes will expose you to the basics of the LAB Profile.Just what is the LAB Profile? The LAB Profile is a profiling technique. Once youlearn and understand the basic tools you will be able to predict and influence thebehaviour of individuals by identifying the language patterns and preferencesand behaviour patterns and preferences they use. With a little practice, you canlearn more about a person in 10-25 minutes of conversation than you can in 20years of marriage and/or friendship.This program is highly recommended if you want to learn more about NLP meta-programs. meta-programs are (from wikipedia): “the more general pervasive habitual patterns commonly used by an individual across a wide range of situations.”  So these are meta – patterns. They are patterns that display themselves again and again over many situations. Very useful for any type of hypnosis/nlp/persuasion work.


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