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Sergio Magana – Caves of Power

Sergio-Magana-caves of power
[1 eBook – EPUB, AZW]



Many people across the world today are looking for their true selves. The ancient Mexicans viewed this true self as the ‘caves’, which referred to our spirit, instincts and subconscious. According to the Mexican tradition, we have seven caves of power, which are equivalent to the chakras, and healing these caves allows us to improve all areas of our lives. In The Caves of Power, world-renowned Mexican healer Sergio Magaña unveils this almost lost and secret knowledge of the ancient Mexicans. He shares powerful practices for healing, rejuvenation, manifestation and enlightenment, which include: Mexican numerology, astral surgery, dream work, Mexican acupuncture, energy spinning and Mexican Kundalini techniques. This unique and powerful book brings a new approach to an ancient tradition to bring healing and resolution to our most important issues: health, emotions, abundance and enlightenment.Amazon ReviewI have been ASTOUNDED by the results of doing the exercises in this bookThe crazy thing about this book is that even a complete nonbeliever can have incredible success with these techniques. I have been ASTOUNDED by the changes these simple and relatively straightforward strategies have brought about. I have all 3 of the author, Sergio Magana’s books, and this one has been the most easy for me to follow the exercises of and reap benefits from. I personally have focused primarily on exercises related to achieving greater mental clarity but the wide array of techniques offered range from healing to manifestation and enlightenment.Synopsis:The introduction is a brief review of how Magana came to know and develop personal expertise and professional success in this field of ancient traditions through his radio shows in Mexico and seminars (which was also explained in the beginning of his second book, The Toltec Secret).Chapter 1 is about the energy systems of the body in the Mexican system (as compared to the eastern tradition of the chakra system with some differences). What appeals to me especially about these explanations is that they are embodied by animals or items and colors, i.e. 1st energy center that corresponds with the first chakra is the scorpion and is black, 2nd is a feather, red & white, 3rd is flag, white… etc, and therefore they are easy to visualize as opposed to being just concepts. That is one of my favorite aspects of the way this book explains these, what appear to be, latent energies available for us to tap in more tangible ways… there are so many dynamic symbols, that somehow come to life through DOING the exercises. The 2 separate energy center systems are each explained just enough to have allowed me to get a grasp on something to picture in my mind that becomes tangible through doing the exercises.Chapter 2 explains Toltec numerology enough for the reader to be able to understand the “meanings” of numbers from 1 to 20, again with vivid symbolic descriptions that describe how numbers have relationships with our lives and interconnect with other numbers in energetic ways. A way to look at numbers less as concepts and more as powers that we can tap. I was a bit disappointed that there wasn’t something about “how to calculate my birthday numbers” that would somehow be revealing but it was interesting nonetheless.Chapter 3 is about healing the hidden inner self which can be described as the unconscious/the subconscious/the shadow self/the false self/the ego self… and in the book it is referred to as the “caves of power” of which there are 20, so, 20 ways of working with our inner selves. This part of the book describes various exercises for the first 7 caves because, as described at the end of the chapter, the other 13 “can only be accessed in lucid dreams or altered states of consciousness.” Which is fine since there is plenty to do with just the first seven cave exercises.Chapter 4 describes breathing exercises. This chapter (for me) is easily worth the cost of the entire book all on its own. It is what awakened my interest in the Toltec traditions in the first place and the rest is gravy. I don’t know why but just by breathing in “13” and breathing out “8” 13 times, and repeating this process in 4 sets, had me literally SOBBING. As in heaving shaking shoulders and gushing tears and feeling overcome with incredible gratitude. I have no idea why. The reason is explained but my visceral response was more than I EVER could have expected from “mere” NUMBERS (which, when I first did the exercise, did not yet have any meanings for me to respond to emotionally. They were just cold numbers.) For me, this is all I really wanted the book for, because it was so unbelievably powerful. I have only practiced the exercises up until this point in the book. However, the rest of the book is LOADED with additional techniques that I’m anticipating will be just as powerful… (I will edit the review as the results come in).Chapter 5 describes visualization exercises with the blood imagined as a serpent to heal: “the liver for anger, the kidneys for fear and guilt, the stomach for traumas that we have not been able to digest, and the lungs for sadness and gloom.”Chapter 6 has exercises that Magana’s clients have said cured the diseases they were told were incurable, and have helped people to lose weight without changing their diets.Chapter 7 deals with the “life and death of disease” and has an elaborate exercise to address life threatening illnesses. At the end of the chapter there is an amazing testimonial of a person who attended a workshop of the author, who applied at this technique to his hepatitis C infected brother, who fully recovered in less than three months.Chapter 8 describes what is called “psychic surgery”, which requires having several items to perform the exercises: 1) an obsidian wand, 2) 4 small obsidian, Jade or white quartz stones, and 3) clay or play-dough, the results of which are supposed to remove disease from the body. There are 2 testimonials at the end of the chapter, one of a person who performed healing on themselves, and another person who was able to help heal several people using these techniques, and even one example of successful remote healing. (I purchased the required stones and play-dough today and will report back soon!)Chapter 9 describes the use of healing techniques “to open doors of perception” and “leave behind all the burdens of your life”, using an obsidian arrowhead on 6 specific acupressure points on the face and neck.Part II is about rejuvenationChapter 10 describes the patterns and programs that we need to change to rejuvenate our bodies and describes a visualization that uses the ancient Mexicans’ idea of a flower as a metaphor for the universe (with a very specific description of flower parts) in a very specific exercise, as well as using the following symbols to reverse the effects of aging: the symbol *, the picture of an eye, and the number 990.Chapter 11 describes a rejuvenation technique using the cosmic cross with a very nice testimonial at the end.Chapter 12 describes a Moon related rejuvenation exercise (similar to the serpent exercise in chapter 5) that needs to be performed at the full moon.Part III is about manifestationChapter 13 has three more advanced exercises that build on the foundation created by successfully completing earlier exercises in the book.Chapter 14 is called “the mathematical order of creation” and has to do with using Toltec numerology to manifest desired results.Chapter 15 is about tapping the power of rituals to manifest, for example: rain, and includes an exercise that requires a rattle or maraca.Part IV consists of a single chapter, Chapter 16, dealing with achieving enlightenment (blooming) and describes a single visualization exercise.This book sounds ridiculously unrealistic, and yet for people who have seen many doctors or are trying many different medications and not seeing results, doing only SOME of the exercises this book could provide relief in the most unexpected ways, or even have profoundly life changing effects, or life-saving results.I have never attended a seminar by the author but ANYONE can get this book just to try some some of their own DIY healing and save on the time and expense of attending a seminar, OR if someone they love is sick and a skeptic, this book has exercises that could potentially be used to help others, regardless of their beliefs. Not even having done more than a couple of the exercises myself, I have had powerful and life-altering experiences. Magana has achieved an impressive feat by taking very ethereal themes and concepts and making exercises out of what amounts to dreamlike DIY healing experiences, explaining them in a lucid and relatively step-by-step manner. It’s possibly not even necessary to read the descriptions in each chapter since and I have sometimes just skipped over them and jumped to the exercises directly and experienced profound results. Here is an example of an exercise for “learning to see auras” if you are looking for a sampling of what an exercise in this book is like: I can’t wait to see more exciting testimonials in the review section in the next couple months as people who get the book progress through the exercises and see their lives transformed. Get this book, do the exercises and share your experiences here please! Thanks!!!


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