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Sedona Method – Resistance Dissolver

Sedona Method – The Resistance Dissolver
[1 CD – MP3]


Sedona Method has been nothing short of epic for interactions with women, among other things. What many of us  at many levels of skill have noticed while using the Sedona Method for attracting the women we desire is that the more we released resistance to sleeping with women, the more women seemed naturally attracted to us! With the Resistance Disolver you can allow yourself to instantaneously drop any resistance you may be experiencing towards anything!What is stopping us from getting laid or being gravitationally attractive to women? Sex is natural. Look at the animals! In my experience, we  ourselves are the only reason we’re not getting laid or experiencing the success we’re capable of. Even David X said “The only problem you guys have is between your own two ears.”My first thought after hearing this was “ahhh bullshit!” But after letting go of only some of my resistance towards sex and relationships, my success with women mushroomed! For a variety of people, this technique has ended celibacy streaks lasting years, enriched relationships, increased confidence, and taken advanced game to the next level. Many of us have gotten all of this, and much, much more using the method. You don’t have to believe my description for the Sedona Method to improve all aspects of your life.Sample Releasing Topics:Resistance to Doing: Approaching, Conversation, Rapport, Getting Numbers, Taking Them Home, Making Them Come, Hard, etcResistance to Having: Success, Amazing Sex, Women, Money, Love, etcResistance to Being: A lover, A player, A boyfriend, Successful with Women, Successful in General, Happy, Satisfied, etcResistance in Your Environment: Her friends, Your Clothes, The Guy She’s With, etcOfficial Description:Have you ever started a project really motivated, only to lose enthusiasm somewhere in the middle? You probably hit the wall of resistance. Feeling resistance is a major obstacle to both releasing and living life fully. This program is designed to help you dissolve your resistance with ease, allowing you to take great strides forward in all areas of your life and returning you to a place of full intention.Note: This is an advanced releasing program, intended for use by those who have completed the Sedona Method Basic Course, or the Abundance Course. You can jump right in, of course, but odds of success are tilted ridiculously in your favor as you complete the basic course.


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