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Scrawny to Brawny – Gold Coaching Online Resource

scrawny to brawny
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Special thanks to kohung for sending me the link to his member area to download this, and saving us from having to raise money for a group buy, if you like this product feel free to donate some ratio to him here clicking hereThese files would normally cost each person $97, thanks to kohung we have got this for free.This program is for skinny guys who want to bulk up, but struggled to gain much mass. Usually it’s down to you diet, I reckon 70% of bodybuilding is down to diet.But furthermore naturally skinny people call them ectomorphs or hargainers or whatever else you like, have different bodies that cannot be stimulated well with regular 3×10 excercises. Differences in bone structre, tendon:muscle ratio, the make up of fast twitch or slow twitch muscles fibers in your body and ofcourse the usual problems of metablism, recovery, workload etc that you’ll have to deal with.The book can be bought from amazon click here, I’m reading it now and I find it eye opening, I feel as though I wasted my time in the gym slugging away at isolated excercises with hardly anything to show for it.IF you’re a naturally skinny guy I would recommneed you buy this book to help you better understand your bodies needs, you can take a free 5 day course by clicking hereOnce you’ve read the book and done the free 5 day crash course, only then will this download will be valuable to you.


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