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Sasha Daygame – Direct Dating Academy (DDA DDS) Months 1-12 + extras

Sasha Daygame – Direct Dating Academy (DDA DDS) Months 1-12 + extras [Webrip – 61 MP4]
[61 MP4 – Webrip]



Get the Top Insights from Sasha Daygame’s Own MentorsPresenting: Sasha Daygame’s Direct Dating AcademyThese are video recordings from his Direct Dating Summit events. Including: London, Las Vegas, Melbourne, Berlin, New York, Belgrade, and Acapulco… plus a few extrashere are some of the Videos included:Week 1 – James Marshall: Are you direct for life? The key mindsets to create your jet-set lifestyle, have amazing experiences and date exotic hotties all over the world!Week 3 – Sasha Daygame: Direct Daygame 101: The basics of approaching and attracting girls anywhere, anytime.Week 5 – Alan Roger Currie: The real definition of rejection, and how to stop being afraid of it! Plus how to use your vocal tonality and body language to get a girl so horny she can’t resist going home with you!Week 8 – Johnny Soporno: How to remove jealously and possessiveness from your life, and date multiple women without lying, cheating or being manipulative!(Want to take the audio versions on the go in your pocket? I have also posted the MP3 audio files + Direct Daygame Bible, Homework & Summary PDFs here: .  Then a user requested the videos, so here they are…Plus, the human brain retains more information through video and demonstration compared to merely audio or text.Yes, it’s a lot of content, so here’s what I’d do (instead of plowing through 60 or so hours)#1: I’d reflect on my current sticking point & goal, then#2: pluck out the top 3 files or experts related to the topic, then#3: watch and take notes then apply (power = knowledge + execution)File Format is {Month} {Week} {Topic} {[Speaker]} {[DDS City]}for example: 2 6 Purpose | Beliefs [Sasha]Month: 2Week: 6 (of the year)
Topic: Purpose | BeliefsSpeaker: SashaWhy the weird filenames?You should have seen the lottery picks of filename formatting from the downloaded files…It was like “DDS ARC Boomshakalaka 1, 2 let’s roll.mp4”Then the next file would be “wek 6 or 7? .mp4”61 Video MP4 files (lower quality files are from the source, NOT the download)0 Welcome1 1 Money & Resources | Intention [James Marshall]1 2 Leadership | Conflict [James Marshall]1 3 Daytime Fundamentals [Sasha]1 4 Mode 1 & Expressing Sexual Intent [Alan Roger Curry]1 5 Relationship Intent | Setting Boundaries | Criticism [Alan Roger Currie]2 6 Purpose | Beliefs [Sasha]2 7 Social Circle & Vibrational Frequency Matching [Steve Pavlina]2 8 Learning from Mistakes & New Ideas[Johnny Soporno]3 10 Sexual Escalation [Manwhore]3 11 Sexual Escalation | Intent [Liam]3 12 Attracting GF vs. Lover[Badboy]3 9 Settling | Expectations [Johnny Soporno]4 13 Identifying Girls with High Sexual Energy [Badboy]4 14 Online Dating [Bravo]4 15 Sexting [Gareth Jones]5 17 Homework [John Keegan]5 18 BDSM [James A]5 19 Low Energy & Sexual Intent [Sasha]5 20 3 Principles & 4D Self Dev Fundamentals [Steve Pavlina]6 21 Shifting Identy [Steve Pavlina]6 22 Daytime Initiation [India] [Sasha] 1 of 26 23 Connecting with Women [India] [Sasha] 2 of 26 24 [David X] [London] 17 25 [David X] 27 25.2 [Ryan Black] 1 of 27 25.3 [Ryan Black] 2 of 27 26 Habits & 1st Approach [Marcus]8 29 Sex Basics 1 [Sasha & Isabelle] [Belgrade]8 30 Sex Basics 2 [Sasha & Isabelle] [Belgrade]8 31 Connection & Attracting Dream Girl [Sasha]8 31.2 Advanced Connection [Sasha]8 32 Sexual Mindsets [James Marshall] [NYC]9 33 Tantra, Masturbation [James Marshall] [NYC] 29 34 Dominance | Giving Orgasms [Robbie Kramer]9 35 [Robbie Kramer] 29 36 Jealousy | Swinging [Milos] [Belgrade]9 37 Swinging [Milos] [Belgrade]10 38 Chi Qi Gong [Natural Dave] [Belgrade] 1 of 210 38 Chi Qi Gong [Natural Dave] [Belgrade] 2 of 210 40 Inner Journey [Hypnotica] [Belgrade]12 45 [James Marshall] [Belgrade]12 46 Sex & Creating Tension | Multi-O [Sasha] [Belgrade]12 47 [Swami]Feng Shui | Stoicism | Dealing with Past & Relationship with Yourself | Hypnosis [Johnny Dupree]Following Instinct [John Keegan] [NYC][Belgrade] Speaker Panel[James Marshall] Fashion Model Infield Breakdown[James Social Coach][Johnny Soporno] NYC 1 of 2[Johnny Soporno] NYC 2 of 2[Liam] Tinder New Intro[Liam] Tinder Stories[Mike Bertone][Robbie Kramer] Acapulco[Sasha] Tantra [Webinar][Sasha] in AUS 1 of 2 – Religion | Confidence | Ego Exercises[Sasha] in AUS 2 of 2 – Nutrition | Enlightenment | Losing $1M, Failure & Persistence | Authenticity[Sasha] in Asia[Shae][Socrates] WebinarI paid for these myself and this is my way of giving back to elib community I encourage you to download and share the love with another person like usVIP, Elite, Power and Extreme Users can download now. (If you’re not at that level, then Donate if you want access now… otherwise, you gotta wait)


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