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Sarah Elizabeth Entrup – Healing Your Father Wound

Sarah Elizabeth Entrup – Healing Your Father Wound
[WebRip – 3 MP3s]


Description Exclusive… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned! About author:Sarah Elizabeth Entrup is a natural-born clairvoyant, a teacher and healer.Her life’s mission is to help awaken the divine feminine within every woman, for the purpose of transforming the planet!  Sarah created Free the She™ Movement in order to gather and awaken millions of women around the planet. To this end, she leads large group meditations, energy classes and retreats that facilitate healing, transformation and sacred creation. Sarah created the Cycles of Creation Methodology to help humanity change course from pushing to create, to instead, aligning with our natural rhythms of creation. When she is not conspiring to awaken humanity, she is with her husband and two children spending time in nature. Product info:Your Father/God Wound is the pain and programming you inherited from your father. It is also the pain you carry from living in a patriarchal world for lifetimes.When looking deeply into the Father Wound you will hit your grief as a woman in relationship to God himself, because you were defined as something separate and less than him.In healing your Father/God Wound we will look at your relationship to your father and how his energy and programming has impacted your life. We will heal the energies of abandonment, control, and deep grief that the feminine carries in relationship to the masculine.We will release the pain and karma of control and patriarchy from lifetimes!As you heal your relationship to your father and God you will start to own your full capacity of power as a woman.You will have more space to truly love your power and the power of a man.You will reclaim your wild sexual self.You will be sovereign, grounding through no one.Your need for approval will subside.You will feel your limitlessness.Because this is a deeply unconscious wound, we will be looking at it over the course of several meditations. Being in a container of healing this wound for an extended time will let your unconscious awareness come into alignment and more fully release it. We will be working in your dream space at night, on a  recording during the day, and your sub-space will be shifting/getting worked on throughout the day as well.Meditation 1: Activate the full overlay of the Father/God Wound.Meditation 2: Heal and release your Father/God Wound cellularly, emotionally, spiritually.Meditation 3: Activate your power and upgrade your DNA.This series consists of three 1.5 hour meditation recording in MP3 format that are available for immediate download or streaming.The cost of Healing Your Father/God Wound is $108.Product Page:


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