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Ryan Hall – Pilates for Grapplers

Pilates For Grapplers
[2 DVDs – ISO , 1 AVI]


“Who Else Wants To Have Mutant Flexibility, Obscene Core Strength,Superhuman Endurance, More Relaxed-Intuitional Grappling, Termination of Joint Pains, and a Rejuvenated Body?”Pilates For Grapplers Puts Flexibility And StrengthInto Every Muscle Fiber In Your Body!October 13, 2008Dear Fellow Grappler,My name is Ryan Hall, you may or may not have heard of me, I’m best known for my ability to triangle people.  And actually I just got back this morning, May 29, 2007, from Brazil where I triangled four people in the competition this weekend.  This has taken my triangle count in tournaments to 166 now.But, I’m not here to talk to you about triangles at the moment, if learning how to triangle almost anyone interests you, please visit want to share a secret with you and reveal to you one of my secret weapons for my amazing flexibility.  People always ask me how I got so flexible, what kind of workouts I do, what type of flexibility program I follow and I’ve never shared this with anyone.Well, not until now… You wouldn’t believe all of the things my instructor Lloyd Irvin comes up with. He’s like a mad scientist when it comes to peak performance and athletic performance enhancement.Learn more about this incredible course and be on your way to developing super human flexibility working out only minutes a day…The truth is, being extremely flexible is one of the best advantages you can have in grappling, look at just some of the benefits:    * Say goodbye to strains, sprains and pulls in all your muscles, ligaments and joints! A flexible, limber body able to move in all directions without resistance is much less likely to experience any kind of injury!    * Your newfound range of motion will allow you to perform any and all BJJ and grappling moves… even ‘exotic’ moves like the gogoplata or the rubber guard. Moves you once found difficult, or even impossible, to perform will be done easily!    * Your stiff body, a gift from years of not training flexibility properly, injuries and just working for a living, will relax and become loose so you’re ready to fight easier and on a moments notice!    * Become the guy that’s “too hard to submit”! The flexibility gained from this routine makes your joints amazingly limber, making it hard as hell to be submitted with ankle, knee, and arm locks!    * Feel comfortable and relaxed when in a neck crank, because they won’t affect you!    * Flexibility buys you precious time when you’re being submitted, giving you the extra seconds you need to escape or reverse his submission.    * Make it virtually impossible for your opponent to pass your guard! You’ll be able to keep a high guard making it hard to pass… and… if they do pass, being able to stretch your legs farther allows you to recover your guard quickly and easily!    * If you’re stacked or in a bad position you’ll be able to roll to guard at will, making your opponent’s game plan useless!Learn more about this incredible course and be on your way to developing super human flexibility working out only minutes a day… Enter your name and email address to receive my FREE REPORT“How To Double Your Flexibility Overnight With Pilates For Grapplers”Name: Email: There is simply no better way than this method to strengthen your core; after you use it you’ll notice the following:    * Know how you can strengthen the most-used grappling moves by actually holding them in certain postures… and… why this is the key to being able to blast through these positions when you’re actually fighting!    * Easily avoid neck cranks, and be almost impossible to choke out by developing a more flexible, yet stronger neck!    * You’ll be protecting your joints and ligaments and making ALL your submissions and holds twice as strong because you’ll strengthen all your muscles at their absolute farthest range of motion!    * You’ll be more resilient against armbars and stronger in applying submissions by Restoring crucial elbow strength and mobility…    * Want the perfect recovery “stretch and strengthen” routine for your muscular or joint injuries? This is it!    * It’ll be easy to escape attacks to your upper body (armbars too!) because you’ll have amazing shoulder girdle and upper back flexibility…    * Watch your throws, escapes, submissions and arm and leg movements load with power as all the muscles of your rear-side become insanely strong!    * Your spine will loosen up while feeling stronger and healthier than ever (you’ll FEEL why the Chinese say your spine carries energy throughout your whole body)!    * You’ll find your balance improves tremendously as all your stabilizing muscles are worked overtime with each movement!    * You’ll gain the strength to explode out of bad positions where you’re being contorted by your opponent!    * Injury-proof your most vulnerable area—your lower back, with a series of secret exercises, which will develop a stronger, more sinuous back!Learn more about this incredible course and be on your way to developing super human flexibility working out only minutes a day…


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