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Russell Targ, Keith Harary – The Mind Race – Understanding And Using Psychic Abilities

Russell Targ, Keith Harary – The Mind Race – Understanding And Using Psychic Abilities.pdf
[1 eBook – PDF]

Description reviewPsychic. One word and a host of preconceived ideas and attitudes are likely to pop into the average, intelligent person’s head. Yet this tome by Russell Targ and Keith Harary is not as much a X-Filelike book of government conspiricies and paranormol occurances, rather it is a scientific examination of psychic abilities such as remote viewing and their pratical applications.Remote viewing is an innate ability in more of the population than one might expect according to the authors. It is a phenomena where the subject can describe a target from a spatial and sometimes temporal distance.In this book the co-authors lend credibility to their experiments by reporting their findings in their investigation of Remote Viewing(and precognition) in a very clinical and scientific manner. This objective approach however does nothing to dimninish the writing as their often first person description of how an experiment is handled brings an immediacy to the writing. In other words while one may imagine an objective study of a phenomena that could have huge controversy may be dry reading the opposite is in fact true thanks to the integrity of the authors. Each chapter in this work is progressively reaching a goal or finish line regarding the main thesis/theory of the authors. It starts out with basic definitiions and experimental descriptions, then leads to harder and wider ranging experiments with a bigger impact on both the remote viewer and society at large.This book may have been more exciting if it was a huge conspiracy theory about CIA/KGB brainwashing and doing horrific experiments on subjects in mind control, but it was fascinating and credible in the matter it dealt with without need of sensationistic journalism to make it more interesting it was fascinating enough exactly how it was written.# Hardcover: 294 pages# Publisher: Villard Books; 1st edition (February 1984)# Language: English# ISBN-10: 0394533569# ISBN-13: 978-0394533568Brought to us by redepe Thank you!


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