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RSD – Foundations Ipod Version

[8 DVDs + 2 Remix – Rip]


Description thing about foundations.  Tyler had already written Blueprint.  In DVD 7 and 8 he introduces and discusses topics that are from the blueprint including identity and beliefs.Awesome, lifechanging, game improving stuff!Remix files are very well done ripped from youtube ready to be played on your Ipod!If you are new to elib, this  is  a great place to start.  If you’re advanced, foundations is a great review.Blueprint Ipod is available ‘s description of this video course (Foundations):“What Is The Most Effortless And Direct Way Of Becoming The Cool Guy That Naturally Attracts Women?”Our New FOUNDATIONS Program Will Arm You With The Practical Knowledge You Need To Overcome Your Obstacles And Set You On The Path Of Success With Women IMMEDIATELY…DEAR FRIENDS,            From the same guys who run the most live in-field dating programs across the globe comes the most comprehensive guide designed to get you CONSISTENT RESULTS WITH WOMEN.            We’ve taken the newest insights and cutting-edge techniques  that we’ve developed over the years and crammed them into an in-depth program that will jump-start your success.            How do we do this?            We present a plan that you can instantly apply to your particular situation no matter where you’re at in your skillet or what stage of the game you’re in with a woman.            As with our kick-ass Bootcamp resource, this program is structured to systematically equip you with the core essentials you’ll need to become a MAN OF ACTION.            “I must say the delivery of the information is absolutely awesome. Entertaining, direct, to the point and breaks this process down into manageable steps. They do not just focus on routines.            I was focused on the structure that they were breaking down and explaining brick by brick. My mind blew a fuse more than once. I wrote more there than any university lecture I have ever gone to. I got through two notebooks.            I learned that I could attract women and it had nothing to do with them. It was me. This was a huge relief.”Satori, from Amsterdam, The Netherlands            With our newest Superconference Dating System, which has taken us four years to refine, you can learn the powerful tools to dissipate your fears and get the results you want.            Never before has there been a program so well designed with effective and practical techniques that can be used immediately. The Superconference Series will awaken all of your abilities, skills, and resources that will play a part in your success with women.The Quickest Way To Learn The Advanced Elements Of The Mechanics Of DatingLearn From Executive Producer, Tyler, How To Become An Authority In Dating And Picking up Cool And Attractive Women            Let me ask you a question…            What if I were to tell you that there’s a secret game that’s played everyday?            What if I were to tell you that hundreds of millions of people played this game EVERYDAY?            What if I further told you that most of the people who play this have no idea what they’re doing?            Yes, I’m talking about the GAME OF DATING.            And yet, the mechanics of this game have received comparably little attention with other activities. Clearly people do find each other without consciously knowing a lot about how it happens.            This is where I come in.            As one of the spear-headers of the men’s improvement movement, I treat pickup as a linear science so that you can have control over who you wind up with, and not leave it to the random forces of “fate” and “luck.”            At the same time, I am one of the few to recognize that pickup can sometimes be a grey area, and that not everything can always fit into an exact scientific model. Knowing when something will work and when it will not is KEY to your progress.            At RSD, we pride ourselves for creating a model in our programs that caters to every individual, not dispensing dogmatic advice that won’t work with everybody. We show you how to take the initiative to calibrate the focus of your training wherever you want it, so that you will KNOW what works in a given situation.            Just like our hugely successful live in-field bootcamps, we know how to make our programs resonate with every type of person. The concepts I teach can be tailored to fit your individual goals, so that putting it all together, you have a program that meets all your needs and shortcuts the learning curve.            “You have passed on a skill that’s allowed me to be more confident in approaching women. I’ve been able to “sell myself” & appeal to women.  Everything I’ve feared before now seems ridiculous. Where were you guys when I was in high school? Your company is here now, & I am so glad that I decided to take your course. I discovered that Real Social Dynamics are a group of guys that started off similarly to me & got so fed up w/ the dynamics of dating that they decided to do something about it.  Your work has helped me out in ways I can’t even express. Thank you…thank you…thank you.”Earl K. from Los Angeles, CA, USA            “You’re about to discover the fail-proof ways to attracting and keeping any women you want from the world’s best Dating Expert…”            Let’s face it: to get the specific girlfriend you want, you have to be good with women in general. If not, the girl you want will see right through your insecurities.            I know what it is to come from a place of insecurity.            When my first girlfriend left me, I was totally deflated and it nearly caused me to flunk out of college. This made my goal of graduate school a lot more difficult, making me even more depressed.            I sat around depressed for the next six months. Eventually Idealized that I was way too affected by it, and that it was a sign of a larger shortcoming.            Something was clearly out of alignment with my life.            I set out to get everything that I thought I needed in order to attract quality women.            I made a lot of money, got into a good school, bought a house, a new car, an entertainment unit, and any other superficial thing you can think of. I went to the gym on a daily basis and bought the best clothes I could get.            And after all this, I was back to where I started.            Even when the odd girl would like me, I’d blow it by bringing up that I had all these things.Why? Because they could sense the place of neediness I was coming from. Secretly, I had built all of that up hoping that a woman would notice it.            I read every book and listened to every tape I could find, but only found them unsatisfying.I then made a firm decision that I was going to get this area of my life handled, and I never wavered from that decision. So for a year, I approached at least five women a day and chatted with them, and this experience helped me build the basic set of social skills I needed.            For more than four years, I traveled the world, met anyone with a shred of skill, studied and tested anything that was remotely useful, wrote thousands of articles, and ran workshops every weekend.            Many people speculate why I went so hard on this. The answers a lot simpler than you’d expect: I really just wanted to offer the best program I could, and it was a lot of fun building it.            The FOUNDATIONS GAMEPLAN To Making Your Unhindered Goals A REALITY            Over these years, I have completed the program that may be the most comprehensive and effective method for pickup ever devised.            I know it’s different than ANYTHING out there because all the techniques and content in the program reflects my own evolution in becoming a “natural” with women. The application of the strategies inside the program is the reason I no longer require “pickup lines,” and the reason why I am usually approached by women a few times day.            This digitally recorded and edited CD/DVD program contains over EIGHT hours of me teaching the ideas, strategies, and techniques you’ve come to expect from me for these last FOUR years.              I have called this program, “FOUNDATIONS: The Complete “How To” System To Getting The Girls You Want.”            The great news is that I’m different from a natural, in that I have a conscious understanding of the structure behind what I do. This makes me more qualified to teach the material that I wished I’d had myself growing up.            I pride myself on my ability to inspire transformation in others and help them become “naturals” as well. I have now run more livein-field dating programs than anyone in the world, and this has enabled me to backwards engineer the dating dynamics to make it presentable to you in the best fashion. I can look at any guy, and see what he’s doing right or wrong within seconds.Because of this, I can personally teach you:            • How to SHIFT YOUR THINKING to that of a genuinely cool guy.  By addressing the layers of societal conditioning, I strip away all the myths that have prevented you from building your confidence and social skills in order for you to become the naturally attractive guy you are meant to be.            • How to create massively strong INNER GAME by holding your own while learning how to get good with women. I’m talking about the SPECIFIC ways you can strengthen your FOUNDATIONS everyday, and I give you a game-plan to becoming proactive. I show you how to IMPLEMENT LASTINGHABITS in your personality, so that you won’t feel jealousy, insecurity, or neediness with women ever again.            • A detailed plan on how to become the man who is CONFIDENT in every single situation and who knows how to withstand social pressure. By breaking down female psychology for you, I show you the specific ways that you can eliminate your weak thought patterns.            • A METICULOUS and THOROUGH STEP-BY-STEP BREAKDOWN on the 8 elements of any GOOD PICKUP. I guide you through the whole process and through every possible scenario with hundreds of instantly usable specific tips. I cover every single aspect so that you can automatically cull from the program whenever it comes up.            • A METHODIC system to running a smooth game through ADVANCED LOGISTICS. I give you ADVANCED LEVEL tips and rules for Winging, Phone Game, Sexual Techniques, and Dating Advice for taking the pickup to the next level. I condense so much information on this part that it alone could have been released as a separate program.Because I spend around two hours of the program for each of these topics, I know that the information you will receive is the most up-to date and reliable from the most basic of techniques, tithe stuff that the masters use.            You CAN change the way you are around women.             “All I have to say about Tyler’s presentation was that it ROCKED.  You can tell a lot about someone’s pickup style just by the way they talk. And Tyler can TALK…Listen to him talk – he seems to have a wall around his INNER game and it’s like his OUTER GAME that interacts with the chicks – strictly skillset. That’s how it should be – that’s how someone gets finely tuned at this stuff…            Now for Advanced guys, there are so many different levels to some of the things that Tyler says that he’d say something – and it would trigger a thought process…and even get me started on new ideas and models for the GAME.”Blake W., from Los Angeles, CA, USA Raising Your Standards And Overcoming Your Limiting Beliefs With Women Will Help All Areas Of Your Life            Most guys sort their world through external references: they look at the men who have had the most success with women, and often find that these men are rich and good-looking. They therefore think, “I need money or good looks to be successful with women.”            However, guys need to sort their world through their internal references. It’s the ones who don’t look to others for approval of any sort that have their INNER GAME down. They can easily have success with women, and accomplish anything else they want in life.            In fact, many find out that that the reason the guys with money and looks are successful is because it gives some of them the CONFIDENCE needed to approach women.            Social conditioning has dictated to these guys that having money and looks are what makes them attractive. However, it’s the emotions that you elicit in women that attracts them to you. But again, this will happen ONLY if you have your Inner Game down.            This is because women have an intuitive capacity to know whether or not you are able to get what you want on a consistent basis. If you have any neediness to get women within you, you can make sure that she will pick it up within seconds of meeting you.            Many guys get into painful situations this way. Thinking that it could be a long time before you meet another girl while she can go out and meet another guy at any time often causes jealousy and other pains.            Because being a failure with women is being a failure at one of your core purposes, it can leave a dark cloud hanging over all of your other accomplishments.            The confidence and social skills you build learning to be good with women will help you maintain a better relationship and make you a better role model for your kids, as well as helping you in all the rest of the areas of your life.            When you begin sorting your world through your internal references, everything takes on a new meaning. You will feel that you are getting closer to your definite goal in life, because by learning pickup, you are already satisfying your need to enjoy women and relationships.            You will be completely fulfilled as a man.            New abilities and skills will be awakened in you, and you will feel more complete than you ever have before, knowing that you have the ability of picking up women whenever you want.            You will feel exhilarated by the power to transform your game.


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