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Rori Raye – Have The Relationship You Want

Rori Raye – Have The Relationship You Want [1 eBook – PDF].pdf
[1 eBook – PDF]



www.havetherelationshipyouwant.comYou’ll Learn:- The 5 Keys to creating a great relationship that you can refer back to again and again to feel more empowered and build a stronger, more bonded relationship. (page 13)- Why therapy, psychoanalysis, hypnosis and self-help books may help you know yourself better, but may NOT necessarily change your relationship. Learn why you can almost become “addicted” to therapy and yet not improve how your relationship works… and what to do about it (Chapter 4)- How to bring vague desires and hidden dreams into a clear understanding of what you really want out of your “ideal” relationship… and use that knowledge to break down old, destructive habits and negativity and finally have the blissful love you deserve. (Chapter 5)- How to stop fearful, negative thoughts DEAD in their tracks with an easy exercise you can do anywhere (work, in the car, at home). (page 31-32)-Do you often feel like you don’t have a CHOICE when it comes to the difficult moments in life? An amazing Tool for changing the way you look at your life so you never have to feel “out of control” or like you constantly have to change your man. (page 37-40)-The TRUTH about men and what they really want out of love, and the one way they’re actually different from women (it’s not what you think). How to use these facts to do LESS—rather than more— in order to be loved and cherished. (page 43)-What makes a man want to LEAVE a relationship and how to know he’s thinking of leaving. (page 45)-Why getting a man to commit to you takes an important commitment on YOUR part first… Find out what it is and how to make the right space in your life for marriage or a serious commitment. (page 49-51)-What to do and say when he HURTS YOUR FEELINGS so he’ll stop, pay attention and LISTEN to you. (page 54-55)-A Tool for deciding whether or not your husband or boyfriend is worth sticking it out for, or if your problems outweigh the effort of saving the relationship. (page 56-57)-The most important DECISION you will make about what “role” you’re going to take in your relationship. Not making this decision consciously is one of the most common reasons so many relationships are troubled or difficult. (Chapter 9)-What HUGE mistake today’s women are making in relationships that is creating all kinds of problems in their relationships. (page 64)Are you a go-getting, successful, independent woman? Learn how your personality may actually be pushing him away and how to KEEP yourself authentic while ATTRACTING him to you. (page 68-69)-An easy exercise to create more appreciation—for your man and from him. (page 74-78)-The absolute fastest way to see immediate change in your relationship. (page 80)-The 4 Rules that will change your relationship and eliminate so many of the conflicts you are having with your man, and open the way for happier and more authentic communication. (Chapter 13)-A way to LISTEN that is the complete reverse of how we normally listen… specific techniques that will completely change the way he experiences your relationship overnight. (Chapter 14)-How to tap into your natural “feminine energy” so you feel more relaxed and drive him crazy with devotion and desire for you. (Chapter 15)-A Tool to expressing your feelings in a way that a man will be receptive to. (Chapter 16)-A way to negotiate with a man to get what you want without nagging, pleading or arguing. (page 107-111)-“Overfunctioning”: This is when you are doing it ALL for the relationship—the cooking, the cleaning, the planning, the nurturing, the fixing, the money-making. —Learn how to get OUT of this exhausting cycle and get your man to STEP UP and fulfill his masculine role in the relationship (and turn your relationship around at the same time). (Chapter 19)-Why you may keep picking losers and unavailable men, and how to change that pattern once and for all. (page 126)-A Tool to help you become more authentic and in touch with what you’re really feeling… instead of constantly listening to the conflicting thoughts and feelings in your head. (page 128)-A table of specific words to use for the most common situations when talking to a man so you’ll feel more relaxed and he’ll pay attention. (page 139-142)What to do if FEAR and ANXIETY rule your life and makes it more painful than whatever it is you’re afraid of. (page 151)


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